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WAITING For Another to CREATE For You

Through the ages we have been trained to WAIT.

When you have an issue that needs resolution, fixing or solving we have been trained to wait for the expert or specialist or the one that KNOWS better to reorganize, discredit or redirect what YOU created for YOU that isn’t currently working to your satisfaction.  Religions, governments and most of our systems and significant others instruct us to wait, while THEY get around to fix whatever we have that’s “not right” for them or us?

Waiting for another to create for you is a great way for your wisdom, skills and understanding of “cause and effect” to atrophy and for you to be used, abused and disempower again and some more.

Consider you, asking a supreme being, therapist, spouse or your pet to get rid of your sadness, loneliness or depression.  Sadness, loneliness or depression are YOUR issues and YOUR point of perception, others do not know what goes on inside you.  With the exception of your higher self that does know ALL of the factors in your soul essence effecting you.

BUT you need to demonstrate your investment in you!

By being very curious, CURIOUS about “cause and effect” and doing the research that your soul will guide in.  Others absolutely do NOT have the ability, power or right to change what goes on inside you.  Changing your belief, intent and thoughts is YOUR job AND you need to stay conscious and responsible for what you think and do to change anything you have created for you.

When you take the time, energy and focus to pay attention to your self talk and behavior it is relatively easy to diagnose what needs to change and how.  Then you can research who and what understands and has a wider variety of options for you to explore in resolving the issue YOU choose to fix, redirect. 

ALWAYS you have to be invested in you and ultimately DO IT for you.

One human, lifetime after lifetime waited for God to do it, then for the human’s family and/or parents, siblings and relatives to bring the joy, peace and contentment.  But the joy, peace and contentment never showed up for this human.  The human was miserable and always thinking: 

“Why can’t they do it right!”

“What is the matter with all of them?”

The Little Red Hen is an American Fable.  She didn’t wait for another to help and support her in creating her joy, peace and contentment.  She never expected another to create her bread/money/energy to sustain herself so she was never disappointed or miserable.  The human instead of being glad, proud and enjoying its self sufficiency and the fruits of the human’s labor.  The human chose to be miserable about waiting to be helped and supported.

The little red hen found some wheat and decided to make bread with it.  She asks the other farmyard animals to help her plant it, but they refuse.  The hen then harvests and mills the wheat into flour before baking it into bread and at each stage she again asks the other animals for help and they refused.  Finally, with her tasks complete, she ate her bread.  The animals that chose NOT to share their energy, time or creator skills felt they were entitled to share the bread/money/energy she created.

Would it be helpful and wise for her to reward and reenforce the farm animal’s belief that they should WAIT for someone else to feed and support them?

Would it be really compassionate to allow them their PATH and opportunity to figure out “cause and effect” on their own.  Without misleading and distracting them by giving them what they never created.

Quantum Principle of LIABILITY says YOU are responsible and answerable for your use, abuse or neglect of the rights you have and the rights you have earned.  Receiving what you enjoy or fail to enjoy is NEVER LUCK, or a God, or a devil, it is your ignorance of ALL THE OTHER factors in play. 

There is no one to blame or praise for where you are except you.

There is no one but you, that can change the vibration and intent you reside in.

When you want bread, another’s energy, safety and protection only a Dark One offers that ILLUSION and the price is YOUR self worth and self sufficiency.  Bullies, tyrants and vampires offer safety and protection, they claim to be trustworthy and safe.  Safety, trust and protection is a gift you NEED to give yourself.  You are your creator consciously or unconsciously.  Discern what you attract to YOU and who and what you have entrained with: is it a gift, a blessing or a wake up call, a call to arms or one last test, to test your resolve about owning and feeding a new thought pattern you have adopted.

Past and dark stuck energy thought patterns sustain old habits, thought, behavior and a quarantined low vibration lacking compassion.  Humans that decided they have a basic RIGHT to force and control each other came into each new incarnation that way.  Our child rearing practices and abuses reenforced that thinking.  Humanity has forced, controlled, deceived, lies and manipulate all the time and calls it love. 

“What is best for you.”

“It’s for your own good.”

Humanities family units, clans, institutions, religious and political beliefs are NOT aligned with freewill or allowing.  Humans do not live as equals, most every system has a hierarchy, slavery, suppression and oppression that violates the laws of freewill and allowing.  Those thoughts and/or actions unbalance YOUR personal and group energy field as you go against the quantum or universal LAW of allowing and freewill.

Remember that your soul essence is infinite and been around forever and is only having a human experience.  Future energy patterns are built on present thought patterns and ACTION.  You get more of what you ARE, not what you want or take from another.