You have tried using reason, logic, kindness and various professionals to help you compassionately interact with the one you live or work with.  Even getting their consciousness to last for a short time and/or anything discussed or agreed upon is forgotten, twisted and will possibly be sabotaged.  

Cognitively they are not present enough to interact with constructively!

Cognitive functions are perceiving and judging categories.  

PERCEIVING is sensing and intuiting which explains how people receive, integrate, absorb and retain information.

JUDGING is how and if processing takes place, how they feel about what they think, read or hear and percieve will explain how they make decisions and put them into play or not.

Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition in which people appear to have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance.  I think what you are actually witnessing is a CRY for HELP!  

Their cognitive functions are so fragmented or absent, broken and corrupted that they are UNABLE to focus or function long enough to receive or process the help they need to defrag their cognitive functions.  They continuously interrupt their own thoughts and actions with “bouncers” ANOTHER random program, habit, thought or action which redirects them into a different program totally unrelated to where they were mentally and/or physically just a moment ago.  Viewing their thoughts, talk and behavior you see them continuously interrupting themselves without any logic or external stimulus. 

Someone trying to help or point out logical things will generally upset them further, because it increases their confusion, self doubt and feelings of being forced and out of control.  They are UNABLE to stay focused on one thought process or activity long enough to have any constructive purpose or action completed.

When the cognitive functions in the brain AND the multidimensional mind, aura or soul, move into overwhelmed and confusion, it is the result of repeated traumas, abuses and assaults on their sense of identity. This has happened throughout a plethora of life times, incarnations and realities.

What is needed is to defrag, clean up and reconnect the pieces and organize their memory fragments and lessons learned back together in working order giving them back the ability to function cognitively.

As Humpty Dumpty says he is rude, arrogant, domineering and self-important.  He insists that he can make words mean whatever he wants them to mean. 

When there’s not enough space, consciousness on your disk or brain to store an entire file in one place, the file gets broken down into smaller pieces called fragments.  This is true for the human brain and the multidimensional mind or aura and soul.  When files are fragmented and storage algorithms are separated or cut and endless bouncers disrupt a story, rhythm or flow the human and/or soul is UNABLE to gather themself together enough to be logical, rational or moral enough to fix their programs.

DEEPER DIVE INTO human’s and their soul.

The soul and human are vibrational matches in their cognitive functioning.

Sometimes the human carries more compassion/light than its soul does, at times the soul has more compassion/light than its human does.  When one needs to be defragged so does the other.  BUT neither are able, cognitively to put their cognitive functions back together again enough to make it whole.

They look to others for help but they can’t cognitively process or absorb what is offered to them, frustrating both side of this action.  They are so unconscious and insular that they can’t even follow an example.  They act or react to what goes on in their fragmented head.  Having an inability to discern in advance or after the fact, if their action is/was helpful, wise or constructive for them or anyone else.  When they hear or read something it has little meaning, there is little or no emotional response or storage and integration of the events and information happening in their awareness.

Therefore recall and memory are not really available or useful to them in a coherent, rational, logical way.  They are unable to discern if what is seen, read or heard, is true or not because they cognitively can’t access their past knowledge or memory enough to make a sound decision about anything.

Fragments of memories and emotions float into the person’s awareness and they react as if it’s happening currently, and in the middle of their reaction a bouncer will move them into another fragment of memory or sensation.  There are no stories with a beginning, middle and end, only fragments being played out without any continuity logic or reason.

We opened a portal of greater light or higher frequency portal for all the humans and their souls that are CRYING for help to be defragged.  The one’s that got trapped and are dysfunctional in their skill or ability to cognitively focus long enough to put themself back together. 

Please all those seeking clarity and to be reconnect to their consciousness, logic  memory and be in control of themself. Please move into the higher frequency portal for help, comfort and reconnection.