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Constant LOW Quality Information

Listen to your words to find out if you are thinking or just “parroting static.” 

The “talking” heard from parrots is mimicry of all manner of sounds.  They imitate many things, from spoken words to creaking doors to barking dogs.  Most parrots simply mimic and amplify their owners.  They don’t really know what they’re saying.

The largest toxic pollution we consciously choose to engage in is Television, radio news, commercials, messaging, emails, social media and people that parrot what they hear without fact checking or understanding or listening to what comes out of their mouth.  Many are just paid well to lie to sell things or products that are useless and/or harmful.

This is distraction, static, noise designed to maintain your state of dissociation or unconsciousness so you won’t bother thinking or evaluating for yourself.  Someone awake and aware discerns and decides instead of reacting or being triggered.

Withdrawing from low quality noise and information is like withdrawing from sugar, the natural foods you eat start to taste sweet again.  Withdrawing from low quality noise and information means staying in touch with how you feel, what you sense and discerning what you really want for you.

Your calm peaceful creative aspects of you.

Regardless of the origin of a thought, feeling, emotion, healing, dysfunction or knowledge.  You CAN take ownership of an entangled entrainment to move it in another direction, reinforce it or leave it, as long as you STAY conscious.

Quantum Principle of PERPETUAL TRANSMUTATION is all sentient beings can change their resonance, intent or state of consciousness continuously.

Transmutation is conscious movement into higher frequencies of compassion.  You ALONE hold the power to change your low resonating thought and intent patterns of negativity, sadness, anger, blame, righteous indignation, competition, shame and judgment into thought patterns of compassion for you.  

The first law of thermodynamics, also known as Law of Conservation of Energy, states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed; energy can only be transferred or changed from one form to another. 

Dimming your focus, consciousness decreases your awareness of who and what you are and deciding for yourself how to go about creating what you want.  Since there are no secrets, time or space in the quantum field, sharing knowledge, thoughts, ideas, or feelings without language is easy and can be done telepathically by going within to explore concepts, pictures or words.  You connect with another soul essence by focusing on them or calling out loud their name or job title.  Their consciousness will immediately be present with you, maybe NOT the human.

Souls recognize each other by their individual signature frequency, aura, or energy field.  People are attracted and entrained together because of shared interests and frequencies.  Always be aware that when you engage with another soul essence, that doesn’t mean “the human” is aware, but they certainly can be.

There is a wide variety of realities and energy fields that exist in the universe and on and in Gaia.  These are viewed as “overlays,” with the lowest frequency realities at the bottom of the resonance overlays.  “Frequency” or resonance is about how fast the quantum particles spin.  3D/4D and physicality were created because the spin was so slow and low that it collected matter, which slowed it down even more and solidifying its light and energy.  Just like “parroting static” interferes with what is clear communication and the truth.