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Established HARMONY

Established harmony is the entrainment of synchronized oscillating quantum particle’s resonance and intent together.  That homogenize’s to make a uniform similar resonance, brainwave, thought pattern, consciousness, ideas, intent and values.  

Quantum Principle of HARMONY and AGREEMENT, says efforts to manipulate, trick, coerce, compromise or force harmony and agreement is having an agenda that DISRUPTS areas of harmony already established.

When children, people or countries are getting along well, allow that without your neediness for attention, need for conflict or chaos to disrupt their harmony so you won’t be alone with your own dark thoughts, unwilling to focus on something constructive and enjoyable for you to engage in.

CONFLICTS are constructive when understood and clarified with deep listening.  You will uncover some small area of agreement that can be expanded to eventually reach harmony and compassion between even hostile enemies.

Lower consciousness, the weak human FORCE of NOT allowing by a few pushing an agenda against the many is why this planet has been quarantined, because their force is toxic and lacks compassion for anyone.  Fearful obedience while waiting for another to bestow a reward does not create your self worth or joy.  PROTECTING the self from potential wounds, by aligning with the bully or tyrant is a low frequency that attracts and entrains you to those that spend their consciousness wounding, blaming, judging and punishing each other and YOU.

Human consciousness is hardwired for compassion, helpfulness, kindness and gratitude which increase our sense of safety, trust and connection with each other.  Humans are curious about “what’s it all about” and want to care for each other, their environment and the planet.  They seek new options and peaceful ways to resolve conflicts.  The focus is on cooperation, empathy and equality. CONNECTION with higher vibrating thoughts, intent, trust and safety which attracts and entrains humans into harmony with each other that choose to feed their soul and enjoy expanding their creativity and compassion.

As long as you use your freewill to demand what you think you are OWED, for example, vengeance, punishment, getting even, out smarting, watching them suffer, getting their “conditional love,” acceptance or money, proving them wrong or right, blaming or judging them YOUR electromagnetic grid or aura surrounding your body will be OPEN too THEM and attracting other like minded dark ones.  Your entrainment WITH them even for a few moments in your thoughts will be force IF they engage with you in a tit for tat, the infliction of a perceived injury or insult in return, for one you percieve suffering.

Engaging means siphoning each other’s energy and games of “I WIN!”  Making dark agreements of sacrifice, incurring debt or compromising your mental and physical health.  Demanding, wanting or waiting for something from someone that DOES NOT want to give “it” to you or cannot give it to you is maintaining a state of powerlessness, passivity or stagnation and distraction from compassion for you.

Universal or Quantum law of ENTRAINMENT requires two or more frequencies; resonances, realities or thoughts existing in the same space MUST combine to create a SINGLE resonance.  That applies to all sentient beings, humans, planets, universes and your thoughts.

UNLIKE thought patterns of two or more humans sharing the same space will get blended and entrained.  A blending of resonances into one maintains harmony and balance.  For Example, on a scale of 1-10 if you are resonating at 3 and the other is at 7 you will vibrate at 5 together.  Or if one vibration or resonance is stronger it can pull the other to their level and both would be at 3 or 7 or in between.

Slow DEEP breaths can entrain your conscious mind to your inner thoughts and knowledge.  The brain’s biological rhythms and our DNA are entrained with our inner thinking and the outer environment we create by perceiving it a particular way.

Compassion and healing has been hard to obtain with so many hypnotic dreams and low resonating realities that lack compassion people are lost in.  Entrained with the same lies and misinformation together.  

Compassion and healing are found within us not as a gift given from outside of us as a reward for obedience, efficiency or self sacrifice, being a tyrant or bully.  Dark Ones don’t feel what they think because their thought patterns run from unpleasant and apathetic to nasty and evil.  They do not have compassion for the self so they DO not and WILL not, have compassion for YOU no matter what you say or do or what your reaction is.  If they can’t give compassion to themself, WHY would you think or expect you will get any?

As your multidimensional thinking comes on line for you, relatives or friend’s consciousness will visit you in 4D and announce themselves with a smell associated with them, a perfume, food odor, smoke or even a noise, like an animal companion’s bark or meow.  Different smells or images may indicate you are around an event site in an alternate or parallel reality of yours.  You may experience dizziness or odors or images when you are near or in a portal.  Much of what we imagine, dream and fantasize about are actually our own personal experiences we are remembering and re-experiencing that create our personal tapestry of choices and actions

Having a 5D resonance in your 3D biology may create intense emotion, illness, injury, dizzy spells or spacey sensations as your density breaks up.  Letting go of what is over allows you to deeply embrace what is new, true and different.  Your layers of trauma personally and collectively are lifting off gently, easily and quickly now in the photon belt vortexes also.