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Inner Knowledge Is POWER

Do you know enough to ask a good question?

Ask for what else you want to know and understand.

We are transitioning from our sense of isolation into consciously knowing, owning and sensing as we open our hearts and minds, to our soul, higher self and the invisible realm in the quantum field.  Alignment with our inner world and knowing what it knows, aligns us with our life’s path and purpose simultaneously.

Normalizing our intuitive abilities, skills and the information our senses have that are always available to us when we care about ourself, focus on them and use them to understand cause and effect with greater depth.  This process and ability re-attunes you back into the higher frequency of your soul’s compassion.

Higher frequency communication comes through our inner senses.  Always compassionately sending information, inspiration and guidance at the pace and level you are willing and able to accept new information and truths that possibly, probably conflict with some of your long held assumptions and darker emotions and feelings of hate, anger and despair.

Quantum Principle of ENTHUSIASM is that new thoughts generate eager enjoyment and are ALWAYS showing up to challenge old beliefs and perceptions.  New thought can come from within you or most anyplace.  The law of attraction provides you with vibrational matches.

Knowledge opens doors that don’t necessarily close and allows even more information into your awareness while awake or asleep.  While you sleep your conscious brain that puts the biology’s survival first, sleeps also.  Rendering it unable to censor or dispute information and messages your soul is sharing with you. 

You can ask a question right before you fall asleep.

As you wake up, write down the first thing that pops into your awareness, you can argue, explore and question it later.  Write what you remember from your dreams and how it felt.  The feeling is most important because generally the dream is symbolic and the feeling is key to understanding you.  What do the people represent to you, their emotional makeup?  While analyzing dreams allow the brain to observe and not interfere or judge.  When answers are not understood by you keep asking but in a different way each time.

By retracing a thought your feeling is most important and may get stronger. with added information your soul can provide for you.  When you write a dream down you move back into the same brainwave state of intuitiveness you had while dreaming.  This is also to ask any other questions you have.  The soul communes with you through your  intuition or inner-senses, feelings, seeing, hearing, or knowing.

Your brain or intellect only knows what it knows based on previous conscious experiences of this lifetime lacking all the information the soul uses compassionately.  Accessing new information or modifying existing knowledge, behaviors, skills, values or preference by focusing in on your own thoughts can be very fruitful.  It is important to know what effect your action will create before you go down that at path and “make it so!”

How would your option affect you, your life?  

New options are offered if and when you seek them and you will interpret them through your current beliefs and limits.  Your higher self or soul overlays or over-light your aura with new information and thoughts to honor The Law of Allowing.  The human can consider new option(s) or not or not even notice them.  This is one method used to expand a person or group’s awareness without the use of force or control.  This process is immersion into the next higher resonance of options and awareness, that can happen individually or for a group or the planet’s mass consciousness.

You can ask your higher self or soul to give you a body scan to help realign and/or heal any body part not in sync with the rest of the body.

During our many incarnations in 3D/4D, lies and disinformation have been  PAINFULLY installed into our belief systems.  When you seek, read about or experience new knowledge or information that CONFLICTS with YOUR old painfully installed lies or disinformation and you haven’t consciously disputed the lies YET!  Your default defense mechanism will be to deny, block out and forget the new, most likely true information then default to the lies and disinformation action/belief, especially if you dissociate or value other’s thoughts over yours.

You may well continue to seek out the same new information and keep forgetting it as you compare it “unconsciously or consciously” to any trauma based lessons and belief you hold and still hold UNTIL YOU consciously challenge and change them.  You get exposed over and over to new information but embrace and own YOUR old trauma based INSTALLED lies passing for truth and generally confusion.  To have power and change the unconscious you must stay in present time.  Conflicting thoughts trigger abuse victims, and they short circuit only to double down on their denial and disbelief in new truths.

When we were quarantined because we lacked compassion, from the quantum field we lost the ability to read what was happening in it, because our vibration was too low and slow to know what was there.  When you verbalize and focus on your fears, doubt and worry or anger you manifest, attract and entrain with them.  Your point of perception creates your reality.

Currently Gaia the Earth’s motherboard and all her life forms are being immersed or overlayed in DELTA  fourth dimension energy and GAMMA, fifth dimension energy fields.  Some people notice and integrate the frequencies.  Dark Ones are exceedingly uncomfortable and unbalanced with higher resonances and react with anger, upset and sometimes violence and war.  They want to keep their positions of power their human force.  The biggest pollution or toxicity we have currently is the lies, secrets and misdirections social media and all media continuously spew forth.  You are the only one with the power and choice to disengage.