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WE Are in the Dark Night 

The darkest part of the night for the infinite soul is now.  

Going to war, killing, cruelty, violence, wounding and abuse begets more of the same.  Is that why we keep doing it?  Because we want more of the same. 

Quantum Law of ATTRACTION electromagnetically pulls together quanta with “like resonances” similar thoughts, vibrations and intentions.  The sender gets back what they emanate, dwell on and project out.  What comes back to you CLEARLY reflects your perceptions, intent, frequency and reality. 

Human consciousness puts their current feedback loops into play and keeps maintaining them with their focus and intent until they own the awareness and wisdom about CAUSE and EFFECT.  The thoughts they hold and feed, get created/manifested by quantum particles that electromagnetically join up with other like minded thinkers.

Hopelessness, sadness and horror focused on, attracts and entrains with other quantum particles of hopelessness, sadness and horror to create/manifest a mass consciousness of hopelessness, sadness and horror.

It is always desirable to know what you feel, own it and sense it so you are in control of the direction you want to create/manifest for your psyche or consciousness.

Belief that force and control is the way to go, has lost favor in humanities mass consciousness and the countries next to the countries that STILL choose killing as their go to solution and entrainment.  Historically, when criminality, abuses and total lack of compassion were brought to humanities awareness nothing changed.  Now as things lacking compassion are being exposed to people’s awareness and the mass consciousness of humanity being higher than it ever was.  There is a will and strong focused energy now to take ACTION, address and change what always has been true.

Now is the time to stop paying attention to and feeding your energy to Dark One’s creations for themselves and in this reality.  They WILL NOT and CANNOT be fixed because they choose not to fix them and they have freewill.  Know that their current structure in this reality is crumbling.  Please continue to starve it, stop feeding it your energy, attention and focus.  Those choosing higher frequencies of compassion for their infinite soul have been invited to the war and declined the invitation.

Human mass consciousness NOW, is higher than it has ever been on earth.  The individual human has the option to “Log-out” or raise their resonance/consciousness to compassion and the frequency of the quantum field, 5D and beyond.

We are well past the mid-point of the 36 year window from 1994 to 2030 with 2012 as the mid point of opportunity for transmutation into compassionate thought.  The end time or end game to release and allow the old cruel violent timeline to die away.  To start and implement ACTION plans of rooting out corruption and lack of compassion.  It is time to consciously notice and feed integrity and kindness.  Gather the wisdom from the old past and move into the now moment and the future.  

We get more of what we are and focus on, not what we want.  Compassionate acceptance, hopelessness and kindness for you first.  We are in Gaia’s “end cycle” a great void, with all the possible potentials or options available to Her and any humans wanting to join her in Her ascension into the higher frequency of the quantum field of compassion, kindness and integrity.  

From the remaining Dark One’s consciousness still on Gaia, we are experiencing their death throes, their kicking and screaming about the loss of their privileges, cruelty and absolute authority over women, children the animals and each other, that are no longer being attracted vibrationally to their tyranny.  Fear not!  Slow and steadily they are attracting and entraining with another quarantined 4D hologram to continue their low resonating perceptions of fun and games with others that enjoy that vibration.  

The timing is, was and ALWAYS will be up to the individual human and the mass consciousness of humanity!  Dark One’s whining, complaining and tantrums make it a  challenge to stay balanced, but it is important to keep your nervous system, emotional, and mental bodies calm and peaceful.  

Feeling your feelings consciously is important for you to be in charge of them and not triggered into old cycles of self destructive behaviors and unconsciousness.  It’s good to know you are angry because you can then own and experience it for a short period of time and move on.  With your grief you have the option to create more wounds on others or nurture yourself to have compassion to share with others.

Shifting your consciousness is transmutation into a higher frequency adding hope, trust in yourself, compassion and integrity that aligns with quantum/universal law.  As we change our beliefs about how things need to be, the life we see and experience then changes accordingly. 

Compassionate thinking, action and creation is the focus and energy to feed and support as we are creating the future we want.  To experience balance, beauty, deep peace and the radiant joy of our creating.  Many are starting to experience the higher frequencies filtering down through the density and static that dark thinking creates.  Amplify the voice within your heart and consciousness.  Higher frequencies channel wisdom, knowledge and truth.