Grounding or Anchoring is creating a template, pattern, state of consciousness or belief as REAL and operational for you.  Ideally you are being compassionately hopeful and that will electromagnetically attract more hopefulness, kindness, fun, laughter and joy for you in your now moment.  

Anchoring compassion for YOU in your belief system.  

Realize, know, own and accept that historically considering all your lifetimes as one unit, you gave as much nastiness as you might now be experiencing or continue to keep reliving by bring past wounds and angry attitude’s into present time.  To exit that group of low frequency feedback loops of “tit for tat.”  That you and the circle of eternal souls you kept / keep incarnating with that were / still are angry and wounded, you and they lie, deny, blame and judge each other.  

To ground higher frequencies you need to transmute your thoughts and actions LACKING compassion for you.  Forgiving, accepting and gathering the wisdom of cause and effect, allows movement into the feedback loops of compassion that DU NOT have  judgement, blame, guilt or punishment for you or anyone else.

To dissipate those feedback loops, to make space and energy for compassion to grow and expand.  Many find grounding compassion easier to achieve while in a group with strong beliefs because they lack their own personal conviction and intent.

The many versions of reality in the universe are viewed as “overlays,” with the lowest slowest frequency realities at the bottom of the overlays.  An overlay is a higher vibrating example you have the freewill to notice and incorporate or not.

Higher frequencies mean increased consciousness, curiosity and interest in engaging with those having different perceptions, backgrounds and experiences than yours to increase your connection, laughter, joy and wisdom.  Acceptance is a gift that keeps giving back.  That is the push-pull of free renewable energy.  It is very easy to gift others when you have gifted yourself FIRST with the energy of acceptance.

Acceptance of people and situations just as they are grounds you in what is true.  Accepting does not mean agreeing, liking or downplaying another’s impact on you.  It is honestly observing what is true in that moment. 

Two parties or more with constructive purpose, will create a synergy to create more than what one alone can create.  All members of an interaction receive energy, wisdom and compassion synergistically.  Others can share their knowledge and be supportive.  But ULTIMATELY you need to create and be responsible for what you want for you.  

Intimate relationships bring out and reflect DEEP childhood wounds supporting the MYTH that your needs should be filled by others.  How much easier is it to give you what you need instead of trying to trick or force another into thinking they can give you what you lack or need with their sacrifice of themself.

To keep yourself safe while interacting with Dark Ones you need STRONG boundaries.  Dark Ones refuse to take responsibility for their dark creations.  Any amount that they steal, take or destroy NEVER satisfies them either.  Empty calories, abusing others, lies, denial, pretty stories disinformation, distractions, addictions and dissociation never nourish, nurture or sustain their biology or soul.  Getting your WANTS met from another ALWAYS means you are NOT being responsible for you.  AND the one trying to fill your wants is probably NOT nurturing and compassionate with themselves either. 

Quantum Principle of AUTHORITY and RESPONSIBILITY, says the one aware, worthy and capable of carrying out an action has the authority and responsibility to respond.

You are the only one having the authority to change YOUR perception, intent and consciousness.  You need to be your own SuperHero!  No one can or should even try to do it for you.  BLESSINGS are potential synchronicities waiting for you to percieve these compassionate options being offered to you.

The fetus’s infinite gray soul essence and their caretakers are all “mature soul essences” that have attracted and entrained together carrying matching resonances and intents.  You create (attract electromagnetically) and sustain (entrain) with your own chosen perceptions of reality.