Transmutation is changing your perceptions and thought patterns into a higher frequency level of giving and receiving only compassion and unconditional love.  

The “How To Do That Guide” is alignment with quantum, universal or cosmic laws and principles.  Following these truths of wisdom, raises your consciousness out of a quarantined frequency of toxicity into the quantum field of receive and give only compassion.  The quantum, universal or cosmic laws and principles are the NEUTRAL statements explaining how to give and receive ONLY compassion.


Bliss is moving into a higher brainwave state and frequency for a SHORT period to view the wisdom and potentials you had at one time.  This is NOT enlightenment or alignment with quantum laws or ascension and transmutation.

Bliss can be experienced when you feel close and intimate with another in an environment of trust and safety that opens up your electromagnetic energy field to each other creating a synergy of exchanging energy, sensations and thoughts.  Examples are enjoying nature, an activity of creating, sharing time with a child or pet, new thoughts or friends, having an orgasm, ecstasy or some near death experiences.

Near Death Experiences may bring your consciousness into a higher brainwave state for a short period to remind you of what you knew, the LAST time you resided in a higher brainwave state and higher consciousness of compassion.  BUT your higher self or the invisible realm may present a rather disagreeable lower state of consciousness to you.  The hope’s to “wake you up” into being the compassionate creator you really are.  To let you know, you are regressing and allowing others to create illusions of reality for you that are NOT truth.

Quantum Principle of PERPETUAL TRANSMUTATION says all sentient beings can change their resonance or state of consciousness continuously.

Regardless of the origin of a thought, feeling, emotion, healing, dysfunction or knowledge.  You CAN take ownership of an entangled entrainment of quanta to move it in another direction, reinforce it, redirect it or stop feeding it your focus, consciousness or energy to dissipate it.

TRANSMUTATION is CONSCIOUS movement into higher frequencies.  You ALONE have the power to change your low resonating thought patterns of negativity, sadness, anger, blame, righteous indignation, force, competition, shame, depression  and judgment into higher resonating thought patterns of compassion, forgiveness, acceptance and enthusiasm for and about you.

Law of Conservation of Energy.  The first law of thermodynamics, also known as Law of Conservation of Energy, states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed; energy can only be transferred or changed from one form to another. 

Synchronicities, do not happen by magic or hoping.

Synchronicities are the energy of YOUR expectation.  

When you SEEK solutions or resolutions for your concerns, problems and issues.   Law of attraction will presented to you OPTIONS that are vibrational matches to you.  Which you need to notice and pick one or more to put into action.

“Being victimized” is one point of perception.  

When you give your power away to any other, then YES, you have chosen to ALLOW another to victimize you.  To create and predict your future for you, because they are managing your present for you, when your vibrational consciousness, has attracted and entrained with a dissociated and depressed spouse, parent, child or country or action.  Your choice is NOT to be responsible for you.

The compassionate response for them and you, is to disengage and allow low frequency’s in people that are dissociated or depressed, mean spirited or dark stay on their path without you.  Be responsible and compassionate with the energy you control and honor the quantum law of allowing.  Light Ones allow you your path and will NOT create for you.  LIKE resonances attract and entrain together OR adjust into each other’s resonances to carry ONE resonance as per The Law of Entrainment.  This process is not static!  It is in continuous flux, like our conscious thinking is.  Quantum particles create our thoughts, with their intent, emotion, smell, color, 3D shape and sound filled out.  The filmy quantum image is solid enough for another consciousness to move the image around.

Owning your creator abilities allows you to shape and continuously change and alter your perceptions of your reality.  Light Ones do not mess with other’s creations or the creators, that is against the Law of Allowing.  You can lead a human to wisdom BUT you can’t make them SEE its value, or use it.

Your heart and soul is dimmed or brightened by your intentions, resonance and thought patterns.  The percentage of light a thought, person, event, country or action carries, reflects how closely aligned it is with quantum or universal truths, laws and principles of giving and receiving only compassion.

In higher frequencies you FEEL what you think as you think it.  

Nasty thoughts give immediate pain, suffering and a strong nudge to get you to reframe your thought and intent NOW!  There is only receive and give compassion, or your consciousness is dropped out of the quantum field into a quarantined toxic dark bandwidth of 3D/4D reality and communing with other Dark One’s low consciousness, also called karma or you get what you give.  The use and abuse that many humans do on earth to each other. 

When you are ready to WORK on creating compassion for you, your higher self is present and ready to help, guide and support you, when YOU meet them half way, to prove your commitment.