Not frozen in the past or future which is ONLY a distraction from the present.  

Your access point to adjust and change your thoughts and perceptions is in your stillness, awareness, creativity and knowingness leading into your now actions.

Your realizations are compassionate ACTIONS.

Your higher self joins your thinking to “noodle” new directions and options with you by dropping bits of awareness to you, that you forgot or denied during many of your incarnations.  Higher frequencies operate with the truth and a completer awareness of all the factors and interactions that are going on.  One way your higher self offers more accurate and complete information is in dreams, daydreams, and visits consciously and/or objectively to your past interactions and your past thoughts and realities.  To boost your problem solving, planning, creating and restructuring projects and plans.

  Fantasizing relieves boredom, loneliness and can resolve issues.

Thinking or running scenarios asleep or awake is an excellent clarifying and problem solving tool for us and a way to interact with your higher self and other like minded consciousness’.

One form of communication in the fourth dimensional frequency is for two or more soul essences to share a dream simultaneously.  Shared or joint dreams are when you and the other person you are dreaming about or with, have the same interactive dream at the same point in time.  This is a 4D way to interact or share information or communicate with each other, without technologies.  You use 4D internet or Skype, with fewer words, more symbology, deeper feelings and sensations with a sense of greater safety and stronger feeling.

You may be drawn into a 4D/dream state by another that needed and asked for your assistance and didn’t know how or was too fearful to share it in 3D.  Someone we know, or a stranger or astral body no longer in 3D, may call for or request our attention assistance emotionally, mentally, spiritually or physically.  Especially when you are doing body work, creating songs, dances, writing or developing a philosophy you may be aware of attracting and entraining with their consciousness as you work with their concepts and integrating your thoughts with their thoughts synergistically.

BECOMING conscious of YOUR 4D activities.

  When you are working hard to fall in sync with quantum law and your higher self, you may become conscious, of waking up from a dream of “getting married” as a symbol of bonding.  Possibly melding or falling in sync with your soul or higher self. Maybe you attracted with another human’s soul you have contracted with because you have shared intents, resonances or missions.  The human may or may not be aware of what is going on in 4D.

A FEW EXAMPLES of shared dreams:

Q was a very young delicate female and H was a slightly older friendly sister.   As many older siblings are, H was protective and sympathetic with Q.

H felt Q’s wounds and resonated with her as they cried together.  

Q was pregnant and didn’t seem to know why or how.  When H asked if she had sex with anyone, she named 3 men that were “mother’s friends.”  They both felt shame and blamed themself.  

The shared dream was to show how much they cared for and empathized with each other’s feelings of powerlessness to control their own body.  They felt guilty and angry about being forced and controlled.  Both sisters understood they were unable to protect their physical self from “the adults dysfunctional cruel behaviors.”  

WORKING at cross purposes.

As J was trying to put some trees and flowers into the dirt.

K kept pulling the trees and flowers out of the dirt by their roots.  

J and K’s higher selves were trying to communicate and clarify each other’s thinking without judgement.  Possibly long and short term goals were to be reconsidered so the self defeating behaviors could be worked out differently.  OR an emotional issue in one or both, needed to be addressed

GUT and RECTAL pain.

L and M were experiencing rectal and gut pain.  L asked the higher self out loud, PLEASE give me what WE need to consciously remember and be aware of to STOP the pain.  This was a joint MEMORY for L and M.  They told mom, “dad hurt me.”  Her response was “no he didn’t, you imagined it, it’ll be better soon!”  

L and M learned not to bother saying anything to others or look for compassion or  help or understanding from this adult, that most likely experienced the same abuses in their childhood and was in denial.

To function in and understand higher resonance communications, you rely heavily on your senses and intuition.  When your goal is to numb, avoid or deny your senses your vibration is too low and slow to leave the toxic 3D, lower 4D quarantined illusional holograph that the gray soul essence and biology has entrained with.

Lower 4D is where the energy wars took/take place and that energy field has been relocated out of Gaia’s energy field or aura.  During the current 3D wars, as the biology dies the dark souls are immediately relocated to another lower 4D reality.  Any and all dark soul’s with or without biology carrying less than 60% still left in Gaia’s aura will be relocated in the month of February 2030.  A short time after that any soul generally carrying less than 70% compassion will be relocated.

The 4D ENERGY WARS were carried in Gaia’s lower 4D with the 3D human daydreams and night dreaming consciousness.  The conflict was about where and how to focus your energy, just as it is in 3D wars and conflicts happening now.   Use your compassionate wisdom or force others to do your bidding.  Treat all as equal’s and be responsible for the self or suck the life out of each other to maintain your finite physical existance with force and abuse.

Wars are distractions to avoid being compassionate to yourself and each other.  Just as any addiction or abuses are used to avoid being compassionate with the self and others.  Wars and cruelty are being amplified currently in hopes of waking up more of humanity into the wisdom of being compassionate with the self.  Where your focus goes your resonance grows.