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This planet’s main objective was to educate humans all about cause and effect.  The assumption was that if a human fully understood what their thoughts, thinking and intent manifested for them personally as an individual.  They would make choices that were compassionate for themself and consequently others.  You may have noticed that didn’t work out so well.  Physicality and 3D has been a lesson alright.  Which is why after this cycle ends so will the third dimension end. 

In a great many incarnations humans as an individual and in groups violated the Principle of FREEWILL and The Law of ALLOWING.  Which always activates The Law of ATTRACTION that pulls LIKE consciousness’ together electromagnetically forming a family, group, clan, country and the planet’s mass consciousness.  Then The Law of ENTRAINMENT holds them together, homogenizing their customs, ideas, values and consciousness.

Quantum Principle of FREEWILL is found ONLY in the dark quarantined bandwidth and illusion of third and fourth dimension.  Each entity has the right to direct and pursue their life or reality, as long as they DO NOT VIOLATE the rights of others including the planet’s rights.

Law of ALLOWING, says you have the RESPONSIBILITY and RIGHT to BE and DO whatever YOU choose, with the intent and resonance your creations carry with them.

Violating the rights and choices of others, expecting them to create for you or DESTROYING any part of the collective environment, drops you out of the quantum field’s compassion into 3D/4D quarantined reality of freewill.  Allowing one to be as nasty, rude and insensitive and as abusive as you choose.

The wounds, pain and suffering YOU experience are the end part of the cycle of your intentions put in motion, when you intended individually and/or as a group, to force and control others.  What you emanated in any lifetime, parallel or alternate reality you are receiving now in the hope that you will consciously gather the wisdom.

ONLY give what you enjoy receiving would be the wisdom.  

YOUR emanated energy in any reality that lacks compassion has returned to you to increase your WISDOM not to punish you.  Karma or a feedback loop or cycle YOU put into motion with you thought and intent, many incarnations ago that you are not enjoying now and you work hard to avoid owning will not be going away until you OWN it consciously.

You can only change or transmute what you own, control.

OWN without judgment, blame, shame, punishment, guilt, competition, secrets, lies, worshipping, retribution or vengeance.  In higher frequencies of 5D and beyond, quantum particles are always compassionate, sentient and neutral having NO agenda or attachments.  Quanta are self-directed and NEVER evaluate, blame, humiliate, punish, judge, shame or shun.  Quanta travel in subspace and can transfer information from one end of the universe to the other end, 10,000 times faster than light, without being diminished or altered.

Humans avoid and deny ownership of their thoughts and intents that lack compassion with their zillion distractions, their unconsciousness and addictions to avoid the truth about how they unbalanced their energy/freewill by using force and control instead of compassion.

Self love and acceptance for you, just as you are is the spiritual focus that dissipates human fear, anxiety, anger and wounds.  Wars and force only beget more wars, FEAR and force.  All humans haven’t figured that out yet?  Honoring the law of allowing/freewill, releases YOUR frustration, anger, impatience, stress and thinking people are stupid or mean goes away.  The compassionate human KNOWS that it is their job to create responsibly for themself.

Consciousness and mindfulness have similar neural correlations and maintain moment-by-moment awareness of your thought, feeling and body sensations.  When you choose to experience your consciousness compassionately you remain within the higher frequencies balanced, creative and peaceful.  You stay tuned into the present moment and access universal knowledge, treat all others as equals giving and receiving only compassion to the self and each other including the planet.

Quanta manifest your thoughts or consciousness and can create every possibility there is.  You are what you are.  You think what you think and you do what you do.  Your thoughts and their resonance, create your perceptions and reality.  UNLESS you choose to bestow your power to someone or thing that you fear or worship.  That resonance will electromagnetically place your consciousness back into 3D/4D quarantine.  If you feel victimized or angry or confused, you might believe in magic or a Super Hero that wants to rescue you, or a god or reptilian favoring or punishing you.  BUT it’s not.  YOU are the unconscious or conscious creator of your choices you make and entrain with, in your perception of reality.  YOUR denied or owned feelings, emotion and thinking shape the reality you perceive and reside in.