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“The devil is in the details.” 

This idiomatic phrase means that even the grandest project or endeavor depends on the success of the smallest components.  And, if not closely paid attention to, it could possibly ruin, distort and redirect all your efforts.

If you ask your soul or higher self about your sexual activity, PLEASE break it down into very simple, one answer at a time, questions.  Sexual questions are very multilayered.  Carefully consider what you want to know more about.

All physical things you can catch from a partner(s) are well researched and answered on the internet. 

As with all interactions with others, it is wise to stay conscious, know the thoughts and INTENT you and others have.  Your soul or higher self always have those answers for you, WHEN you ASK!  Higher frequencies honor your freewill.

When you are ready and willing to hear, see and/or know the answer.

Quantum Law of AWARENESS or CONSCIOUSNESS says YOU must consciously make your choices because you ARE held personally responsible for them.  What you create or ALLOW, that lacks compassion, you must transmute or release or rebalance, to move into the higher vibrations of the quantum field.

No one is GIVEN knowledge, it is always present and available to all.  

The human’s job is to stay conscious, NOTICE, choose and use the information that is always present and available.  Information is neutral, the human’s intent and agendas are frequently not.

Discern if anyone’s agenda or intent is to use sexual body parts and sensations to force, control, abuse, retaliate against, humiliate, take advantage of, deceive or use.  Ask your soul, what is my agenda?  What is the partner’s or victims agenda.  Am I so focused and self-absorbed on my agenda that I don’t know or care about the one servicing me or being used by me or I am abusing?

Do or did all actors stay conscious or did they dissociate and run a program or allow a demon or other entity to take over the biology or intent of our activity.  Is your sexual activity with Dark Ones.  Are Dark Ones the people you attract and entrain with?  What agenda do you share with the Dark One’s you attract and entrain with?

In higher frequencies of the quantum field, 5D and beyond, quantum particles are always sentient conscious and compassionate, having NO agenda, attachments, judgment, blame, shame, punishment, guilt, competition, worshipping or retribution.  Quanta manifest your thoughts, consciousness and intent, they can and do create every possibility there is.

When you decide your 3D/4D “god” or money or trauma entanglement or cult or demon or your desire for vengeance is in control and deciding FOR you.  YOU have chosen to allow another Dark One to be responsible for you rendering you powerless, NOT equal to, or responsible for yourself.  Dissociation, distraction, obsession, addiction or being a “confused innocent” is denial of culpability or responsibility for your thoughts and actions.

The above are YOUR creations!  

ONLY you can transmute or change or reinforce them.

Sexual activity is very intimate with other human’s awareness or with other consciousnesses, that open up your electromagnetic fields to each other physically, emotionally mentally and spiritually.  If your sexual activity isn’t compassionate for you and those involved, it would be wise for you to consider consciously dealing with the issue(s) you are trying to avoid, deny culpability or not notice using your sexual activity as a distraction and objectifying each other as only a titillating object to excite or arouse YOUR fantasy or cruelty or anything in between.

Ask your soul what misdirection you need to address first.  Without judgement, blame, punishment or retribution for anyone.

Quantum Principle of SILENCE is to BE aware and fully present, to know and allow with silence and nonresistance, especially in your thought, intent and sensations.