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   When you want to gather the wisdom from your tapestry of wounds and illusions of being “special” and more wounded than anyone else.  The wounds and abuses that you received and delivered during hundreds and thousands of incarnations on Earth and on other planets, consider asking your higher self for a YouTube or slideshow about the ORIGINAL wound or issue YOU put into motion.  About any particular wound or energy field or issue you have on that theme, that you want to understand and explore in greater depth, what you caused and the effect it had on you. 

Possibly in one of your past incarnation you were royalty or in a powerful position and still believe you are outstandingly special, need to be adored and crave way too much supplication (begging) and attention.  When you crave attention other Dark Ones DO notice you, and will “love bomb” you or “blow smoke up your bum” because their flattery and attention feeds your need for puffery (false praise), giving you, your sense of worth, illusional value and power.  

Admiration or attention is not coming from you, or necessarily to you.

Admiration or attention is never an indication of how you feel about you.

Lavishing someone with attention, their specialness or your affection or “set up” is frequently used to influence and manipulate those that do not accept themself well.  They settle for and are ONLY comfortable with ‘quid pro quo,” a favor or advantage granted or expected in return.  

DO you choose to believe you have compassion for and carry an elevated vibration, even when you continue to feed on flattery and other’s manipulation and falseness.  That is the DENIAL of Dark Ones that leave their electromagnetic energy field open for each other to feed from.  This is not compassion. 

To view and understand consciously your entire feedback loop, ask your higher self to present your original thought’s and incident for you to re-experience, as a YouTube or slideshow.  That would be what you put into play or ‘the cause.”  Now in this present lifetime or moment you are getting to experience “the effect” or be the receiver of what you personally projected out from you to gift others with.  In fact you may still be emanating rather dark or negativing thinking and intents or living in your wounds, anger and need for vengeance. 

The law of conservation of energy states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed – only converted from one form of energy into another form.


Your vibration and intent electromagnetically attracted it to you.  You associated and entrained with it, feed it and nurture it.  YOU are the conscious or unconscious creator of your experiences OR allow another(s) to think FOR you.  Going along to get along.  OR getting as good as you gave.

Ask your higher self for the original incident, you put into motion, which may be from your childhood or an alternate or parallel reality or past lifetime.  Once you know about the original incident it gives you clarity and information as to why you are experiencing what you are experiencing today.

Quantum Principle of PRIVACY 

Everyone is entitled to privacy and others can’t infringe, read minds or question their motives without their consent. 

The quantum principle PRIVACY is WHY the invisible realm needs to be INVITED into your space.  You invite them by speaking out-loud. That gives them consent.  Use their name or job description.  Be specific about what you want to be aware of.  Broad questions having multiple answers may not get easily addressed.  A series of very pointed questions are more profitable.  All that information is stored on a helix of your multidimensional DNA strands or grid system or aura WITH the feelings, intent and thoughts you experienced and had during those incidents.  Your judgment, blame, shame, punishment, guilt, competition, worshipping, anger, venting, retribution or vengeance are low vibrations that stay with you UNTIL you transmute them.  

Compassion for the self elevates your vibration.

YOU CREATOR, create your own grace with your compassionate point of perception, intent and thought patterns about you and for you.

Memory and dreams are NOW blending into the same thing to help the human be conscious and accepting of what is true about their history.  These memories and dreams MAY appear confusing because they are presented in their order of importance to YOU for your growth, acceptance and compassion for you.  Events are not generally presented in linear or chronological order.  In higher frequency’s there is NO time, space, fear, judgment, blame, anxiety, shame or humiliation.  Things are arranged by theme or the quantum law you are having resistance to alining with.

To know the truth you need to stay conscious.

No one is GIVEN knowledge, it is always present and available to all.  The human’s job is to NOTICE, match resonance with it and choose to use the information that is always present and available.  Information is neutral, the human’s intent or agenda may not be.

You feed or release thoughts, feelings and agendas by feeding or not feeding them your conscious focus and energy.  You do not allow others to do YOUR thinking or acting on your behalf, which happens when you are addicted, unconscious, obsessed or dissociated.  When you ALLOW another human, demon, alternate personality, vengeful god or reptilian to control your biology or soul.  We have been trained by our “over lords” parents and the 3D gods to WAIT for someone else to decide FOR US.  To WAIT for some reward or punishment to be delivered by another or after the biology dies.  To work hard and sacrifice for those manipulating and using us INSTEAD of being the creator we are, responsible for the self. 


As humanity WAITS for their rewards, not many pleasant things happen?