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Resistance to the TRUTH

Your DOUBT, DENIAL, DISTRACTIONS, DISSOCIATION and CONFUSION are YOU not trusting what you perceive to be true, or your refusal to accept what is true.  The above “D” word thoughts are used to construct a “barrier” and limitations around information that YOU do not want to own or consciously deal with.  

Even if and when there is physical proof that can be seen, touched and felt to let you KNOW what is true.  The confused doubter, refuses to trust their own perceptions and sometimes the physical facts.  A pretty story or an illusion is more comforting momentarily, but fails to give one the peace and comfort or ability to move forward the truth brings sooner or later.


Means you never need to choose or act.

You do not need to commit to an idea, belief, person, event or place.

Operating with the above “D’s” will most likely mean you generally allow others to decide for you.  Which allows you to whine and complain in a feeble or petulant manner about how you are always being victimized.


You set others up by forcing them to decide FOR YOU so you can be judge, jury and deliver the punishment for you not being pleased.  So is your dissociation, denial, distraction or confusion making you a predator or victim?

When you are not responsible for yourself — YOUR THINKING!

ONLY a Dark One will step up to manipulate, use and abuse you.

That is you unconsciously creating for you.

Elevated resonances give and receive ONLY compassion.  Which means you must choose compassion for you and act on it all of the time!  Or the frequency of your consciousness, infinite soul essence will reside in a quarantined frequency for you to express your freewill dangerously, recklessly and being cruel until you gather the wisdom or extinguish your own mean spirited consciousness.

Giving equal weight to ALL possibilities or options, all the ifs, ands, or buts makes each option interrupt and negate each other.  Causing barriers and limitations to your action or commitment to any particular belief or practice other than confusion, self-pity and upsetting yourself over others not pleasing you.

“The confused doubter” often allows other Dark Ones to instal their distortion or lie that will benefit the Dark One’s agendas and “set ups.”  When you KNOW you are being told lies and pretty stories, and choose to go along with them, it’s no different than eating junk food that will NOT nurture you or give you good health.  To continue enjoying junk food, lies, fantasy and “let’s pretend,” keep being in DOUBT and DENIAL.  When and if, the truth “hits them upside the head” leaving no confusion or doubt they claim to have been tricked and lied too, so they can deny culpability, responsibility for themself, their action or inaction.

One can be highly negative, angry and judgmental and never doubt the self.  Some of our politicians exemplify never doubting their mean spirited denials and agendas.  Doubt, denial, distraction, dissociation and confusion allows you to VICTIMIZE yourself by questioning your faith in your perceptions and/or your ability to be compassionate with the self.  You know what the compassionate response and action is and your doubt or denial, gives you permission to avoid it.

The “D” words and confusion can also serve to disconnect you from communing with your higher self and higher frequencies.  Why should they bother guiding and supporting you if you DEMAND that reality and the truth conform to your needs and wishes at the expense of ALL those YOU have attracted and entrained with in the current reality you unconsciously manifested for you? 


Enjoy playing with the doubter in denial that enjoys distraction or dissociation because they are so easy to confuse and manipulate into being used and taken advantage of.  One that does not trust their own perceptions is always ready for a user/abuser to instal their program or agenda for them to follow, which is sugar coated lies and deceptions.  The confused doubter and denier will stay captive to the installed agenda, for as long as the predator or cult leader or parent or religion can control the doubter’s environment that reinforces the installed programs, lies and agendas.  

To avoid playing with Dark Ones you need to stay conscious and commit to being compassionate with you!