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Your resonance and intent is entrained with what is in your life.

Be cautious about the company you keep.  Associating and engaging with those of low reputation and vibration are generally unconscious and not trustworthy.  You may entrain with their lower resonance and join their faulty logic, assumptions, premises, lies and data the unscrupulous and unconscious robotically own and act on.

You choose, unconsciously or consciously, how long you want to stay in any resonance or vibration, because you ARE your creator of your vibration and intent.  Which electromagnetically attracts “LIKE” or similar vibrating people, experiences and events to your vibration for you to entrain, engage and associate with.  

It is always your choice to decide how you feel and react.

Feel and react as a victim, angry, confused, or you might believe in magic, super heroes, god or a reptilian that wants to rescue, favor or punish you.  You could reframe and redirect that energy to create something useful, constructive or compassionate for you or just walk away.  

You ARE your creator.

  Are you feeding off of and reacting to another’s resonance? 

OR are you consciously creating your own choices and their resonance?

YOU are the conscious or unconscious and reactive creator of your vibrational intentions, thoughts and actions.  You choose what you consciously focus on and feed your energy to and remain entrained with. 

Universal or quantum Principle of CAUSE and EFFECT or RECIPROCAL ACTION, says nothing happens by chance or outside of the quantum field’s laws and principles.  The fact that you cannot identify a cause or effect is irrelevant.   For every thought, intent or action there is a vibration, reaction and consequence you create for you.

RECIPROCAL means given, felt, or done in return.  Binding two or more parties or energies equally to an agreement or obligation, mutual action or relationship.  BUT in the dark of low vibrations “the effect” may take many incarnations to happen.  “Cause and effect” or karmic rebalancing of energy happens immediately in the quantum field of give and receive ONLY compassion or your consciousness is dropped into quarantined 4D reality with a resonance matching yours.

Earth WAS a school of cause and effect, you gather the wisdom or you don’t. 

The year 2013 and beyond marks the start of our fifth try at moving BACK into the quantum field of consciousness, which is give and receive only compassion.  Dark CYCLES we STARTED are being completed currently.  IF and when YOU gather the wisdom of what you caused and feel the effect it has on the receiver.  Gather the wisdom and transmute YOUR frequency into compassion for you.

Our grey soul essence’s lost being compassionate slowly, over hundreds and thousands of incarnations.  All thought’s resonance compassionate or not are returned to the sender individually and as a group.  Again what is in your life, you attracted and entrained with and you are the only one that can change the resonance of your thinking by staying conscious and choosing higher frequency thoughts.

You  know how it felts to receive being judged, blamed, abused, at the mercy of arrogance and delusions of superiority.  Being on the receiving end of this cycle allows you to reconsider your willingness to maintain the those thoughts and intentions.  In any lifetime or incarnation you have forced others, were greedy, selfish or insensitive you put a feedback loop into operation.  Now that you are receiving, sensing and feeling that energy and intent, instead of feeling like the creator you WERE.  You feel VICTIMIZED or punished and persecuted unjustly.  Just as the ones you tormented felt so many realities ago. 

It is hard to connect the causes and effects, when it was many incarnations ago, BUT it is very safe to assume the unbalanced energy present TODAY is trying to get you to gather the wisdom and compassion.  WITHOUT judgement, blame, guilt, competition, fear, retribution, vengeance, shame, or punishment.  To gift the self with love, forgiveness and acceptance unconditionally.  

High vibrating thought patterns are of compassion, forgiveness, safety, trust, shared constructive purpose and creativity.  That spectrum of electromagnetic radiant energy is a spherically shaped feedback loop without extremes because wisdom and balance are maintained.  Your infinite soul is ALWAYS conscious, responsible for the self and treats each other as equals.  There is ONLY present time including past, present and future NOT sequenced, but mostly by theme.  Time, space and linear sequence are illusions of this holographic earth and humanity.