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When your mind is wandering, your brain’s “default mode” network is active. your brain’s active even when you’re zoning out on the couch.  The default mode network, is a collection of seemingly unrelated areas of the brain that activate when you’re not doing much at all.  This discovery has offered insights into a fuller understanding of all the things our brain functions are besides accomplishing well-defined tasks it also interconnects with the aura, energy field that surround’s the biology.  

With this new information researchers are exploring how our brain networks operate instead of studying just the brain regions.  As expected, activity in certain brain areas increased during tasks and to the researchers’ surprise, activity in other brain areas declined simultaneously.  The neuroscientists were intrigued that during a wide variety of tasks, the very same brain areas consistently dialed back their activity. 

Marcus Raichle, a neurologist at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, suspected that these task-negative areas play an important role in the resting mind.  “This raised the question of ‘What’s baseline brain activity?’”  In an experiment, Raichle asked people in scanners to close their eyes and simply let their minds wander while he measured their brain activity.  He found that during rest, when we turn mentally inward, task-negative areas use more energy than the rest of the brain.  In a 2001 paper, he dubbed this activity “a default mode of brain function.”  Two years later, after generating higher-resolution data, a team from the Stanford University School of Medicine discovered that this task-negative activity defines a coherent network of interacting brain regions, which they called the default mode network.

According to research, the effects of the default mode network included mind wandering, remembering past experiences, thinking about others’ mental states, envisioning the future and processing language.  While this may seem like a grab bag of unrelated aspects of cognition, Vinod Menon, director of the Stanford Cognitive and Systems Neuroscience Laboratory, recently theorized that all of these functions may be helpful in constructing an internal narrative.  The default mode network helps you think about who you are in relation to others, recall your past experiences and then wrap up all of that into a coherent self-narrative and concept of the self.

Neuroscientists are thinking beyond the responsibilities of single brain regions to the effects of interactions between brain networks.  And appreciation of the importance of inward-focused activities of the brain/mind.  Daydreaming or mind wandering while at rest, our brain is hard at work making sense, constructing, organizing and creating.

Profound and/or sudden awakenings are happening now for those that are integrating the rapidly spinning quanta found in higher frequencies on earth.  Humans are becoming consciously aware of and accepting many more unpleasant truths and realities.

We are surrendering to the awareness and acceptance that some Dark Ones just DO NOT want to risk change.  Their fears and barriers to the possibility that compassion exists for them, is more than they will accept, trust or believe.  They believe the only options are to continue operating in the feedback loops of being victim, sometimes the predator and when in doubt, the confused innocent in denial cycle.  

When you want to interact with Dark Ones compassionately or give and receiving only compassion with them in kindness, trust and safety, they won’t/can’t do that.

Your only compassionate option for you and them is to allow them their path as gracefully as you can. 

There is no need to take any side or even get involved.  

Taking any side, creates barrier’s increasing separation and you falling back into YOUR past victim, predator, and/or confused innocent thought patterns and feedback loops   

Be the compassionate observer moving forward.  

Stay in the NOW moment of self compassion to maintain your emotional, mental, physical and spiritual balance, peace and calm.

Transformation processes take time and you need to increase your self care and attention.  Pay close attention to details and your reactions and/or habits you have and the type of relationships you feed and nurture.  

Reshaping who you are how you operate spiritually is literally happening for those in higher frequency’s.  Clarity of our vision/mission and action plans are shaping up for those staying consciously compassionate.

Read and understand your symptoms.  

Overthinking and perseverating about unpleasant truths, will not change them.

Headaches are your conflicting thoughts, it’s time to pick one thought for now and stop vacillating back and forth.

First there is contraction, consolidation and grounding, creating a base for you to operate from as you move into expansion that is excelerating now.  Our psychic connections to other frequencies and multi dimensions are increasing reshaping what we thought we knew to be the truth.

Currently there is also grid expansion and instability during Gaia’s electrical upgrades that are increasing everyone’s quantum spin, which increases compassionate frequency’s personally and throughout the planet, resulting in effortless transformations and/or therefore disruptions and diversions from what WAS normal.