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Allowing others to manage the creation of their life and reality, just as you focus on what you created for you, enables one release our judgement, blame, envy, guilt, fear, anger and refrain from being a nitpicker of minutia:  A nitpicker is a person who finds faults, however unimportant and small everywhere they look.  After seeing or experiencing a movie or painting or dance number, or their own creative work a nitpicker lists every tiny thing they didn’t like, being extremely critical, even when the criticisms are inconsequential and not relevant to them. 

As you are able to focus and enjoy the bigger picture of expression, sharing, communicating and sensing the natural flow and art of destruction and creation over and over again in various directions, realizing change is constant and the way of things.  Humanities bad events and interactions will always have a combination of positive and negative results.  What you consider an unpleasant or negative thing is ALWAYS only ONE point on its continuum or chain of cause and effects.  Stretching out for as long as you care to notice.  The butterfly effect, in the chaos theory, is the phenomenon where a minute localized change in a complex system can have large effects elsewhere until it changes again.  

Creating or experiencing your joy and art of existance lights up our pleasure centers in our brain and body, creating a warm feeling that encourages us to want more of the same.  All the art forms help us make intuitive leaps increasing our joy, cognition and memory creating a deeper connection to ourself and each other.

It is hard to enjoy your moments of joy when you insist on only focusing, getting  hung up on and taking up residence, in your wounds, pain and traumas or other’s suffering and traumas.  Experiencing the continuous flow of events in this reality, means also needing to choose which ones you want to give MORE or LESS of your focus and energy to.  It is wise to discern which events and things YOU want to engage with and can create best with.  

Know what you have NO control or ability to alter or engage in. 

Honor the law of Allowing.

Quantum or Universal Law of ALLOWING, says you have the RIGHT and RESPONSIBILITY to BE and DO whatever YOU choose, with the intent and resonance your creations carry with them.

Obsessing about why you couldn’t change another to please you is not a wise compassionate way to interact with the self or others.  Making you joyful and feel loved is always your job for you to continuously create.  No one else can do it for you.  Fully accept you only have the power and wisdom to change or percieve YOU differently.  The intent focus and energy needs to be all about what you can change or fix or percieve differently in you!  You can only accept the amount of compassion and love from another that you have given to YOU FIRST!  

Escalating your joy means knowing and engaging consciously with who you really are.  Joy is what attracts more of what you love and desire into your life.  Law of attraction and entrainment.

Quantum Principle of HARMONY and AGREEMENT ays efforts to manipulate, trick, coerce, compromise or force harmony and agreement is having an agenda that disrupts areas of established harmony.

When children, people or countries are getting along well, allow that without your neediness for attention or conflict or chaos to disrupt their harmony so you won’t be alone in your misery.

When you have an agenda, you go against the law of allowing.  AGENDAS use the low vibration of force, control or retribution, is that the resonance and vibration you want to play in?  Start small and trust that your momentum will build.  Accept who you are and where you are at.  Know that what you emanate WILL cycle back to you.  So choose carefully what you want to project out and feel inside you.  Hope and gratitude are two human energy forces that can bring powerful changes. 

The heart’s electromagnetic field isn’t confined to our physical body, though.  The heart’s electromagnetic field permeates every cell, acting to synchronize the biology. OUR fascia is the living matrix or network of connective tissue that extends throughout the biology, connecting us from the surface of our skin to the nucleus of our cells.   With fibers, fibrils, and microfibrils that is gel-like, primarily composed of structured water molecules and is an exceptional electrical conductor.