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SHIFTING Your Perception

Shifting your focus from the you that is physical to your soul essence or higher self that is aligned with receiving and giving only compassion is the perception we are moving toward and want to fall in sync with.  It is much easier for humans to feel compassionate when they are “in love“ like or accept each other as “one of them.”  Maybe you are interested in expanding your compassion to a few of the other kinds of humans in your reality, one at a time.

Offering your compassion telepathically.


The energy field of compassion is felt in your aura and your High Heart outside of the biology.  In the “imagination” of the Third Eye, the Crown, Brow and Throat Chakras.  These are all subtle sensations, not loud or harsh and there are no parades or drama or a musical introduction to announce their presence.  

When offering your compassion to a “stranger in the night” or an individual at the supermarket you see, mentally focus on that one person.  Telepathically say to them, “The compassion in me senses the compassion in you.”  This offering needs to come from your heart.  No need to even make eye contact.  

Then sense the responses you feel in you.

Quantum behavior is VERY complex and exceedingly simple at the same time, but rather confusing for the 3D brain existing in the gray energy fog of fear, cruelty, insensitivity, linear time, space and disinformation still currently present in this reality.  When people speak of love, romance, acceptance or hatred and punishment people will often bring up mystical connections.  They are only “mystical” because one is not familiar with the way quantum particles behave.  

Quantum particles are sentient and neutral having NO agenda other than creating the thoughts of any consciousness.  They think, evolve, are self-directed, know what each other know and always work cooperatively and constructively, there are no secrets or hidden agendas.  Quanta transfer information from one end of the universe to the other end, in “subspace” 10,000 times faster than light without diminishing or altering the information.  Everything, that humans consider past, present and future.  Are all present happening simultaneously in the now moment.

While entangling or melding quantum particles or over-lighting and entraining with others on the quantum level, you are aware of each other’s thought patterns, feelings, emotion, dysfunction, healing, and knowledge. 

The tricky part is knowing what thoughts YOU brought to the entangling and what the other person brought of failed to notice about the entangling of particles.  When  there is doubt, you might think you are having self doubt or a “crisis of faith” that the other person is actually having.  Take the time to figure out who originated a particular thought and the type of energy field you are in together.  

Ask your higher self or soul essence for its input, is that my thought, feeling or pain or does it belong to the other?  Sometimes you just need to surrender to not knowing and/or just accepting the rewiring that maybe happening to either or both of you at that time.

Your BARRIERS, training or dissociation that were placed in your belief system prevent and bounce you OUT of staying conscious long enough to OWN new options and ideas about compassionate information.  Your barriers, training or dissociation block your ability to process and implement new ways to interact with yourself, others and the reality you reside in.

Putting people, places or events into categories or titles: like, “All mothers love their children” or “Honor the meanest bully.”  Means you don’t need to stay conscious to behave as you were instructed to “DO AS I SAY, not as I act.”  Is a habitual reflex, like  brushing your teeth, no need to think about it.  Never a need to own facts about how some mothers abuse their children that grow up to be nasty adults that in turn abuse their children.  Never a need to consider how nasty a tyrant or bullies behave just because they can.  And it would be VERY wise to protect yourself from them.

When you habitually, UNCONSCIOUSLY respond to misdirections, pretty stories and/or lie  AND you are exposed to new truthful information that conflicts with YOUR old painfully installed lies or disinformation you immediately deny, block out and forget the new information.  You DEFAULT to your misdirections, pretty stories and/or lies until you make the conscious choice to dispute and evaluate your programming.  Programming and/or implants possibly installed many, MANY realities ago. 

Elevated consciousness IS having a peaceful countenance, that gives and receives only compassion.  Having the calm wisdom and understanding of the objective observer even in the midst of turmoil.  Our consciousness, knowingness and our biology’s inter-dimensional DNA is being given the OPTION of shifting and changing permanently into higher vibrations.  Carrying the frequency to attract and entrain with good things, without our human effort or force or hard work and endless distractions.

Elevated consciousness says, “I don’t choose it, but I understand it and allow it.”  I am a creator that matches the resonance I enjoy in my reality.

Quantum Principle of SILENCE is to BE aware and fully present, know and allow with silence and nonresistance, especially in your thoughts and feelings. 

When others are mean spirited in your direction, or just acting the way they always act, ALLOW in silence.  Allow them to hold their intent WITHOUT you engaging by entangling your quanta with them or owning any part of it.  BUT you need to remain “dialed in” on what is going on to do that.  Another’s nastiness or self destruction or addiction, is not your job or problem to fix, even when it’s a family member, spouse or adult child.  When others are unable to be nice, do not play with them or include them in your reality. 

When others insist you join their fury, upsets conflicts and wars explain that you are transmuting your anger into constructive solutions.  And possibly, from your heart, telepathically say to them, “The compassion in me senses the compassion in you.”

Sharing aloud, the inside of you is taking the risk of rejection or punishment or wounding.  KNOW others project their perception of themself ONTO you.  You do not need to own, their projection of their self concept and low resonating.  Just observe in silence and keep your electromagnetic energy field closed to them.

Higher Consciousness notices negativity, violence and wounding that happens.  Disconnect and withdraw your energy from those still enjoying that type of thinking and activity, reflecting their self hate and lack of wisdom and kindness.  This disconnection would include all your blood relatives that remain stuck in their dark dense programs and dissociation FROM the now moment’s consciousness.