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Means being curious about what makes you tick or shuts you down.

Having conscious awareness of your abilities, skills and  limitations.  You are your creator so the better you truthfully and honestly know and understand you, the better you can create for your maximum joy and fun.  Start with you accepting you just as you are.  Exploring, understanding and gathering the wisdom about the causes and effects of your experiences, in all of your incarnations, and how they have shaped the current you.  That gives you a lot of information for you to work with to better understand what you have attracted to you and you entrained with.

Quantum Law of ATTRACTION electromagnetically pulls together quanta with “like resonances” similar thoughts, vibrations and intentions.  The sender gets back what they emanate, dwell on and project out.  What comes back to you CLEARLY reflects your perceptions, intent, frequency and reality.  No matter how many incarnations ago you put these aspects of you into play.

Denying culpability means not owning responsibility for your creations.

How can you change your creation if you don’t own it?

Isolate one item or characteristic about you that you are curious about.  Then ask your soul or higher self for information you need to be conscious of to further own and  understand the cause and effect.  This will most likely, be only one small step you will need to repeat OVER and over again to create THE much larger picture of all the experiences YOU have created for yourself consciously and unconsciously to gather the wisdom.  The wisdom you need to implement to reside in the higher frequencies of energy that give’s and receive’s only compassion.

Being the conscious director and creator of your reality can be a full time job until you get the hang of it.  Increasing your understanding about your triggers, that put you into unconscious stimulus responses, is one important aspect of you that may need redirection.  Being and staying conscious is the only way to redesign your habitual responses you have had incarnation after incarnation.  Know what you do so you can discern how you want to redirect you.  

Release the lies and misdirections you have followed.  Without judgement, blame or punishment to anyone or thing. 

Quantum Principle of ENTHUSIASM: new thoughts generate enjoyment and are ALWAYS showing up to challenge old beliefs and perceptions.  New thought come from within or most anyplace and are vibrational matches to your’s.

It’s empowering to feel joy, curiosity and enthusiasm that opens the heart chakra.  Yes, there are many others on the planet experiencing difficulty, trauma, war and death at this time, BUT you entraining with that low resonances feeds the hopelessness fear, depression and stagnation, which does not help or support you or them.  Yes, if you can help or guide while maintaining a higher resonance that is excellent.  Your personal joy helps raise consciousness, is a good example and possibly presents new creative options and hope for others to consider.  Joy and vulnerability takes courage with all the “warm fuzzies” vulnerability has to offer.

Embrace what makes you unique.  People who love themselves in a healthy way know that they are flawed and make mistakes, but they are seekers.  They accept and care about themselves and seek ways to evolve their giving and receiving compassion.  Focus on your acceptance with compassion, will help you dissipate your fear, anxiety, anger and wounds.

Release dwelling on the things you can’t change.  Or figure out away to put a positive spin on them.  Identify and work with your strengths, creativity and potentials.  You are in process of unfolding what you have always carried inside but forgot how to access and own.  Stop expecting others to direct and create what ONLY you have the right and responsibility to create for you.  YOUR lack of self-acceptance and compassion limits your capacity for happiness and your psychological and emotional well-being.  

Quantum Principle of AUTHORITY and RESPONSIBILITY, says the one aware, worthy and capable of carrying out an action has the authority and responsibility to respond to your need and other’s WITHOUT having an agenda. Is that YOU?

I guarantee that no one else can do it for you. 

Focus on negativity attracts and entrains you to more of the same.

Avoid comparing yourself to others, you’re your unique creation.  

You upsetting yourself, is YOUR creation, and lowers your resonance to match the Dark One’s intent and vibration which allows them even greater access to you.

Matching vibrations means sharing each other’s thought patterns, intent, anger, fear or compassionate energy.  You both have attracted and entrained together for the period of time you have decided on.  Your time of entrainment together includes your thoughts about them, even when they are not physically present or not saying anything out loud.

Are you remaining “in a state of upset” over what you have NO control over?  How wise is that?