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IMMUTABLE, Consistent and Unchanging

Quantum/Universal truths/laws are!

Alignment with the truths of quantum laws and principles is how you master receiving and giving compassion.  This is true for all sentient one’s thoughts.  For all the various resonances and realities there are in “all that is.”  

TRUTH has a strong solid energy field that stands on its own regardless of the reality you have created, attracted, entrained with and are currently experiencing.  No one’s state of consciousness or influence changes what is true.  Truth enters your awareness through your own human senses and your soul’s meridians and psychic senses in your aura.  EVEN before the human brain decodes what the human body experiences, because the biology has a lower slower frequency than the truth or one’s thoughts have.

Owning the truth about the frequency or resonance of your thoughts and their intent IS being noticed by each of us that are remaining conscious.  Comparison of old unkind thoughts, dark beliefs, misinformation, training and programming that says “force and control” is the way to go, are being contrasted with compassionate kind thinking and acting.

Ideally, exploring and re-experiencing old wounds are used to know the cause and effect and gather the wisdom about the power of our creations.  Knowing the immutable truth allows one to release the drama and repetitive thoughts about wounds received and delivered.

Upset, drama and fear is a WIN and strengthening for the old darkness of Dark One’s siphoning each other’s energy and thought patterns back and forth.  Denial and quid pro quo keep both sides and all entrained parties firmly locked in a low frequency embrace lacking compassion all around, accomplishing nothing that is compassionate, nice, kind or joyful.  

Proclaiming you are light and compassionate or were at one time, WHILE in a dissociated state, is avoiding what is true for you in the now moment.  Higher vibrations, 5D and beyond stay conscious and not in avoidance or denial.  Denial and suppression happens for groups and individuals.  These misdirections and lies get exposed in higher frequencies dropping the thinkers into a quarantined frequency because they are toxic.  

Physical health symptoms may flare up in the healing process of transmuting and rebalancing.  Deal with your changes and transitions compassionately and gracefully.

Universal/Quantum principle of GRACE, is you create your own grace with your compassionate point of perception, intent and thought patterns for you.

You are your creator and the giver of grace TOO you!  

Humans that have decided they have a basic RIGHT to force and control each other, control, deceive, lie and manipulate all the time, like to call it “love.”  They think they know “What is best for you.”

Allowing truth into your awareness, thought patterns and action makes human consciousness more active, hopeful and creative.  Truths and the laws are neutral statements explaining how to give and receive ONLY compassion.  Quanta are sentient, self-directed they NEVER evaluate, blame, humiliate, punish or judge as they manifest human or any consciousness’s thoughts. 

Quantum computers return 10,000 answers in one-second, giving you the optimal solution and alternative options to choose from.  Quanta can transfer information from one end of the universe to the other end, in “subspace,” 10,000 times faster than light. Without being diminished or altered.

Higher vibrations, resonances or brainwave states of consciousness are compassionate all the time.  In the quantum field all are equal, NO SURRENDERING or submitting to any authority other than your own ability to decide, create and restructure.