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Dark STREKS In Your Aura

A streak is a long, thin line or mark of a different substance or color from its surrounding.  If you see or read the energies in your aura, you may notice dark streak(s)  of brown or black running through your aura.  Dark is the absence of compassion, light and wisdom.  Dark Ones sense, see or notice that grey or brown streak(s) in others  because it matches, resonates and vibrates with their resonances of fear, anger, vengeance, sense of entitlement to control others or to go to war.

When a Dark One senses dark streak(s) in another they consider you resonating with the same vibration they carry and you are inviting them and attracting them with your energy, vibration or resonance to come and feed on you anyway that pleases or amuses them or furthers their dark agendas.  Dark Ones will also believe you have the same beliefs they do.

Your low resonance and “invite” most likely originated in previous incarnations.  Once you consciously ALLOW a lower astral being or belief into your consciousness or biology, in any incarnation, you have invited them in UNTIL you CONSCIOUSLY invite them or your belief OUT by transmuting YOUR frequency into compassionate vibrations for YOU first!

Raising your resonance means you stop engaging with Dark One’s, thought patterns and beliefs that LACK compassion.  Keep cutting energy feeding cords over and over again until they get tired of trying to take your energy/light and go away.  A tyrant or bully does not gracefully accept a servant abandoning them or cutting off their/your energy/light.  

Demons, devils, bullies and tyrants are often perceived as stronger than humans and are often worshiped, which feeds them your energy, power and continued existance in this reality.  Aligning with a tyrant or Illuminist or a nasty parent or leader because you think they will protect you from other bullies is an illusion for YOU to buy into.  Your bully or tyrant is guaranteed to TURN ON YOU when you fail to obey or fail to give them what they want, when they want it! 

The environment you ENTRAIN with, is reflected back to you electromagnetically.

Any issue lacking compassion, you have, that you have not addressed or owned yet, is keeping you entrained with the lower resonance of that issue or thought pattern or belief.  Dark Ones listen to and follow other Dark Ones that may or may not have a biology.  The death of a parent that dominated or suppressed and controlled their child or spouse will still do that from 4D when the human child or spouse ALLOWS that by staying entrained with them.  

Dark humans and soul essences enjoy having power and control over others because it gives them the ILLUSION of being SAFE from BEING the one being forced and controlled.  Many “Star seeds” that came to Gaia to help Her raise the mass consciousness of the dark, have joined the dark resonance in thought and deeds, which include self hate and abuse..

Quantum Law of ENTRAINMENT requires two or more frequencies; resonances, realities or thoughts existing in the same space MUST combine to create a SINGLE resonance.  That applies to all sentient beings, energy, humans, planets, universes, your thoughts, perceptions and intentions.

Our beliefs have been created nurtured and sustained in a great many previous incarnations and as per the Quantum LAW of Entrainment homogenizes and holds LIKE vibrations, intentions, customs, ideas, values and consciousness, dark or light together.  We attract to us what we emanate out, so we see, feel and get to EXPERIENCE the cause and effect of the thoughts we hold and feed.

Dark human rulers, communities, religious leaders and parents teach others that their 3D/4D God created Devils and evil ones to harm them when they didn’t behave and obey the current dogma.  When someone can perceive what a Dark One does not perceive, like their “higher self” or soul and compassion, the lighter person is considered to be the devil, a liar, troublemaker and very dangerous.  Know that lower astral beings are energy packages originating in 3D with such a low resonance, they can’t perceive of compassion being possible.

Many “CONFUSED innocents in denial” hold the delusion they are operating in the light.  They mimic or mouth light thoughts, listen to or read about unconditional love, BUT feel and function as the emotionally wounded, abandoned, entitled or angry individual they still are.  Dark Ones always want MORE stuff, more approval and more people to carry them.  They avoid being responsible for the thoughts they hold and feed themselves with.  Depression and anger beget more depression and anger.

When an individual is ethical, compassionate and responsible for the self WHY would they need anyone to conform, obey, keep secrets, worship or sacrifice to them?  Why would you ever need to be controlled with shame, guilt, humiliation, peer pressure or be prevented from bonding with anyone else? 

”Conflict is in the mind of a third dimensional god.” 

Conflict and moral dilemmas are human issues and thought patterns of those in lower brainwave states of 3D and lower 4D.  Consciousness aligned with quantum truths and the quantum field of compassion does NOT have conflict, opposites, competition, judgement blame or vengeance.  Humans put skin, wings, and names creating a hierarchy for angels, demons and devils, which is NOT truth outside of the quarantined 3D/4D holographic illusion.  Lucifer, OZ and BELIAL use deception, magic, grand Illusion to trick, lead, use and abuse.  Illuminist’s minions and all humans are considered to be SIMPLE, sheep-like, unintelligent slaves and the earth’s worker bees.  Generational Satanic families including all Illuminists, offer up all their children to Satan, and the lesser DEMONS and family CURSES.  There is black magic and Satanic Moon Child Ritual to place high-level powerful demons into a fetus with blood and human sacrifices.  Demons are installed and layered into their slave’s operating system with more blood rituals throughout childhood and life. 

STAY conscious and use your freewill to choose compassion for you to change your resonance!  Ask your higher self for information, guidance and support.  Entraining your energy field electromagnetically to any other energy field or individual allows your consciousness to enter and commune with it.  Like attracts like and entrains with it momentarily, forever and ever or any amount of time in between. 

A white aura is the rarest of all aura colors and shows a well-balanced personality, that has integrated all the colors, is compassionate, calm, wise and open to options and possibilities.  Those with white auras are a template for others, not gods.