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Paying close attention to details, with thoroughness, accuracy and consistency.

The ability to look closely at a person, thought, subject or activity is a crucial quality in compassion creating.  One needs to analyze the data present, checking for inaccuracies, misdirections, lies, inconsistencies and/or errors.

Quantum Law of PENETRATION says anything seen and known with great quality of attention and detail creates compassion.

As you stay focused in the present, your electromagnetic energy field opens up to higher frequencies creating a synergistic interaction and cooperation of two or more consciousnesses.  Synergies attract energy, wisdom and compassion that change the energy signatures of all parties during their engagement with each other.  Increasing the “Aha’s” information and compassionate ACTIONS.  

Realization is a compassionate ACTION. 

Dark Ones opening up their electromagnetic energy field to each OTHER, intend and are seeking ways to siphon energy and get the upper hand to use, abuse and TAKE what they can from each other.  Their lack of sincerity, penetrates NOTHING.  They mimic the mechanics of an interaction without feeling, sensing or living it.  When you can’t perceive your OWN darkness, YOU cannot perceive the darkness and illusions in other’s thoughts and resonance.  

Humans perceive the truths THEY LIVE.

Dark Ones believe all others are dark also.

Wandering Gray soul essences or ghosts are generally confused and disoriented seeking answers and explanations of what has happened to them and what is true.  They exist in an INCOMPLETE misdirected imprint loop of information about their traumas wounds and perceptions of the truth.  

When you encounter and interact with a Gray soul essence, it is VERY helpful to them if you can explain what you know about them and what happened to them.  Explain to them the quantum law they are or aren’t following or do not understand.  Then offer to open a portal of greater light for them to enter, so they can be comforted and increase their knowledge and consciousness.

Our soul essences are INFINITE, always have and always will exist.  They are various states of consciousness separated out into roughly 15 to 33 separate soul aspects capable of carrying the full range of resonances and frequencies of the universe, cosmos or quantum field.  But, as dark gray souls devolve, their knowingness and skills devolve in sync with their lack of compassion for themslf. 

Some 5D/6D soul aspects created avatars with a copy of their DNA to experience what would happen when they had freewill by entering or working with, a 4D astral body, within a frequency, outside of the compassion of the quantum field.  When they started abusing each other and devolving even more, they got stuck in the frequency and cruelty of a biology’s consciousness in 3D also.

Rules and arrangements are made with a biology or animal on land or in a body of water or any stationary sentient object for the soul essence to walk-in or braid-in or any infinite number of variables that are as creative as each individual soul is.  More than one soul’s consciousness or entity may work together in a biology, fight or take turns being in control of the form.  You could allow a relative or animal friend or expert in a particular field or healer to use your biology by agreement.  

Currently MANY higher selves are entering or sharing teen-aged body’s to help increase humanities mass consciousness.  The original soul can observe, take turns or meld to be a part of the experience for any length of time or for as long as either, or any soul group wishes or the body lives.

Enhancement or an elevated aspect of your stream of consciousness may be so strongly defined, that it appears the original soul essence has left.  The timing of the soul’s life purpose is always a large consideration of how long a soul essence stays in a particular body.  Humans choose to work in sync with their soul/higher elevated selves OR oppose it OR ignore it.  Elevated frequencies work compassionately and in sync together.

For example, AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) first appeared in the early 1980s, and rapidly became an epidemic among homosexual men.  Those soul essence’s agreed to experience this to call attention to somethings that needed addressing.  The human biology may or may NOT have agreed to this BUT the soul essence DID agree beforehand. 

Those dying during the wars going on now.  Their soul essence’s have agreed to “be in service” for the same reasons.  To call attention to our lack of compassion.     

During our current “window of opportunity” to transmute into compassionate thinking, human soul essence’s are consciously merging their 3D, 4D and 5D thought patterns, resonances and intent into co-creation with the biology and their elevated consciousness.  Sometimes this transmutation is so dramatic the individual perceives the event as another person instead of a melding!  Changes can be immediately apparent or take weeks, months or years to notice the transition.  A soul essence or consciousness can co-exist and integrate or one or the other leaves or stays to support, guide or observe.  

The definition of walk-ins would include channelers, telepathic contacts with alien or extraterrestrial intelligences.  Ruth Montgomery in 1979 wrote that Thomas Jefferson had walk-in spirits who actually wrote the Declaration of Independence.  Edgar Cayce an American clairvoyant channelled his higher selves while asleep in a trance-like state.

SOULMATES are different splinters from the same soul that enjoy each other and they may last for just one lifetime.  Soulmates exist together for joy, creativity and life extension.  Brothers, sisters, partners a child or stranger can turn out to be your soulmate.  Splinters of the same soul in different forms may try to wake each other up or only be compassionate with each other.

TWIN FLAMES exist together to accomplish things that neither could do alone.  Soul mates can be twin flames also and it is very obvious when that is true.  Energies of twin flames are mirror-image energy, the “other half” of a purpose coming together to fulfill a wholeness.  Being in love with each other increases the joy.

It is wise to discern the agenda, intent and resonance of any walk-in or braid-in you choose to co-create or engage with and allow into your electromagnetic energy field.  It’s your job, creator to discern the difference and act accordingly.

When souls are melded they are able to act on each other’s behalf and get downloads about each other’s histories.  No secrets and no time or space.  When the melding ends, the two or more original consciousnesses remain as they have evolved as a result of the melding.  The melding would have changed both of their thought patterns and feelings individually and their DNA grid system.  Quantum entanglement, melding would create a third party or entity, which is the relationship.

The invisible realm experimented with melding the 4D soul essence as one way to introduce humanity into living in higher frequencies while in a 3D body.  But one side of the entangled consciousness, was not comfortable with that much information being shared about them.  One side of the melding did not want the other side to know about their guilt, shame and low self esteem.

5D/6D soul or higher selves, experimented with melding for one tenth, of one percent of the human population in 2018-9.  Maybe only three of the couples, were consciously aware of their melding and experiencing consciously what it is like having a 4D intimate relationship while having a physical form in 3D.