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Another cannot and will not convince you that you are compassionate or kind.  That is a gift you bestow, give, present to yourself or have a knowingness of its truth.

  Would it make any rational sense for you to demand acceptance, compassion or kindness from someone else that doesn’t even like themself?  When YOU ask, demand or wait for acceptance, compassion or kindness from one incapable of giving it to the self, HOW logical or rational are you being?

They have no concept of what you want, let alone GIFTING it to you!

So whom is being unreasonable and insensitive?

For example, You keeping thinking and waiting, actually demanding, that your parent, significant other or child be loving and accepting of you before you are willing to be loving and accepting of you.  

Thinking it works that way is irrational and illogical.

These thoughts are just one more misdirection we have passed down to each other for generations.  That we can and should force, trick, pay for or manipulate each other to get OUR needs and wants met.  Instead of being responsive enough to meet our own needs and wants.

My favorite irrational demand is — he, she, it or they, OWE me!  

WHY? And how do you “squeeze blood out of a turnip?”

Force, control, deception, paying for it, suffering for it, or demanding IT!  Will NEVER get you what you want from one that does NOT have it to give.  All you will get is frustrated, angry and vengeful, like many of the 3D/4D gods, Dictators and bullies.  A person that hates themself cannot give you compassion or self acceptance or even self hate.  Possibly you can force gifts and attention or “a good acting performance,” but that will never be satisfactory and you will continue to be frustrated, unpleasant, nasty and unsatisfied.

The compassion, kindness and acceptance we all seek can only be given by ourself to ourself.  Just as those that hate themself, reject, flagellate and punish the self have created and sustained that thinking for themself and NO ONE can take those thought patterns away from them.  The individual would need to use their freewill to change those thought patterns and actions for themself.

Human consciousness does one of two things, they choose what they want to think or choose to ADOPT what someone else thinks, which makes it become their thought.

Each thought we have carry’s a resonance or vibration or frequency.

Each resonance carries particular thoughts, intentions and behaviors.  

There are two main categories of thoughts.  

Thoughts lacking compassion OR your thinking is compassionate and kind.  Those who carry and feed their thoughts lacking compassion, do not believe compassion and kindness really exist, that it is a lie and a “setup” to use and abuse each other as all Dark Ones actually do.

Dark Ones will have and be exposed to, multiple compassionate experiences, but WILL discredit and deny them.  Choosing to focus instead on their wounds, self pity and blaming others.  Dark One’s freewill allows them to be as nasty, rude, insensitive and as self abusive and absorbed as they enjoy.

What the human consciousness and the gray soul essence focuses on and the meaning they give it, creates their reality for them.  It is their feedback loop or cycle of cause and effect that they have consciously put into play during any moment, day or incarnation they are in.