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  Starts at birth for ALL babies each lifetime they are born to illuminati parents and family.  The environment itself is used to program.  No matter how the infant behaves or suffers, it is IGNORED and ABUSED physically and emotionally during the day.  Nurturing and caretaking by the parent or cult members happens only at nighttime.  Night is the time for being trained, conditioned, attending rituals and positive reinforcement for rapid obedient compliance. 

Neglect and trauma reinforces rapid dissociation and creates personality splits ready for training.  The goal is an infant that feels invisible, abandoned and worthless unless they are doing a job efficiently and obediently for their cult family, handler or leader.  The child’s environment is totally controlled.  Even nursery schools are frequently Illuminist owned and operated, especially military nursery schools.  At 4 years of age they are tested and trained for future jobs commensurate with their personality and the cults agendas.  For example a psychic child will have a psychic parent.

Testing of the newborn’s reflexes, strength, reaction to heat, cold, pain, light, touch, and sound are tested.  Programmers look for dissociative ability, swift reflexes and reaction times started in vitro.  To encourage continual internal splitting the abuse includes rectal probes, digital and anal rape, electroshock to the fingers, toes, and genitals, cutting the genitalia in ritual settings, bitter hot ingestible substances placed in the infant’s mouth.  To quicken and acclimate  the infant to pain and automatic dissociation. 

The adults in the Illuminati appear to the infant to be inconsistent and unreliable in meeting the child’s needs just like the adults at home are.  Children and adults are kept fearful dissociated and in denial about what is true.  All the children and adults suffer Post Traumatic Stress Disorder PTSD and Dissociative Identity Disorder DID, frequently have migraines, act robotically and are very fearful.  All are trained to never THINK for themselves and trained to carry out orders efficiently or be severely traumatized again.

The Illuminati alter system is coded for training and execution of programs with 13 different colors, because they haven’t learned to read yet.  The infant can eventually have 13 x 13 x 13 = 2,197 possible alternate personalities or alters or splits in one person. 


SEXUAL MAGIC Program or RITUAL is using one or more sexual slaves of either sex to receive demonic energy or demons during rituals, this goes on from childhood forward.


SCORPION Programming was given to Monarch sex slaves both male and female.  The Scorpion program frequency promotes hostility, aggression, suicide, pain, assassination and other wounds.  This programming is located at the root chakra and moves up into the reptilian brain.  Sex is used as a method of survival with a great deal of trickery, treachery and deception.  This vibration is frequently used in their Satanic rituals.  Slaves are consistently belittled and unfavorably compared to others.  The children are available to be used sexually around the world as party favors and for blackmailing influential and wealthy people.


FLOOD programming is designed to keep an Illuminist slave in a continual state of anxiety and fear of more punishment.  That IF they remember something consciously that has happened to them and try to share that information with someone that is “unauthorized to know” that information.  Unauthorized persons, can be internal alters, within the slaves system or external for example a therapist or friend.

If the slave even THINKS about sharing “their Illuminist secrets,” there is a group of alters and fragments that hold highly traumatic memories, which will be released.  These memories reside in the slave’s Delta brainwave state (planet, dreamless sleep or coma state).  They get triggered to release or flood the consciousness of the slave, with wave after wave of the slave’s previous mental, physical and emotional torture and traumas, which can easily happen again and again.  This is triggered frequently if the slave goes into therapy.  To deal with or heal flood programming try to SLOW the memories down by reasoning with the internal controllers or alters within the Delta brainwave state as they are the ones that create the flooding.  Offer to open a portal of greater light and awareness for them to enter.

Guilt, shame, competition and fear have driven our thoughts and behaviors.  In a light compassionate operating system these fears are obsolete.


RITE to REMAIN SILENT Programming is a satanic reversal of the CATHOLIC Mass or the Black Mass and the Black Mary.  The VOW OF SILENCE is a keep quiet program activated by “The walls have ears and the plants have eyes.”  It is explained to the victim, slave  that the seashells and plants have the ability to hear and a sensitive occultist or programmer or trainer can psychically pick up what the plants and seashells hear. These programs trigger PAIN in the tongue, teeth and jaw.

“MAINTAIN IT” is a command to maintain the Vow of Silence.  “MAINTAIN IT and LISTEN” is a command to keep silent and listen to the command that is coming up soon.


NIGHTMARE or NIGHT TERROR Programs are similar to flooding programs.  These programs are triggered automatically when the slave starts processing forbidden material on their own or possibly in therapy.  The Delta alters overwhelm the human with terrifying images and memories while asleep to keep them too run-down and fatigued to think clearly, when they have NOT remained silent or start figuring things out, for themselves. 


NAIAD Programming Naiad, is a submerged aquatic plant with narrow leaves and minute flowers.  NAIAD Programming is about flooding areas of the system with water if there has been a breach in the system. OR flooding internally with water is used to re-enforce OUTSIDE water torture to the slave.

We have opened a portal which you can add too or consider opening a portal of greater light and freewill for the alters, alternate personalities, alternate realities or alternate facts to enter.  To be comforted and educated that they have freewill NOT to serve Dark Ones or anyone else for that matter.  They can choose compassion for the self without blame, judgement, punishment, competition, shame, guilt, or vengeance.  Joy and unconditional love is an option.!


DENIAL programming goes on continuously, the child and adult almost never know what is truth throughout life.  The toddler has been traumatized.  The next morning the trainer acts normally.  This is reinforced a bit later by the toddler being asked what happened the day before.  If the toddler begins to speak of their trauma they are punished for not being truthful.  Denials will continue by others and the toddler is told that they will NEVER be believed.

There will be situation “set ups” by trainers.  A friend may ask about the trauma and if the toddler begins to disclose, torture is implemented.  Eventually the toddler learns to deny any memories.  Alters will be created as the toddler grows, whose purpose will be to deny the trauma and truth.  If any disclosure does happen the child will state it was a nightmare, in a book or movie they saw.