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Journaling With Your Higher Self

Your access to what your soul or higher self or intuition or imagination knows is always available to you and for you.  When you journal about your experiences and your curiosity about why and how, things are as they are.  You’re tapping into your higher intuitive state allowing and accepting more bits of information to drop into your consciousness.  Acknowledge what comes into your awareness, don’t reject, analyze or overthink it, just allow and accept it at this time or you will stop or misdirect the flow.  Write the very first thing that comes in.  You can always explore in greater depth or argue and explore at another time.

Later you can ask questions and expand.

There are so many variables you are not aware of yet and they are continuously in motion in the higher frequencies running through us.  Eternal evolution, change and evolving is what we volunteered for.  If you are on this planet you are experiencing eternally transforming, that is what the mission is.  In higher frequencies the focus and creating and healing is all about you.  Our souls have been waiting for this meeting point movement of actively, of consciously and spiritually working in sync.  Energy and a human’s mental health is connected.  The new normal is evolution.  Ancient prophecies are accurate to some degree but never set in stone. 

Fear is an alarm in the nervous system and anxiety is mini panic attacks.  Dominating or narcissistic personality types run on fear, live and feed on fear.  They have amplified THEIR fears and dominate those around them by creating fears in others instigating conflicts and wars as distractions to avoid feeling their powerlessness and being overwhelmed and frozen by the fear that lives inside of them. 

Their traumas haven’t been allowed to express themselves in trust and safely, yet.  A nervous breakdown is a healthier response in that they cut off any more stimuli.  They dissociate because their system is in overload, they isolate until they feel balanced and safe enough again to rejoin their reality or change it.   Avoiders, avoid, AVOID and avoid some more until one day they will be catapulted into awareness and confusion for a while, with many choices to make that they have been avoiding.

When journaling with your soul or higher self or intuition or imagination and since we are evolving, answers may change at any point, becoming not relevant or accurate.  Also one answer from a higher resonance is only ONE facet generally of a multifaceted question with various answers.  

When your beliefs or fears limit your ability to even entertain multiple options or accept a more complete or an ambiguous answer.  My least favorite is patience, the timing needs to be right for all concerned.  Ideally you will ask more questions to arrive at clarity about any confusion or doubt you may have.  Then there are always the times you need to wait for clarity or an answer needs to unfold for you when you are ready for an answer that doesn’t align with your current beliefs.  Other facets and other people may NOT have decided YET.  That is why an answer from a higher resonance needs to be acted on at the time it is given as that is when it is most accurate.  

When you have a personal agenda, ideological plan or program that “lacks compassion” YOUR higher frequency answer, probably won’t please you or you might not understand what is being conveyed.  A higher frequency one, answering your question will read and understand your motive AND intent for asking and if they can, they will answer a multifaceted question in a way to move your thinking into compassion for you.  Or when you are mean spirited and you both know that, there will be silence. 

Confusion happens because of the way you ask or how you frame your question or you do not understand the quantum law it is not aligned with.  Work on asking what you want to know about, in a different way.  Asking questions can be a very creative activity, educational and fun, especially with the multifaceted questions and answers.  Higher resonances are aligned with quantum or universal laws of give and receive ONLY compassion.  

Compassion doesn’t operate with judgment, punishment, blame, force, better than or less than, competition, vengeance, should or ought too.  Compassionate ones are safe, trusted and felt as balanced, not out to hurt or compete with you.  Lack of compassion is painful and quashes creativity and unconditional love.  

Law of ALLOWING, says you have the RESPONSIBILITY and RIGHT to BE and DO whatever YOU choose, with the intent and resonance your creations carry.

The more happiness and joy YOU create for you, the more joy or happiness you will sense and share with others.  Pets and other animals, are generally accepting and happy to be in our company even when we are not so happy.  Nature’s continuing growth, beauty, nourishment and development is grounding and feels joyful when you allow that awareness into your consciousness.

Happiness and joy in 3D, is often about something fun, important or loving.  In 4D happiness comes through creative activity, fun and laughing with friends, gathering new information in dreams and/or meditations and a good night’s sleep.  In 5D and beyond your frequency is in the quantum field of give and receive only compassion, your joy and happiness expands and reverberate through the dimensions to be shared with all people, pets and conscious ones.

IMPATIENCE gets triggered when you have a goal or wish, that you realize can’t be accomplished in the manner and time frame you envisioned and wanted.  You realize there are more steps or multifaceted ways to achieve your goal or wish.  When you upset the self or get twisted and resist the cosmic flow of energy and other people’s freewill, you move into the weak power of human force, putting you in danger of making irrational or ill timed choices.  Force creates resistance, wounds, distortions and goes against the FLOW.

Upsetting yourself makes tasks or goals more difficult or unpleasant to complete because you have added SUFFERING to your goal or wish.  Creating the illusion of you being victimized, which in turn “justifies” your anger and excuse to vent and become an angry predator.

Allowing things to unfold in the best manner for all those involved is the kind compassionate way to proceed.  Most all the changes happening on earth now are PROCESSES that take years or decades to understand and complete.  

PATIENCE is the capacity to accept or tolerate delays or suffering until it gets more to your liking.  Ideally patience arises naturally when your choice is to enjoy YOU and what you are doing and experiencing in present time.  Changing YOUR point of perception to enjoy your daily chores OR change what you do or how you do it.  Consider what needs your attention and resolution in your perceptions so you can move back into the cosmic flow.