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Universe and Human CREATING

  Like colliding sperm and egg make new humans.  Universe creation is the same principle as human reproduction.  Half of the contribution of multidimensional DNA is contributed from one universe and the other half of the contribution is from a universe colliding with the first universe.  This happens in a closed environment, or dimensional membrane surrounding it.  Like a uterus in humans.  The biology, universe or galaxy are all sentient, carrying a mass consciousness or particular resonance and DNA grid system for the planet, galaxy or soul essence, that the two creators carried at the time of melding or conception or expansion or touching or colliding and entangling their DNA quantum particles following quantum laws of attraction and entrainment.

Law of ATTRACTION attracts like energy, intent and resonance.

Law of ENTRAINMENT is when 2 or more resonances, realities or thoughts existing in the same space, they MUST combine to create a SINGLE resonance.

Over a long period of time, the universes became multitudes of galaxies.

The term “No beginning and no end” means TIME and SPACE are all at once.  

Everything that is needed to create with, is always present.  How you put it all together is what matters.

Quantum Principle of EXPANSION or INCLUSION:  Is never ending as long as there is more to be included in the definition or the description.  To exclude limits you and your options.  We are all that THERE IS and all that can be.

Inclusion, expansion and reordering what exists means there is a CONTINUOUS UNFOLDING and recreating.  Other facets may NOT have unfolded YET or been restructured yet.  That is why an answer from higher resonances needs to be acted on at the time it is given.  There are so many variables in motion all the time that an answer may change at any point, becoming not so accurate or relevant at most anytime.  Frequently one answer from a higher frequency is only ONE facet of your multifaceted question. 

Expansion can also mean resurrection or ascension.  

Creating is working with what always is and always has existed.  From the spark of what two consciousness’ focused on, touched or collided their outer membranes to create a THIRD one from the original two. 

Possibly you have limiting beliefs that make you unable to accept a more complete or ambiguous answer you are given.  Having an agenda, something for you to gain or lose, frequently misdirects you, your answer or your interpretation of what your multifaceted question asked. 

Secrets and lies are self imposed misdirections, distortions or punishment and counter productive avoidance and distractions from what is true and compassionate for you.  Lack of compassion is painful and quashes YOUR creativity and unconditional love.  

Compassion listens to you, because it sees beyond judgment, punishment, lies and blame or differences.  A compassionate person is seen and felt as safe, balanced, not out to hurt or compete with you, be unkind or insensitive.  FAIRNESS is you making a judgment to assign blame, punishment or penalties, NONE of which are present in higher frequencies.

The same processes that created life on earth, created life on many other planets and galaxies.  All life on all planets is created naturally in the same way aligned with quantum laws and principles.  With the same periodic table of elements, plus or minus the ones we have yet to discover.  When you consider the same size, number of suns, gravity, atmospheric changes, and water, that has been created, it all happened in the same way.  Earth In its infancy, started out like the other planets.  BUT there were issues.  Earth had five starts, but not until the fifth go-round did the microbial life create photosynthesis for the survival of life on the planet.  By that time the other planets were millions of years ahead of Earth in their development. 

Many planets have VERY similar creation stories to ours.  

Compassionate souls from the quantum field entered a biology that was made from the elements of that particular planet to experience that reality.  Coming from the quantum field means you give and receive ONLY compassion.  Until or if your choice is to demand judge, blame or force be nasty, greedy or cruel and self deprecating, which you drop yourself OUT of the quantum field because your resonance is too slow and low to stay there.

The civilizations gifted with freewill were tests of the individual’s consciousness as an individual and as a group.  Would the mass consciousness and resonance move into dark or light thought patterns?  Will the soul’s higher consciousness prevail or will the biology’s physical survival needs prevail?  Inhabitants of each planet have moral dilemmas to make all the time, just as we humans experience continuously.

Some planet’s civilizations develop quickly and some do not.  As the society is satisfied with their culture, they turn their attention to another cluster of stars to visit or relocate on.  Earth humans are the youngest civilization in the galaxy, still trying to stop forcing and demanding things from each other.  With dozens of ascended planets watching and studying the many ways we destroy, torment, force, demand and kill each other or do the opposite.

Those from other places are prevented from interfering with our process because that is against the Law of Allowing, UNLESS a human asks aloud for assistance, using their freewill.  Most systems on earth have a hierarchy, that violate the law of allowing.  We force, manipulate, demand and control each other in the name of LOVE.

“What is best for you” and caring.  

Lies, denial and distortions. 

We are currently in the END of a Galactic cycle and the start of a new cycle.  The planet and its humans are in the void a dimensional membrane surrounding to protect us as the intent and resonance of our thinking places us in the quarantined 3D/4D or higher 4D/5D giving and receiving compassionate thinking.  

When a galactic cycle ends and starts up again, there is a window of opportunity for an entire society, planet, quadrant, universe or galaxy to change or shift their resonance and mass consciousness.  Pleiades and Venus, had a baseline resonance in the higher fourth and fifth dimension.  They are in process of moving into 5D/6D resonances.  Universes or Galaxies keep expanding until all the different realities intersect, eventually collapsing in on themselves, signally the end of that cycle. 

CONCURRENT means existing, happening or done at the same time.  Multiverses or “all that is” or the quantum field or the universe operate concurrently with the EXCEPTION of 3D/4D that resides in the quarantined dark bandwidth, because the resonance of its quantum particles spin so low and slow that they have collected matter creating physicality, space and linear time.  There are an infinite number of alternate and parallel realities being played out concurrently alongside the current one you are consciously aware of.