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What you intend, mentally in the thought and beliefs you hold.  The unconscious and conscious ones, get manifested for you by quantum particles electromagnetically for you to CLEARLY see, sense and experience your intent and its frequency.  

When you have violated freewill and the law of allowing, you electromagnetically attract and entrain with the frequency of your thought and experiences that you intended to deliver to others.  Knowing the result of one’s intent and actions are designed to increase your knowledge and wisdom about your thinking.  Never as punishment or retribution from the compassionate quantum field.  Guilty, ashamed humans residing in quarantine, perceived it as punishment to shame each other.  To keep each other’s vibration low, slow and misdirected.

“Misery does love company.”

The soul is infinite, the death of the biology doesn’t change what the soul attracts and entrains with lifetime after lifetime.  The biology was used as a teaching tool to experience physically and what your thoughts create for you to experience moving your energy into form and action.  Fairness or the “right way” is NOT a CONCEPT in higher frequencies, higher brainwave states and compassionate thinking.  When you do not plan on assigning blame, punishment or penalties what does it matter if it is fair as long as it is compassionate?  Guilt, shame and punishment are NOT compassionate.

Universal or Quantum Principle of PROJECTION or EMANATION is your INTERNAL point of perception, YOUR personal STORY, thought, emotion and reality that you hold to be true for you is what you project out.  Your DNA scans your environment for resonances matching your beliefs.  Then your DNA changes its structure, to match what you chose to perceive.

You are your creator with OPTIONS:

The option to deny and avoid and lie.

The option to create unconsciously or believe in illusions.

The option to tell pretty stories and worship others you choose.

The option to own your creations so you can direct them as you wish.  

You are YOUR creator and the giver of grace and compassion TOO you!  You have the ability to consciously create the perception and belief that you are a victim or tyrant or a compassionate, conscious rational thinker.

Quantum particles are not and NEVER have been “your keeper, judge, god or parent” they only manifest your thought and intent dark or light, mean or kind.  Lies and misdirections you have followed, mistakes you have made, hardships and disappointments you have endured and created about you, are FOR YOU to own and take charge of, to own and change or transmute into the higher frequencies of compassion for you.

Quantum principle of: GRACE would indicate there was judgment and punishment in the light bandwidth and there IS NOT!  Quanta just ARE.  You create your own grace with your compassionate point of perception, intent and thought patterns about you and for you.

Eventually dark thoughts do boomerang back to their sender and creator.  Lies, judgement, punishment, blame, competition, vengeance, shame, guilt, retribution, fear, force or doubt and worry WILL disconnect you from your personal power and skills at being compassionate with you. 

Those creating powerlessness for themself, will attempt to exert power over others to create their illusional sense of worthiness and safety from other Dark Ones that they resonate and align with.

Light Ones only manifest for themselves, their peace, joy, safety, trust and value.