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Portals, corridors, wormholes, vortexes and human consciousness are used to transition into other states of consciousness, resonance, vibration, reality or dimension.

A PORTAL OPENER is anyone or any consciousness carrying more compassion/light than the one they are opening a portal for, at the time they open the portal.  Yes, a dark one can open a portal for one with greater darkness.  A portal of greater light or compassion is moving a soul’s awareness or any consciousness, into the next highest frequency or resonance into closer alignment with quantum or universal immutable laws and principles.

Opening a portal of greater light is a great way to move yourself into your next level of compassion for you, while simultaneously assisting stuck energies into their next highest frequency of compassion and light.  Dark souls, confused relatives without a biology, demons, chaotic dark or confused energy hanging around you might like a portal of greater light opened for them.  Any stuck energy a human helps transmute, helps Gaia and humanities mass consciousness to clean up our energy fields of static and interference of the low slow vibrations of chaos.  Offer to open a portal of greater compassion, comfort, knowledge and information for them and include any others hanging around with them.

For someone, an entity or a gray soul essence that is confused and disoriented wanting to know what has happened to them.  Tell them what you know and can offer about their situation.  It is calming for them to know the detailed truth, even when they need to be told they died during a sudden attack.

Then you can offer to open a portal of greater compassion, comfort, knowledge and information for them and anyone else hanging around with them.  ASK the one(s) you open a portal for, if they would like to enter, as this honors their freewill.  When you “imagine” moving into a portal, you are in reality, only giving your 3D brain time to shift into a higher state of consciousness.  This is NOT a gradual process that needs chants, mantras or rituals.  Opening a portal for the self and others is YOU taking your action and thought into your next higher frequency.

Thinking and intending it, makes it so!  

Your perception of a portal can be thought, visual, felt, sensed, imagined or even heard.  Some people only experience portals while they are asleep.  Thousands of these portals or distribution centers are located in space for a wide variety of purposes, but mainly to move from one frequency or vibration to another. 

UNIVERSAL or CELESTIAL portals are generally inter-planetary or inter-galactic portals and only open during certain lunar and stellar alignments and cycles like full moons or eclipses or solstices.  Corridors can be for planets, solar systems, galaxies and universes to be protected and cared for during intense transformation into higher frequencies.

Dark portals are opened and maintained with MATCHING vibrations of anger, violence and mean spirited controlling energy of force, like sexual abuse fantasies, violence and destruction.  Dark portals “leak energy” of sexual force, control and/or entitlement, which Dark Ones find an irresistible invitation and want to join.  Being entrained with a dark cord, streak, portal or corridor or person, will ALWAYS restrict the amount of compassion/light you can hold.  

Law of Entrainment, homogenizes customs, ideas, values, consciousness creating harmony within that very particular energy field of an individual or group.  Visually, dark portals have streaks or bands of black and brown colored energy seen running through that person’s aura, confusion and/or denial is a gray cloud found in the person’s aura.

Gaia asked several of us to open a portal of greater light for Her, to help clear the lower frequencies out of her energy field.  What humans have created, humans need to transmute back into higher frequencies.  The lower frequencies we addressed and offered a portal for, included all the world’s internal and external handlers, enablers, valences, Dark Ones, confused and dark dead relatives, demons or Ghosts which are frequently spiritually confused and desire to stop serving and being entrained or indentured to other Dark Ones. 

We invited them and all others hanging around them to enter our portal of greater compassion, comfort, knowledge and information to be educated, comforted and gather some wisdom about the choice of compassion and other various options without blame, judgement, punishment, shame, humiliation, guilt, competition, force or vengeance for them or anyone else. 

Some CROP CIRCLES are created by satellite transmission and are controlled by the illuminati.  Some crop circles are inter-dimensional portals used to teleport energy fields and messages to and from earth.

A VORTEX is anything that draws surrounding things into its current, and is used to transport those energies, thought patterns, intent and other stuff.At Gaia’s request several of us humans opened a vortex for the dark or gray soul astro bodies on earth, that consistently carry less than 70% light.  As they release their biology, they are transported to another quarantined reality to continue exploring their freewill.  The vortex we opened started over the Dominican Republic that eventually surrounded Gaia energetically leading away from earth.

OVERLAYING AURAS or OVER-LIGHTING is a higher resonance or frequency offering an energy field of compassionate thought pattern(s), new information and different options by entangling quantum particles with another’s consciousness for a bit of time.  This is a method used to expand a person or a group’s awareness without the use of force and honoring the quantum law of allowing.  This process is immersion into the next higher resonance of knowledge and wisdom, while still offering freewill to notice and use, choose, or not to use and ignore.  This happens individually, as a group, planet or universe.  Gaia’s mass consciousness and those that are in a higher frequency of her aura are experiencing quantum entanglement currently.

Gaia, the motherboard and all others in this holograph are being immersed in faster spinning quanta.  Some people notice, integrate and expand with the frequencies.  Dark Ones are exceedingly uncomfortable and increasingly unbalanced, reacting with anger, upset and sometimes violence and war.  They don’t want to surrender the short lived perks of suppressing, forcing and controlling the self and others.