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FLOW Means Change

Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi calls it “optimal experience” is when your energy, expertise, motivation and experiences are challenged, pulled together and your perceptions are all acting aligned together.

  GAMMA brainwaves INTEGRATE all the various bits of information we have received in our other brainwave states.  Originating in the thalamus moving from the back of the brain to the front and back again 40 times per second, drawing different neuronal circuits into alignment with each other to form a coherent whole, this is the brain’s quantum computing skill.  

Albert Einstein explained that quantum particles are energy waves that can become literally anything they want with every addition or shift of energy/thought, they morph into matter as an awareness.

When you meet someone, and for no logical reason you say “I like that person” it is because something happens at the quantum level in the mind of your aura.  There is an exchange of energy/information/knowingness.  Your heartbeat may accelerate and you feel a positive power.  You feel the urge to act, do something.  This is how new ideas, knowingness or options come into our awareness or is downloaded into your consciousness.

Flows of energy are everywhere for you to consciously notice, which is hard to do when you are stressed, distracted, addicted or dissociated.  Check with and trust your senses to guide you through the subtle messages around you.  Flowing is the opposite of controlling or force its effortless.  You wonder or ask and the answer is present for you to notice and translate through what your knowledge consists of.

Law of attraction “quantum computing” presented to your awareness.  

Accepting change, new or different without getting angry, twisted or frustrated is you working with what you are offered.  When you tune out all the 3D minutia and  fears that have been installed in you.

Heraclitus concluded that since the very nature of life is change, to resist this natural flow was to resist the very essence of our existence.  “There is nothing permanent except change,” he said.  The more we try to cling to things, the greater is the suffering we create for the self.

Accepting that everything is impermanent, we can let go of our attachment to people, things and old concepts to live in the present moment.  Realizing that true contentment often lies in letting go.  When we release our attachment to material goods, expectations, and outcomes, we free ourselves from the suffering caused by our desires and expectations and demands.

Compassion comes easier when we abandon our attachment to people, things and experiences.  Allowing ourselves to be open to difficult emotions or circumstances, knowing all is transient, endure and release suffering as its resonance is slow and low residing with Dark Ones.  Cultivating your curiosity and seeking is a much higher frequency and more enjoyable.  Ask what you can learn from them, how can you grow and expand.  Change often presents us with new challenges, but it also brings exciting possibilities waiting to be discovered and implemented.

FLOW, is that moment where your mind, heart, body and environment are in sync and you are not fighting against anything.  Changes in relationships are natural and may even mirror the changes in you and your world.  If you have resonated with a Light One, they will accept and support you as you give and receive compassion to and for each other.  Opening up and relinquishing your withholds, omissions and fears of judgment, blame and rejection helps YOU build trust and honesty with YOU and others.  You become an example of how to use empathy, vulnerability and joy to strengthen all your relationships with bonding. 

WITHHOLDS or OMISSIONS are generally CONSCIOUS passive aggression, anger and fear used to avoid feeling or getting wounded again and it’s also an opportunity to vent on others one more time because they didn’t rescue you from your predator(s).  You “play dumb” misrepresent or mislead another(s).  You will also be  withholding affection, nurturing, warm thoughts, feelings, reassurance and the TRUTH to punish, blame or guilt others.  

MOSTLY, YOU will be “the one” that fails to NOTICE and own that you are receiving affection, nurturing and reassurance that you are lovable and acceptable just as you are.  Because your judgement, blame and punishment is all you think you can get or deserve?  Withholds, omissions and not being vulnerable CREATES YOUR isolation and frequently rejection because you are not being honest or trustworthy.  

Choosing to focus and dwell in past wounds, means NOT focusing on the joys in present time.  Historically, Dark Ones use a child’s delight and joy to “set them up” to be suckered punched again.  

Fact-find to see if what WAS true is still true.  Ask your soul.

Do I continue to entraining with Dark Ones that never disappoint?

Vulnerability in leadership means commitment to getting things right, staying connected and using creativity.  You talk WITH people and not about them.  You care for each other and maintain a compassionate connection with them.  

Giving your advice or lecture unsolicited, implies “I know it, and you don’t.”  Notice when they relocate their consciousness from yours.  Stop talking, save your energy.  Always be present.  Stay open and honest.  Be willing to expose your feelings.  Express what you really want and think.

Humans risk vulnerability to expose the self to a sense of belonging and acceptance, joy, trust and creativity.  People connect closer to those that own their weaknesses.  There is a significant difference between perfectionism and healthy striving.  Perfectionism is not self-improvement or development and perfection is relative to what or who!  Perfectionism is pleasing others in an effort to minimize or avoid blame, judgment, shame or punishment.  Research shows that perfectionism hampers achievement and is correlated with depression, anxiety, addiction, life paralysis and missed opportunities. 

Show up and be seen just as you are.  That is the birthplace of courage and intense experiences especially joyful ones.  Vulnerability is not knowing victory or defeat, it’s accepting that a victory or defeat is RELATIVE.  Victory or defeat are ends on the same continuum of creativity, redirection, joy, vulnerability and gratefulness of being your own creator.  What you focus on and the meaning you give it creates your reality.

Embracing the ever-changing nature of existence allows us to move forward with resilience and grace.  Adopting a more malleable attitude towards change can open our minds, possibilities and options.  Rather than succumb to fear or regret, we can choose to appreciate the lessons that each ending brings.  The power of impermanence is often underestimated, yet it can be a great source of growth and renewal.  Life is an ever-changing journey that we all travel, deny or distract ourself from.