Is an INNER condition about the way you think and feel about WHO you are, what you do and how you create for you.

Fetus’s gray soul essence and their caretakers ALL ARE “mature infinite soul essences” that have attracted and entrained together carrying matching resonances and agreements with each other, incarnating together in the same group, clan, extended family, country or back into a Generational Illuminist Family.  Being the fetus, child and then the parent or sibling or grandparent or aunt or uncle.

You create and sustain your own happy meaningful existance connecting with each other compassionately.  Or each other’s tormentor when that is the feedback loop you established together and keep engaging in.  Compassion means accepting what each of you think and do without having conditions of judgement, blame, competition, fear, upset, anger or force.

When others are unreliable or dysfunctional or just nasty do not include them.  Allow them to play with each other without you.  You might find yourself alone a lot, until you attract higher vibrating compassionate ones to interact with.

BOTH dark and light energy come from the same source, HUMANS!

Therefore dark and light energy are only shades of what humans think about and intend for the self and each other.  When enough Humans decide to keep other humans in the dark, then Earth and human mass consciousness WILL be in the dark as it has been for aeons.  Humans are directly responsible for all of it, the slavery, the religious wars, forced child labor, suppression of one group over another and our personal using and abusing and forcing of each other.

NICE TRY, blaming angelic wars and angry gods for human unpleasantness, but it’s Human’s at their worst that created and defined darkness/evil/suffering, cruelty and vengeance.

The dark soul essence carries its mean spirited thinking and intent forward into each new incarnation and situation into another biology or takes control of an adult biology to maintain its control and force or will cohabit for short periods of time with generally a relative.  For example, grandfather’s biology died and the soul acts and controls through granddaughter’s biology.  To continue the “mission” any mission on earth you need to have a container or conduit to operate from.

The finite human creates the nastiness and the infinite soul essence carries it into another form, conduit, portal human biology over and over again.  This why death  of the biology MAYBE a short term solution, BUT does not extinguish the darkness carried forward by the soul.

What the individual creates and the group supports and amplifies needs to be UNCREATED or transmuted by the individual and/or group WITHOUT blame, judgement, retribution, guilt, competition, vengeance or punishment BACK into higher frequencies!

Our SENSATION Receptor’s and KNOWINGNESS connect the human to its soul and the rest of the invisible realm.  The mind, soul or spirit is located outside and around the biology and runs its energy throughout the biology via our 206 meridians, which are the very small rivers of electric energy flows and our 7 main chakra points, sympathetic nervous system carrying signals to put your body’s systems and the adrenals on alert when there is danger!  Our parasympathetic nervous system and the pineal gland carries signals that say rest, relax and reflect. 

All theses systems are used to commune with the Hunan consciousness your intuition, imagination, “gut feeling” hunches or Aha’s that propel you into action without always knowing why or how, and not always using logic or rational thought, this is your connection to multidimensional knowledge.  These connections to the physical have always been present, but may remain closed or clogged when your thinking is dark and fearful and the blockages can and generally do cause pain, swelling, illness and/or an inability to connect with the invisible realm.

AUTONOMOUS SENSORY MERIDIAN RESPONSES, ASMR run throughout the body along the skin and the twelve main meridian electromagnetic networks of SNS and PNS.  Moving into fear and beta brainwaves, shuts down the pineal opening to allow the adrenals to kick in to ensure survival of the biology.  Fear and apathy are the greatest inhibitor to your intuition and sensory inputs from higher frequencies.

The VAGUS NERVE runs from our brain into our intestines and is the main nerve of our parasympathetic nervous system responsible for stimulation of our “rest-and-digest” or “feed and breed” responses and activities that occur when the body is in a restful calm state.  Parasympathetic involuntary activity is sexual arousal, salivation, lacrimation (tears), urination, digestion, defecation, heart rate, the immune system and respiratory rate, as well as vasomotor activity, and certain reflex actions, like coughing, sneezing, swallowing, and vomiting.

The vagal response (vasovagal reflex) is when stimulation of the vagus nerve causes symptoms such as lightheadedness, sweating and blurred vision.  This can happen when there is stress, pain, heat, having a bowel movement, or even standing too long.  Loud gargling with water or loud singing activates our vocal cords which in turn stimulates the vagus nerve.  Any massage, gentle or firm touch or sensation, cold water face immersion can assist in stimulation of the vagus nerve.  A stimulated vagus nerve can ease anxiety or deep breathing, singing it out, massage, exercise, connecting with others or just laughing stimulate vagal response.

HEALING is conscious control over matter, or the ability to significantly alter our own cellular structure through consciousness alone.  The biology knows your intent, and also any substance you’re holding.  So it is possible to imbue the properties of that substance into your cells without actually taking it internally, so there are no side effects of a drug.  This will work on a case-by-case basis within the consciousness of each Human and the path they’re on.  This is the same principle as homeopathy, where one part in a million of a “cure” can be “seen” by the body.  What the body does, is react to your intent, the substance, and the consciousness around it.