No one impressed upon you, that your joy and happiness is created by you and found within you and in all you create and emanate?  What you create is for you and by you.  You can only share or emanate what you create for the self first, and the only thing that will satisfy you, would be what you created for you, which then spills into mass consciousness.  

Humans and souls residing in higher frequencies do not ask, demand or create for others, as per the Law of ALLOWING and freewill.  Others are each on their own unique path and learning style when they are conscious enough to materialize for themselves.  The caveat or exception is, when others ask for help, guidance or support and you have the knowledge and skill to help without using force, control or a hidden agenda, you can choose to give’m a hand or not.   

Synchronicities, do not happen by hoping.

Synchronicities are energies of YOUR expectation.  

When you expect to SEEK solutions or resolutions for your problems and issues.  Synchronicities, solutions and/or options will be presented to you that are vibrational matches to you, which you need to notice and put into action.

Do you recognize your solutions and understand their TIMING?

When you are negative, dissociating, unconscious or buttered all over the universe you will attract and entrain a predator to victimize you.  Dissociating, being unconscious you are vibrationally creating/attracting your own EXPECTATION and/or synchronicity of being victimized.  You have actually custom-built the energy that will manifest what you intend and verbalize.  You’re ordering what you focus on, in present time, creating a strong bias for your future experiences and synchronicities.

TIMING of Invisible Realm MESSAGES!

You have gotten all manner of signs, signals and intuition that perhaps you should WAIT or change direction.  Do you “listen,” or do you just push forward, using your human impatience and force?  Waiting may mean another piece or two, person or information needs to come on line before acting.

Have the courage to ALLOW and surrender micromanaging and human control or force, especially about the minutia.  Have the courage to dismiss the details of your expectations and except something better to be offered.  Your higher self has more information and is a library of more options than you as a human could even conceive.

You make plans, get the money together, and get it going.  But it doesn’t work smoothly, it’s an uphill battle.  You worry that you got it wrong or have feelings of “never again” or “I’ve been tricked.”  Actually, the truth might very well be, that you lack understanding about how higher frequencies function.  Higher frequencies do not operate with linear time.  They act when there is the highest probability that all of the piece’s of the project, are ready to function optimally.  

When you receive messages, you are simply receiving confirmation of your own intuitive thoughts about agreements you have made previously.  This is a signal to get ready, to start pulling information and things together to accomplish your mission.

Now you need to WAIT for all the other pieces to be ready.

Timing/synchronicity must be right for all the pieces to act in sync.

Intuition, expectation and synchronicity are the vehicles for the messages given to you from the invisible realm or your higher self.  When they are ready to GO!  Most of the time it will “hit you upside your head” when the time to act arrives.  

Wait for the right things to come along and they will. 

They will because your talents and intuitions were given to you for that reason, you need to let them mature and grow.  Nothing will be harmed in waiting for the right things at the right time.  Timing for all aspects to be in place is key.  You focused on and are remembering what you need in the moment.  When working with your higher self or the invisible realm keep asking questions to increase your information about the direction to take each step of the way.  They always have more statistics than you have about you and everyone else.

An example, Working with a group of adults or children ask your higher self how much light their mass consciousness is.  Or how much light an individual is operating with.  When the group or individual is in the 60-70% light/compassion range, discern which direction they are moving in?  Into compassion or lacking compassion, devolving into victim, predator and confused innocent cycles, trauma and abuse cycles.  If the group or individual is less than 60% light, ask what action has the highest probability of a positive outcome with them.  

How should you proceed or just allow them their path without you? 

If the group is 70% light and going lighter what action has the highest probability of a positive outcome.  

Quantum or Universal LAW of RESONANCE or VIBRATION says each resonance has different event sites with particular themes or purposes with unique sensations, colors, sounds, tastes and smells.  Vibrations are predictable, measurable and can be calculated and understood.  You interact in real time with any resonance your thought patterns match, attract and entrain with.

The speed of the quantum spin a particle has is dictated by the percentage of light/compassion the human thought and intent hold.  Quantum particles create a filmy image of any thoughts a consciousness has, with the resonance and clarity that the THINKER HAS and operates with. 

The quantum field has no time or space and is in a continuous flow of give and receive ONLY compassion.  When the THOUGHT is NOT compassionate the quantum spin of the quantum particles slows and collects matter, dropping the consciousness OUT of the quantum field into the quarantined toxic dark bandwidth of 3D/lower 4D resonance reflecting back to you, the vibration YOUR thoughts and perceptions hold most of the time.