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Lies/deception/misdirected thought patterns, anger/upsets/resistance/woundings impact or imprint’s frequency remain as unbalanced energy in our multidimensional DNA grid system or our aura as dense dark stuck energy, which is present in each of our incarnations until it is rebalanced with OUR compassion and wisdom for the self without judgement, blame, shame, retribution, guilt, competition or punishment.

Clarity and knowingness about how to align with quantum laws of receiving and giving ONLY compassion to the self brings healing, health and better relating.  Many have adopted, created or owned a lie or deception or misdirection from those close to them or society at large as a truth, that was “handed down through the ages” that does NOT align with quantum laws because it lacks compassion.

ANY thinking you ADOPT becomes your thought, intent and frequency.

For example: Your significant other/parent/child/friend lies to themself and others, because that is the only way he/she/it/they can find themself acceptable to the self.  

You wish/need/want them to tell the truth because that is what you want/need.

The reality is, the more you try to guilt or force a liar to change, the greater their resistance/fear becomes and the harmony and frequency between you decreases.  

Your anger/upset/wound, will short circuit YOUR compassion for you.  

Allow the lies a liar tells, that is their idea of security/safety/illusion.

You can silently know the truth and act on it compassionately for you.  

Focus on how you can please you and allow them their path.  High speed energy, rapidly spinning quanta are illuminating our wounds and self deceptions and what is not aligned with compassion.

Quantum or Universal Principle of SILENCE is to BE aware and fully present, know and allow with silence and nonresistance, especially in your thoughts and feelings. 

The OTHER one is experiencing the reality they created to feel safe in.

Your CHOICE and wisdom is to join/engage in their lower resonating frequency and even join/engage in escalating it into drama if you wish, with your freewill.  You can feel flattered/special and superior or enraged by the one(s) residing in lower intent and frequencies.

BUT remember that fear, judgement, blame, force, drama or dissociation, DOES disconnect YOU from your ability to stay compassionate in YOUR thought/deed.

To know, exist in and own the truth you need to stay conscious.

No one is GIVEN knowledge, it is always present and available to all.  Be willing and curious enough to notice and own it.  Information is neutral, the human’s intent or agendas are not.

Intense beliefs and feelings lacking compassion and wisdom show up in the biology as inflammation, poor digestion, leaky gut, high blood pressure, calcification in the body and brain, gonad pathology, cancer, mites, mold and other diseases and conditions.  And you are not fun to play with or be in your energy field.  Negative emotion holds you in the feedback loop of pastime wounds, fear and anger reinforcing your illusion and delusion of powerlessness to deal with them because you deny being their creator, owner and potential destroyer by withdrawing your focus and energy.  

You can’t change things in the past, so why live there, in your wounds/upset?

Elevated consciousness says, “I don’t choose it, but I understand it and allow it.”Higher Consciousness notices negativity, violence and wounding that happens.  Disconnect and withdraw from those still enjoying that type of thinking and activity, and that would include from all your blood relatives and clan that remain stuck in their dark dense programs and dissociation FROM the now moment’s compassionate wisdom.