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Curiosity is a strong desire to know or learn something, a quality related to being inquisitive, exploring, understanding skill development and learning found in humans and animals.  Our conscious creativity in 4D moves energy into 3D forms and actions.  The power to do, change and experience is in the now moment.

Creating or maintain in a low, dark vibration/resonance and intent is using your creator skills to control, manipulate, PLEASE, “suck up to” or force others.

Enthusiasm is intense, eager enjoyment or energetic interest.  Psychologists say, watching movies or any form of entertainment and seeing positive traits, behaviors and outcomes in action, help inspire us toward change, self-improvement and experimenting with new options for the self.

Universal or Quantum Principle of ENTHUSIASM is that new thoughts generate eager enjoyment and are ALWAYS showing up to challenge old beliefs and perceptions.  New thought can come from within you or most anyplace.  The law of attraction provides you with vibrational matches.

You will get more of what you ARE, not of what you want.  

Joy has a high resonance that opens the heart chakra.  Yes, there are many others on the planet experiencing difficulty, trauma and death at this time, BUT you entraining with any low resonance, anger or upset or Dark Ones only strengthens and feeds the hopelessness and stagnation present in low vibrations, which does not help or support you or them.  

Yes, if you can help or guide while maintaining a higher resonance that is excellent, but entrainment supports and feeds their fears and depression strengthening their energy and drive for vengeance.  

Your joy helps to raise your personal and the mass consciousness resonance, is a good example and possibly presents new creative options and hope for others to consider.  Joy and vulnerability takes courage.  Vulnerability is a key to unlocking all manner of joyful experiences for Light Ones.  Like, connection, love, acceptance, trust, safety, gratitude and creativity.  Being joyful and vulnerable is trusting and valuing you and your self acceptance.  With all the “warm fuzzies” vulnerability or “running a risk” has to offer.

Are you REALLY ugly, stupid, lazy, clumsy or worthless?  If you are do you have the focus and power to change anything YOU MIGHT dislike by being courageous and conscious enough to do it?  Brave enough to own your FULL value and worth? 

Ugly is a relative or subjective evaluation.

Stupid or clumsy is frequently being unconscious.

Lazy is depression mostly.

Worthless according to what standard? 

Just a reminder about Dark Ones, they LACK compassion for the self, which means they are unable to have compassion for others.  The % of light you carry Is the percent of compassion you have for the self.  You cannot give to another what you do not believe is even possible for you to have and own. 

Dark Ones consider compassion and kindness a WEAKNESS, a trick or set up, to be taken advantage of.  Anything they can take from YOU, they will, that is the reality they exist in and maintain.  Energy wise, they attach feeding cords to you to suck your light energy and give you their dark energy, there is always an exchange.  Frequently a darker parent sucks light from a lighter infant or child.  Giving to Dark Ones is filling a bucket with many holes in it.  Your energy gets PISSED away and nothing constructive or nurturing happens for either side.

Allow Dark Ones their path without you feeding and maintaining their stagnation.

Being vulnerable in a relationship means allowing another to know you fully: your fears, thoughts, feelings, challenges, weaknesses.  It can be scary to share that information with others because they might judge and reject you, especially if they are Dark Ones trying to figure out how they can KEEP using you.

Old dark secrets, use and abuse does not go forward in the light.

Secrets are only a delaying tactic that isolates the secret keeper and shut down any possibility to own the truth.  You only have the power to change what you are conscious of and own.  Old secrets, misdirections and lies were never designed to work on your behalf.