Raging, upset and anger is venting to let others know you are not getting what you want and demand because you ARE a powerless victim unable to create for yourself.  Someone needs to rescue you and create for you because you have no intention of taking care of yourself, someone needs to do that for you.

The upset one does create and attract more stress, agitation disorganization and challenges their ability to think and act clearly.  Researchers from HeartMath Institute found that five minutes of anger weakens and suppresses the immune system for six hours.  Ahh, but five minutes of sensing compassion and care can strengthen your immune system for up to six hours.

Consider being honest with you about your motives!

You are trying to get from another what YOU MUST give to your very own self.  You are DEMANDING someone else or something else, give you what you want or need to create for the self.  

Rage and frustration is NOT anentitlement to wound and force others.

Rage, upset and anger is only PROOF that you are out of control.  IN denial and distracting yourself from the issues you are avoiding taking responsibility for.  Blaming, upset and judging others as the cause of your misery is easier than owning, fixing or creating  exactly what you want for you.

Dark Ones create for others and it’s always a “setup” for you to lose.

ENABLERS and HANDLERS derive their value, self worth and ill gotten gains by defining themselves as allowing and supporting the “irresponsible one’s” self abusive choices, behaviors, morally bankrupt actions, criminal enterprises and dysfunction.  Enablers and handlers have formal or informal agreements with the “tantrum one out of control” to continue things as they are and enjoy the perks they get from enabling, using and abusing the other.

Enablers and irresponsible ones, both sides, carry the same low resonance that attract and entrain with each other to support their perception of reality.  The way a leader/tyrant and followers/slaves do, to avoid culpability and responsibility for their low vibrations of use and abuse of each other and any bystanders engaged in this game of stagnation and distraction.  

Enablers and handlers or trainers can be INTERNAL or external.

The voice in your head or your gut pain, an addiction, a committee in your head, beliefs you hold, dogma, imprints and implants you follow or a demon you listen to, are internal handlers or trainers that you follow and ALLOW to control you.  So you avoid conscious choice and responsibility for you. 

Then there are a wide variety of external handlers, like another human, family member(s), religious dogma, a leader, bully, a famous or wealthy and grandiose person or a program or Dark One on your cell phone or on the web

The Illuminists put alternate personalities in their “mind controlled slave system” to act as internal handlers.  In their system there is always a combination of slightly more dark and some light handlers with opposing beliefs designed to maintain the “confused innocent’s” state of confusion, fear, obedience, denial and submission in their slaves and anyone else looking for a bully to fight their battles for them or someone else that will make it “all better for them.”


Are you noticing that higher frequencies are happening suddenly and rapidly now to more people?   We are jumping into new timelines and uncovering new and recovering old improved facets of ourself.  We are actually, consciously working to successfully transmute and move forward individually and as a group, into greater compassion and constructive action.

The infinite soul incarnates into each reality with a long history of interactions with all the other souls it has interacted with MANY, many times before.  Your current feedback loops started in previous incarnations that will keep creating the same reality UNTIL one of you stays conscious and chooses wisdom and compassion for the self. Without guilt, neediness, judgement, blame, punishment, shame, anger, retribution, competition or anyother dark agenda or intent.

Light Ones only manifest for themselves, their peace, joy, safety, trust or value.

“Being in service” means being an example or template with nothing to gain or lose.  Alinement with quantum laws and principles is allowing each individual, to stay on their path WITHOUT your interference, guilt, neediness, judgement, blame, fixing or punishment. 

Falling apart happens before change.  Currently humanity is experiencing structural instability emotionally and mentally offering opportunities for new growth and development.  It is always your job to discern if the energy you engage with is dark or risky to play with.  Hold your boundaries and remain the detached observer when around dark and Dark Ones, they mean YOU no good.  When uncertain, allow things to play out further until it is clear what you are dealing with and creating for you.