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Your emotional and physical boundaries are generally guarded and monitored by your anger and/or fear responses that give you a “Heads Up” that a boundary or “line in the sand has been violated”  

DISCERN and consider how you consciously choose to react or act.

Anger and fear are alarm systems for your deeper, less comfortable emotions and anxieties you TRY to protect yourself from dealing with and feeling, like sadness, your guilt, embarrassment, your self rejection or your oozing emotional wounds.

For some people, their boundaries have been so frequently violated that they are so defeated and emotionally convinced they are powerless to ever defend or rescue themself.  They believe that ANY change or movement’s purpose, WOULD be to hurt them further.  They are broken and frozen like abused and neglected animals get.  The ones you see in fund raising media for animal shelters.  So the animal can be forced or offered help, food and caretaking.

The severely wounded human has more power, control and freewill to fight off, ignore and refuse help or support when offered and even react irrationally violent.  CURRENTLY, the higher selves of 27% of humanity are giving their severely wounded human’s consciousness, the choice or option, to meld their awareness together with each other.  To assist in transmuting the severely wounded human’s consciousness OUT of being stuck in fear and the irrational fear of everyone.  This energy melding would be experienced like having a nurturing, compassionate supportive parent working with you.

The severely wounded human’s consciousness and gray soul essence’s are strongly aware, and in trauma, about negative things people do to each other.  Energy sent to “intuitive’s” on earth, and higher selves in the throat and high heart chakra of the wounded human’s sharing their pain and the wounds they created in others, ARE for you to help them transmute the energy into the next higher frequency.

They have believed ERRONEOUSLY and incorrectly that it is not possible for them to be forgiven.  

Quantum principle of GRACE is YOU are your CREATOR!

YOU create your own grace with your compassionate point of perception, intent and thought patterns about you and for you.

Your higher self, is offering to meld with your consciousness to support you in accomplishing transmuting your STUCK energy/belief into the higher resonances of compassion for you and overcome your fear of everyone.  To help the human into enough rational consciousness to discern who and/or what is compassionate FOR THEM and who or what is not.  To consciously discern who are light helpers and who are Dark Ones to avoid.  It is always the severely wounded human’s choice to accept as little or as much help as they want, BUT they need to be an active participant.

The human must have curiosity or desire to create something compassionately for themself for this melding of consciousness to be successful.  When fear is stronger than desire or curiosity for compassion, fear ultimately wins.

How do you respond to your boundary’s being crossed?

Wait to see if the “boundary poking” escalates.

You marshal your defenses immediately and attack! 

You trained yourself to dissociate, deny, mentally float away and ignore.  Many of these people immediately change the subject to a totally unrelated topic, ending any actual communication. 

Ideally you will stay conscious, knowing there can be many and varied reason for your boundaries being crossed.  It is wise to listen to your alarm system and be curious about what is really being exchanged with the other(s).  

What is their purpose?

Are they just “running their mouth” to reassure themself they exist.  Are they so self absorbed or programmed that they have “no skill” or discernment of who or what they are talking about.

Possibly they want to distract themself from their own thoughts.  They are trying to deliberately be provocative to start an argument as a distraction and diversion.  

Possibly their questions or comments are their way of seeking information and answers to their questions, what they REALLY want to know.  The vast majority of the time when your boundary is crossed, it is NOT about you.  It is about THEM and what they are currently dealing with or trying to avoid knowing about or are seeking more information about.

What you consciously focus on and the meaning you give it, creates your reality for you.  It is always a feedback loop or cycle of cause and effect you consciously put into play during any moment and any incarnation. 

Accepting you with compassion just as you are would mean accepting your sadness, your guilt, embarrassment, your self rejection or open wounds to explore, understand and own them as a part of the tapestry that IS YOU currently.  Embrace all your multifaceted parts that have created your current state of awareness. 

Allowing your fear and anger to trigger you into a pretty story prevents you from enjoying the truth about your bravely, weathering abuses and neglect.  How you got through it, nurtured yourself and increased the richness of who you are.  The wisdom you gained and implement making you the stronger and wiser.  Staying consciously curious and truthful about you and your reactions, sustains you in a cycle or feedback loop of conscious growth, enjoying your intrinsic creating.

Marshaling your defenses to attack!

Triggering you into vengeance or violence and/or being a hater.  Holds you in a Dark One’s cycle of who can be the BEST violent, vengeful, hater there is!  You can then consider that a win until a better, vengeful violent hater devastates your win.  This has been what many humans have done for millions of years and some are continuing to do on earth.  The very slow learners.

Choosing to be triggered into AVOIDANCE dissociation, denial, distraction and/or a panic attack, a headache or using LOTS, too much of comfort foods, pills or drink as drugs.  All the above are various ways to avoid addressing and rebalancing you and your senses back into CONSCIOUS wellbeing.

Maybe pick one thing you avoid and deny to start embracing.  Understand and be curious about it’s cause and effect   Accept your feelings of sadness, guilt, self rejection and wounds as normal parts of YOUR life that you have lived through before, and if and when similar things happen again you will be better prepared and skilled at coping with them.  Instead of ignoring “the mess” or pretending it’s not there.

You cannot address, fix or change what you deny awareness of or distort with a story or distract yourself with an activity.  Living consciously is being aware, curious and exploring your Who, What, When Where, and Why of your reality and your truths.  Anger or fear can be used constructively when you stay conscious to explore what it means to you and how you created, attracted and entrained with it.

When you CONSCIOUSLY explore what you think, know or believe you increase your understanding of what is true for you.  We need to consciously choose what we want to OWN, align with or walk away from.  Dark game player’s use judgment, blame, punishment, fear and anger because they do not accept or believe, that what they try to force from others can only be created by the self and only be given to the self.

2017-2024 were years of light-worker’s releasing their limitations and old tedious  programming to complete their cycles of healing and are aligning with their higher self’s higher frequency to reside in the quantum field’s compassion.