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DRAMA as PAIN Unprocessed

DRAMA is entertainment that may be informative, the biology, is hardwired to enjoy its novelty, stimulation and social interactions.  When drama is stressful it makes the biology think something important is happening and is used by the human that has shut down their feelings/senses to FEEL something.  They have shut down their feelings and senses that are desperately trying to share their truths with them.

Unprocessed PAIN and venting one’s free-floating anxiety and fear is DRAMA to deflect and distract the self from their unprocessed traumas and wounds in this and previous lifetimes, that have NOT been addressed or processed.  

Autocratic leadership is a management style where one person controls all the decisions and takes very little inputs from others.  Autocratic leaders make choices or decisions based on their own beliefs, wounds and traumas and do not involve others for their suggestion, ideas or advice.  They know exactly who they want to blame, punish and torment the way they were blamed, punished and tormented in this and previous lifetimes and incarnations.

The tyrannical, bullies that become autocratic leaders in the world or their own religion or family, creating drama with force, control, conflict, confusion, pain, suffering and acting in or out, are trapped in their own dramatic feedback loop of distraction from healing the wounds they have decided to BLAME others for causing.  And have a strong need to punish others for their suffering.

The TRUTH and wisdom, the BULLY REFUSES to OWN, is that in a previous incarnations or lifetimes, this tyrant, put this feedback loop or cycle into play, by doing to others exactly what he eventually experienced and is now creating ONCE again.

WISDOM or cause and effect, has not been gathered or learned.

Nastiness begets more nastiness!

The feedback loop of judgement, blame and vengeance creates more of the same drama of unprocessed pain and stagnation.  With this drama you may enjoy the illusion that something profound or productive has happened, but you will only have avoided your truths carrying low resonances with nasty intents, once again. 


Bringing YOUR unprocessed pain into consciousness enables you to explore and choose a constructive reaction instead of a dramatic distraction of avoidance.  Being present and grounded, accepting the truth is the path to heal, health and higher frequencies.  Humans have been trained to ACT OUT or IN, becoming self destructive when they feel ignored, not appreciated, abandoned, used or abused.  As an adult, the healthy compassionate option is for you to give to YOU what you need and want. 

Only a Dark One will offer to do that for you.

Concern about what others can do for you or to you, is deflecting and distraction, NOT wisdom, responsibility for the self, resolution of issues or healing.  Healthy, kind boundaries are how we preserve our life force and move comfortably through life.  You having compassion for you, attracts and entrains more of the same energy, people and events to you.

Quantum Law of ATTRACTION electromagnetically pulls together quanta with “like resonances” similar thoughts, vibrations and intentions.  The sender gets back what they emanate, dwell on and project out.  What comes back to you CLEARLY reflects your perceptions, intent, frequency and reality.  No matter how many incarnations ago you put these aspects of you into play.

Denying culpability means not owning responsibility for your creations.

How can you change your creation if you don’t own it?

Quantum Law of ENTRAINMENT requires two or more frequencies; resonances, realities or thoughts existing in the same space MUST combine to create a SINGLE resonance.  That applies to all sentient beings, energy, humans, planets, universes, your thoughts, perceptions and intentions.

Our beliefs have been created nurtured and sustained in a great many previous incarnations and as per the Quantum LAW of Entrainment homogenizes and holds LIKE vibrations, intentions, customs, ideas, values and consciousness, dark or light together.  We attract to us what we emanate out, so we see, feel and get to EXPERIENCE the cause and effect of the thoughts we hold and feed.

Habit is the body knowing how to do it better than the conscious mind.  Making your anger and blame become your default reaction.  Every thought creates a chemical and sensation in the body that reaffirm your limitations or wisdom.  Change can only happen when you STAY conscious and SENSE how your thoughts feel in you.