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Be quiet and peaceful to allow your intuition’s soft, subtle and truthful awareness flow into your consciousness.  If you are not ready for the truth or willing to hear/sense it, you may not hear it or sense it.  Higher frequency information is always presented compassionately and in a manner tailored for you so you can accept it.  The information may not be what you were wanting, but from higher frequencies you will hear or sense what is true.

When information is nasty, judgmental or mean spirited it is not coming from a higher frequency.  Frequently it will be coming from you, unable to be compassionate and kind to you.

Higher frequency information is a resource, guidance and support to assist you into alignment with the universe’s and quantum field’s compassionate receiving and giving.  ALLOWING, asking questions to clarify your thoughts and be given a “heads UP’ about future events.  Noodling to put together new information with your old beliefs and evaluating the wisdom you have now.  How profitable your movement into various directions will be. 

Demanding, your neediness or force, shuts down intuition and allowing.

It is wise to collect new information and process it with what you know before acting on anything to rapidly.  Avoid forcing or judging too soon and running into a dead end or confusion.  Ideas and gut feelings can just pop in to help you align your actions with compassion for you, like stay home, rest and nurture yourself.  You might need that energy for something YOU hadn’t planned for or were aware of. 

Form questions to noodle without getting lost in CONTROLLING the minutia.  There are many more options and grander plans than you ever thought about or even were able to consider.  Whole or large ideas or concepts you want to work with can be the most constructive.  Allow your intuition to drop in new ideas and solutions to consider or directions to go in.  The path of creating may have many side roads to go down that seem unrelated, but will become of value later on.

The change in operating systems from a bias to darkness to compassion means we can reset our priorities and be successful more frequently.  Your soul/higher self reads the highest probability of what will work for its human.  Intuiting new warm fuzzy information and options without fear or worry.  BUT, the human needs to ACT on information or nothing much happens.  

Historically, we have operated in an exceedingly limited number of thought patters and generally with some fear, oppression, suppression and anger.  With very small amounts or percentages of compassion, wisdom and joy.  Your higher self can share the percentages of light/compassion every aspect of sentient life carries, including events, people, groups, countries and the individual you are trying to get to know better, understand or work with.  Just ask, for the percentage of light/compassion a person, place or thing carries and the period of time you want to know about, if it is not in the now moment.

Then listen and integrate your old and new information to gather broader knowing and understanding.  By knowing the percentage of light/compassion a person, place, event or thing has, gives you salient and succinct information about them so you can act and interact accordingly and safely with them or be wise enough to avoid them and allow them their path without your interference taking you both off your path, onto a path of distractions from consciousness, compassion and wisdom.

Knowing the percentage of light currently and the direction their compassion is moving, into less or greater compassion, is how your 5D/6D higher self can make reasonably accurate statements about the direction things are heading.  This is NOT predestination it is only potentials and predispositions.  Below 60% generally lacks compassion, light, wisdom and alignment with quantum laws.  When Gaia operated with a dark bias for the last 13 thousand years, the average percentage of light on the planet was roughly 40% light, compassion, wisdom, and alignment with quantum laws.

Knowledge isn’t action or belief.  Your higher self or intuition, may drop particular information you have expressed wanting or needing to know about, but you need to ACT on it to benefit from the awareness you have asked for and been granted.

Other parties consciousness could change direction, making the information you got change also.  You may get information about things you emanate and intend to create with, at the time you get it.  The quantum field operates with the belief, that if you can’t form the specific question, you are not ready to handle or accept the answer.  Small narrow questions are generally best.  Lots and lots of questions to increase your understanding are good.