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Are used to make you feel “less than” powerless and dependent.

To get you to surrender to another’s evaluation and control of you.

To get you to obey and honor dark truths and obligations, rituals or rules used to please and enrich Dark One’s greedy, twisted, selfish agendas.  Dark Ones lack self compassion, LIE, DENY and COMPETE with each other a lot!  They enjoy competing and “out doing each other” with their games of: 

“I have more than you.”

“I control/force more than you.”

“I am bigger or better and sneaker than you.”

They base their value on what they have more of than you have.  By that metric, maybe hoarders win.  After they win in some category, what then?  Is there peace, calm, joy, self acceptance and compassion for the self?  Or is the little voice inside NEVER satisfied or pleased.

The little dark voice inside feeds on your shame, worry, regret, blame and anger sucking the life and light out of all of the conscious and unconscious players that are sure they WON MORE playing and focusing on their mean spirited competitions.  When there is a winner there are ALWAYS losers and the wounded that are suffering MORE than you are.  Winners and losers create, maintain and feed the division of, “them and us,” generally based on only one data point disregarding the continuum of the whole self and others

Competing is a meaningless dark distraction and agenda to avoid sensing, feeding and feeling your compassion and kindness to feed and sense your isolation and feeling less than the others.

Quantum principle of COMPENSATION and the law of attraction both say that we receive “like energy” to the energy we emanate and share.  We attract and are attracted to realities, people, diseases, difficulties, animals, planets and activities that vibrate to our current signature frequency or resonance.

Is your resonance, “I am a bigger victim or winner than YOU?” 

OR I am working on accepting me, just as I am, with conscious compassion and kindness so I can sense and share, my conscious compassion and kindness with and for others.

What you create for the self is the only thing that satisfies you and the little voice inside you carrying a high enough resonance to be compassionate with you and for you.  Your joy and happiness is found within you and NOT created by another as a GIFT to you.  That is not the way of things.  JOY and happiness in YOU, is created, sustained and found within you and for you.  Where you focus goes and the meaning you give it creates the quality and joy of your reality.  

You always get more of what you ARE, not of what you want or fantasize about.

Quantum Principle of AUTHORITY and RESPONSIBILITY, says the one aware, worthy and capable of carrying out an action has the authority and responsibility to respond to your need and other’s WITHOUT having an agenda.  Having nothing to gain or lose.

Is that YOU?

I guarantee that no one else can do it for you. 

Changing your resonance, transmutation is a job you do for you.

That would be YOU consciously acting or choosing not to act.  You are the only one having the authority to change YOUR perception, intent and consciousness.  You need to be your own SuperHero!  No one can or should even try to do it for you.  

The fetus’s infinite gray soul essence and their caretakers are all “mature soul essences” that have attracted and entrained together carrying matching resonances and intents.  You create (attract electromagnetically) and sustain (entrain) with your own chosen perceptions of reality.

Your attachment to any, person, entity, outcome, enemy, thing or energy is you redirecting the quantum energy flow, FOR YOUR personal agenda, gain and reality.   Any energy flow you redirect is NOT allowing another energy flow.  Even wanting the BEST for another is considered a redirection of human force.  Another has the right and responsibility to choose even when it is self destructive, allow them their path.

Quantum Principle of LIABILITY says YOU are responsible and answerable for your use, abuse or neglect of the rights you have and the rights you have earned.  Receiving what you enjoy or fail to enjoy is NEVER LUCK, or a God, or a devil, it is your ignorance of ALL THE OTHER factors in play. 

There is no one to blame or praise for where you are except you.

There is no one but you, that can change the vibration you reside in.

You wanted safety and protection so you surrendered to one or many bullies, only Dark Ones give the LIE and illusions of being trustworthy, safe and having the ability to protect you, it is always a “set up” to take more than they give.  Safety, trust and protection is what you need to create for you.

You are your creator consciously or unconsciously.  Discern what you attract to YOU and you have entrained with:  Is it a gift, a blessing or a wake up call, a call to arms or one last test, to test your resolve about owning and feeding a new thought pattern you have adopted.

Past energy thought patterns sustain old habits, thinking and low vibrations.  

Future energy patterns are built on present thought patterns and ACTION.

You get more of what you ARE, not what you want. 

Ideally you separate physically from Dark Ones, their dysfunctional behavior and irrational LACK of thought and logic.  Dark Ones, exist by staying unconscious, being triggered or addicted.  

When you live with one you can’t get away from.  Consider taking control of the situation and your interactions so you cut into and decrease the dysfunction’s, thoughts and acts that lack compassion for you and them.  Over many lifetimes you have collectively attracted and entrained with the reality you are currently experiencing.  It is not the experience as such that matters, it’s your perception of what you THINK you are experiencing that matters, how you sense and feel.  Historically, have you have failed to take control of what happens and redirect it.  Can you change how you percieve your experience?  Possibly constructive action by you needs to happen, instead of you surrendering passively to the dysfunction in your reality.

Are you victimized OR refusing responsibility for your own emotional, mental and spiritual balance?  If someone doesn’t want to notice you or play with you or like you, are they victimizing you or are you begging them to be responsible for your feeling loved accepted and cared for.  

FAIRNESS is judgment used to assign blame, penalties and punishment.  Fair by what and whose standards.  ARGUING, blaming, belittling and retribution even when only done mentally, in your brain, your biology believes it is happening NOW.  That it is true and responds accordingly.  YOUR biology’s hardwiring habits of survival, move you into your past time programming and beliefs.

“The OTHER” is also experiencing their reality!

YOU choose to join that low resonance of the current situation or “venting” you are witnessing is “not a four alarm fire” for you, UNLESS you make it that way.  “SEE how powerful a creator you are.”  You choose to observe, walk away or calm the one out of control down by keeping them in present time and conscious.  Our hardwired survival fears of fight, flight, dissociation, freeze or sacrifice the self to stay alive by pleasing your predator’s or other irrational ones.  The higher frequency option is to STAY IN PRESENT TIME and consciously decide what to create and remain in peacefulness for yourself.

You create a way to enjoy your daily chores OR change what you do, or how you do it, to enjoy it.  Blaming a parent, family, clan, culture, ethnic group, god, political party or country for not doing things they are generally physically and emotionally incapable of creating for stagnates you.  Feeling worthless and like a failure, allowing injustice collectors, tyrants and other angry ones bully you is NOT compassion, wisdom, logical or spiritual.

Anger, rage, upset, blame, depression, acting in or out are messages from your SELF, saying change direction.  Someone or thing outside the self can’t gift YOU with being accepted and understood.  That comes from within, always it is your gift to you with the support and guidance of your soul or higher self.  MISERY is a GIFT to others, that you cannot avoid sharing with yourself.  To consciously choose to vent, hate, force, tell lies about or punish another means your dark thinking and intent FILLS your energy field for as long as you dwell in those thoughts.  Your biology holds that dissonance, tension, dark energy and sympathetic nervous systems reactions of survival, for at least six more hours after your thoughts MAY lighten a bit.  Gossip, tweets and misery will keep you frozen in that negative emoting energy field.

“Looking for compassion with all the wrong thought patterns.”