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RUNNING is repeating an incident, phrase, engram or postulate over and over again, until there is no longer an emotional charge left on it.  Repetition will also bring significant and needed details into your consciousness.  You need to consciously own what is true before you are able to release your fear, anger, judgment and suffering.  A pretty story, your distraction avoidance, denial or an addiction never changes or heals anything, especially the truth.

ENGRAM is a complete cycle of violence or a small podcast of trauma. 

POSTULATE is a truth you told yourself or another said, while you were addicted or traumatized or unconscious or dissociated.  Lacking consciousness, means nothing can change or be factchecked.  ANY belief you hold remains as your truth UNTIL you bring it into your consciousness and factcheck it.

VALENCE is unknowingly assumed somebody else’s identity.  Generally you will choose to take on the personality of YOUR predator because you decide that being a predator is better than being the victim.  Sadly, your dark limited reality creates the illusion that there is ONLY two choices.  With that misdirection CONFUSION, DEMIAL and dissociation happen

ALTERNATE PERSONALITY can also be a valance.  ALTERS are a split off and separated part of the core personality to deal with what the core personality refuses to allow into its awareness.

SPLITS are too small a bit of consciousness to be an alternate personality.

BOUNCERS, DISRUPTORS and FLOODING are designed and programmed in your system to disrupt and bounce your awareness so rapidly that you cannot think or decide or factcheck anything for the self.  Bouncers, disruptors or flooding maintain the core personality’s confusion and denial.


When you are unconscious or dissociate or addicted you do not process or use logic and factchecking before you unconsciously accept a statement you or someone else comes up with in this or any of your previous incarnations on Gaia.  You move into an old conditioned response or habit you developed in this or another lifetime without ever consciously challenging it.  Your response to stimuli or a trigger implanted earlier robotically or habitually.  Over and over again.

4 MAIN Responses to TRAUMA

There are four main responses to trauma that AVOID logic or factchecking to challenge what we do, we just act.  FIGHT, FLIGHT, FREEZE or sacrifice the self.  These habitual, robotic patterns of responses are stored in the SNS, sympathetic nervous systems that resides in our inter-dimensional DNA or aura.  The infinite grid system of our gray soul.

This automatic response is “on duty” INSTEAD of your conscious rational logical thought.  Lacking CONSCIOUSNESS, means nothing can change.  Bringing the whole incident into your consciousness allows YOU to challenge the logic and truth of your postulate.  Then, because you are conscious you can decide and choose what is true for you and what you want.

POSTULATEs is a truth you told yourself or another said, while you were unconscious, addicted, traumatized or dissociated.  Lacking consciousness, means nothing can change or be factchecked.  The belief remains as your truth UNTIL you bring it into you consciousness and factcheck it.

You may have owned what YOU said to yourself or what someone else said during that incident as TRUTH.  For example a Doctor during surgery saying, “She will never see clearly again.”  “He will never walk.”  “How stupid you are.”  When you are unconscious or dissociated you can’t dispute a postulate’s validity.  Common postulates are;  “I can’t get out”  “There is no hope” or “I am worthless.” 

Irrational beliefs or postulates can easily be triggered in present time by a sound, smell, word, picture, feeling or taste that is similar to what was experienced in the past trauma or violence to your self concept.  When your inter dimensional sympathetic nervous system gets triggered or re-stimulated you RESPOND and rerun your engram.  Automatically and unconsciously you rerun your trauma, incident, podcast or engram from pastime with all the same emotion, fear and confusion unconsciously.  Until you bring your engram and postulate into YOUR consciousness you can easily be triggered into your habitual response, which is to dissociate.

Deprograming the self is done by staying conscious in present time.  Work with your higher self or a friend that can supply the information and consciousness that you need.  When you consciously own what you truly experienced, you have the power to remove any emotional charge or irrational response you have on that postulate or engram.

RUNNING the incident, engram or postulate, is repeating it over and over again, until there is no longer an emotional charge left on it.  When you repeat your engram or postulate over and over again, the story, incident or memory of how that phrase came to you is likely to come into your awareness for you to have conscious clarity. and control over you.

Alice Miller’s term is the “compulsion to repeat” for those that keep repeating the SAME self sabotaging behaviors over and over again in the same unconscious way.

You can ask for a slideshow or dream from your higher self about anything you want to know more about.  Generally there is a theme, a quantum law you are having trouble aligning with.  For example an inability to allow others to be on their own path without your interference or neediness or force and control to please you.


VALENCE usually means you have unknowingly assumed somebody else’s identity.  A whole person, including their habits, thought patterns and mannerisms.  A valence can be a true, false or a created identity.  Along with you carrying your own identity, you can move back and forth in and out of your core personality into an adopted identity.  Valences are used when you have lost confidence in yourself, your ability to be compassionate with you, for example when you were victimized, you choose to take on the identity of your predator to feel safer and have power. 

  An example, the abused child becomes an abusive adult or parent to give them the illusion of safety from further abuses.  OF COURSE that logically, is nutty thinking.  But to the individual FROZEN in FEAR and trauma that has dissociated, that is their unconscious reaction and reasoning.  They move into the valence of the abuser, and mimic their action and behaviors.  They suspend their own judgement and adopt the thoughts and beliefs of their predator to survive in a reality they find overwhelmingly scary and respond by fighting, running, freezing or sacrificing the self, their IDENTITY, or core personality.  They become the bully and tyrant to ward off their fear, suffering  and trauma.

When you are a generational Illuminist, as an older child and adult you are forced to traumatize and “train” the smaller younger children and relatives in your group, just as you were trained.  There is no way to avoid that role and stay alive.

A valence can be a commanded mimicry or alternate personality of another person or thing or even an imagined entity, like that of an animal or insect.  It takes “I” and puts it someplace else.  These commands would be found in your engram or postulates.  These phrases are triggers to shift your consciousness into another personality to run a particular program.

For example,  The phrase “walk a mile in my shoes”  “You’re just like your mother” or father or sister or the devil.  Generally valence shifting is unconscious, but now our higher selves are making them conscious for us, if and when we ASK!  Staying conscious when being triggered allows you to control and choose!  

Do I run a program or do what I consciously choose to do.

Multivalences can be in several people’s valances and moving back and forth in them.  Psychologist call these states of consciousness by other names; PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, DID Dissociative Identity Disorder or Multiple Personality Disorder, BPD Borderline Personality Disorder and Free Floating Anxiety.  Those with DID when given traditional psychological tests frequently show up as schizophrenic or schizoid.



With the elevated frequencies on Gaia the human and its higher selves can choose to gather all the alternate personalities and splits to let them know the from now on the human is going to consciously experience all of its feelings and cope with all that needs handling in life by staying conscious and doing what needs doing.

The human can express gratitude for all its alternate personalities and splits in consciousness that have helped and supported them in their fears and dissociation.

Allow the alternate personalities and splits to decide if they trust the human enough now to reintegrate back with the core personality.  If and when they say yes, invite them to do that now.  If some of the alters or splits refuse ask if they would like a portal of greater light opened for them.  If they say yes, do that.

A sidebar: “The Family’s” tried and true methods for getting slaves “jumped solidly BACK into the fold” is to make them AFRAID, very afraid that they are just too pathetic, unskilled, uneducated and all around failures and too scared to survive on their own.  They are STRONGLY reminded that they need “The Family’s” backup financially and telling them what to do and how to do it, while always giving the slave the illusion of having freewill to do as they wish.  Which is never true onece they consciously chose to join the family!

“The Family” figures out what scares that particular slave the most and they send them, those very particularly painful memories of them unable to cope, help or protect themselves, over and over again, especially as a small child.  The slave, like most victims of violence and abuse, go back to their predator for protection, guidance and comfort.  This man had already integrated his alters, sent his many demons into portals of greater light and had pretty much detached from Illuminati control. 

THEN “The Family” sent the man, memories of him as an 8 year old SPLIT exceedingly scared and frightened in overwhelm BEFORE he joined the Illuminists.


Because those were things he consciously chose to do and was therefore responsible for their undoing.  When a slave carries out a triggered program in a dissociated state the culpability is much less.  If the slave consciously enjoys and owns their violent activities they are culpable.

The 8 year old split from this man went to the enlightened witness’s awareness for help because it trusted her and had been unable to trust the man to keep it protected and safe.  She questioned the 8 year old and found out the man had 27 different splits from before he joined the Illuminists. 

The enlightened witness took the eight year old and the 27 splits into her 4D safe space, to prevent anyone accessing them.  Treating them as one group that could help heal each other.  She explained that we are only going to be nice, compassionate and comforting with each other.  We will be listening to everyone’s stories and their feelings.  If anyone didn’t want to do that, they are welcome to leave.  Everyone needs to get cozy and comfortable with each other.  As we work on consciously understanding what has happened to them and why.  Own what you did to other children and what was done to you and why.  Let us know about any issues or problems and we will help you explore them with knowledge, wisdom and compassion for all.

Eventually the splits trusted the man enough to reintegrate back into the core personality’s grid system and inter-dimensional aura.  The man and his splits are conscious and owning their choices now.  Trust and safety with the self and each other, is growing. 

The man was alone, depressed, hated himself and dissociated or distracted himself as much as possible, which made him pretty vulnerable to Dark One’s lies deceptions, illusions and terror tactics.  His lack of self acceptance, forgiveness and compassion held him back from accepting support and help from Lighter Ones that wanted to support him.  

Illuminist children, all cult children and children of dysfunctional adults are NOT allowed to go through NORMAL childhood developmental stages of learning to be independent, self sufficient and use healthy coping mechanisms when stressed.  They are trained to always blame the self and distract the self with you own body, frequently abusively.  Any cult is very difficult and challenging to leave without a lot of compassion nurturing, support and understanding from the self and others.



Are designed and used to disrupt and bounce your awareness so rapidly that you cannot think, choose or decide anything for the self.  The consciousness is bounced rapidly from one program into another one.  Bouncers, disrupters and flooding operate like a cattle-prod to REDIRECT the cattle’s attention, create anxiety, confusion and fear that they are doing the wrong thing and will get punished.  Thoughts or images are put into your consciousness so rapidly, it’s impossible to focus and think clearly or feel safe. 

Some bouncers are phrases like; “Get out!” “I Can’t stay here!” 

Flooding is a rapid flow of thoughts, images or sensations of the times you were in extreme pain, trauma or overwhelm. 

YOUR chaos and fear allow Dark Ones to INSERT their agendas and run their programs.  Religions in the 3D/4D matrix were started toward the end of Atlantis and have continued on through to present day pushing the same agenda of setting the standard for human behavior.  The same program with different outfits for the various different country’s.  Service and obedience to those at the top of the pyramids.  The same lies, deceptions, misdirections and bouncers (like sexual addictions and dissociation) are used.  Media, news, loyalty to country and family are all to create a unified obedient work force that is not equal or willing to think much.

Parables, stories and thinly veiled threats are generated by the various religions, families, schools and governments to explain and reinforce their particular dogma for the masses, so all know what is expected of them to gather their particular deity’s favor and VERY CONDITIONAL blessings.  Religious beliefs are a belief in someone else’s experiences and agendas, that lack compassion.

Stay CONSCIOUS and force yourself to pick ONE thing to focus on at a time.  Then think, feel and decide.  Then pick another piece to examine, own and do something about.  You need to have conscious awareness and clear thinking to defuse the bouncers, flooding and disruptors in your reality.  

Ask your higher self for support and guidance – Do it now!