Spiritually is an intrinsic awareness and activity.

When you are intrinsically motivated, you engage in thoughts, sensations ans/or activities because you get personal joy and satisfaction from doing it.  Operating from our intrinsic self, we use our resourcefulness, perceptiveness, intelligence or creativity which reflects our self worth, why and how we value ourself.  An intrinsic relationship is a relationship that is an end in itself – its main purpose is to enjoy each other.

The biology and logical rational thought about what is compassionate, ethical and has integrity acts like any “tattletale” does.  Thought patterns lacking compassion that use force, manipulation or illusion to seduce one into self deceptions, lies, secrets and denials are not nice, helpful or constructive. 

An Example:

I told me and anyone else that would listen, that I was helping others when I forced my beliefs on them.  Eventually I came to realize I was actually “setting them up to be taken advantage of”  from the group I belonged to.

Thinking and acting with integrity, honesty and compassion feels good.

Agendas of pleasing, self sacrifice or allowing others to decide for you feels uncomfortable in the body.  Intrinsic motivation comes from within, while extrinsic motivation arises from external factors like what we “should do” or “ought to do” or “’supposed to do” and got to have or get.  When you are extrinsically motivated, you do something in order to gain an external reward or perk.  Extrinsic is when we try to regulate another person, event or thing to satisfy an agenda we have.

The human’s job is to NOTICE, choose and use the information that is always present and available.  Information is neutral, the human’s intent and agendas are not.

Quantum Law of AWARENESS or CONSCIOUSNESS says YOU must consciously make your choices because you ARE held personally responsible for them.  What you create or ALLOW, that lacks compassion, you must release or transmute to remain in the higher vibration of the quantum field.

Higher conscious creators create in collaboration or alone WITHOUT the low resonating thoughts of ownership, control, force or greed.  The joy comes from your intrinsic feelings of being a creator, well satisfied with your creations in the moment.  The physical biology adjusts and follows along with what you think and feel.  Your higher self or soul essence are eternal, awake conscious and curious. 

Thoughts and actions LACKING compassion get STUCK, dense and congested in the biology when you force it to hold your lies, denial and self deceptions.

You release YOUR thoughts, feelings and agendas that lack compassion by not feeding them your energy, focus or consciousness.  You stop running negative  thoughts over and over silently in your head or noisily aloud.  You do not allow another human, vengeful god, demon, alternate personality or reptilian to run your brain, body or soul which will unbalance you  

To KNOW your truth, you must stay CONSCIOUS and curious.

No one is GIVEN knowledge, it is always present and available to all.  Your job is to NOTICE, choose and use the information that is always present and available.  Light Ones stay conscious know and own the truth without judgement, blame, guilt, shame, competition punishment or fairness, which is assigning blame.

“Being victimized” is your point of perception and reality.  When you give your power away to any other, then YES, you have chosen to ALLOW another to victimize you.  To create and predict your future because THEY are managing your present.  Being unconscious or in denial about cause and effect will generally results in you not being in control of you to intrinsically enjoy yourself.