Living, Sentient, Computers

Living is organic.  Sentient means able to feel and sense.

Computers are able to store and process data, just as human biology, planets, orbs and spacecrafts, which are all, large or small organic sentient computers that respond to “the thinker’s” thought and state of consciousness.

That is what quantum particles do, respond to the thinker’s or consciousness’ thought, intent and resonance or frequency to manifest that image, clean and strong or sloppy, chaotic and hard to interpret and everything else in-between.  That is also what your microbiome does, listens to your self talk and nurturing or not so nurturing thought you give it, physically, mentally and emotionally.

Any spacecraft you see around earth will look like you expect it to look, reading and matching your thoughts and beliefs to encourage your trust and sense of safety with them.  Dark One’s “stimulus response reaction” is generally fear and the need to run, fight, destroy and/or take advantage of, if possible.  

The individuals inside the craft will appear in a form that you find acceptable or believable to you, warriors, monsters or friendly dude’s and dudes’s.

Sentient life forms, in the light bandwidth or quantum field are created with the creator’s consciousness or imagination.  Entities that inhabit starships, homes, planets or biology know that they are NOT a separate consciousness from their ship, planet, home or biology.  All entities know they are not really separated from each other.  The same way a human and their companion pet’s consciousness is not really separated, they read or know the thoughts and feelings of each other as they focus on them.  Sending mental images and sensations back and forth.

3D physical biology is separate, but 4D consciousness is not.

Spacecraft and human sentient life forms are piloted with their THOUGHTS, sensations, pictures and intent.  As the pilot and passengers harmonize and homogenize their thought and intent with the ship.  Just as Gaia and Her higher resonating human’s consciousness are in sync together currently.  They SHRINK or EXPAND as needed to match the vibration and intent of the reality they exist in and are experiencing in the now moment. 

Spacecraft, portals, planets and people can put up shields, boundaries around themselves, to close their electromagnetic field or aura, to avoid being penetrated by anything or anyone carrying a lower resonance than they carry.  In higher frequencies different areas of a ship, planet, biology, microbiome, relationship or house will morph and change to meet the current thoughts, intent and needs. 

90% of what makes up the human body are NOT human cells.  The human host biology consist of about 30 trillion human cells, AND hosts 39 trillion microbial cells.  Teeming communities of bacteria, viruses, protozoa and fungi in our gut, mouth, on and in our skin and elsewhere are collectively called the human microbiome which also includes freeloaders, like toxins and pathogens.  This interconnected network in human biology wields astonishing power over human health and functioning, psychologically and emotionally and physically.

What we feed and nurture our microbiome greatly affects how well we function and affects what we think about.  How our DNA reacts and functions.  Disruptions of these delicate systems can rob us of nutrients we need, interfere with the digestion of our food, and possibly trigger afflictions in our bodies and minds.

HUMAN Microbiomes Are SHARED

We assemble our microbiomes originally from mom and reformulate them throughout our lives.  Research led by geneticists at the University of Trento in Italy have found that microbiome organisms hop extensively between people, especially among those who spend a lot of time together. 

Microbiomes are like fingerprints: so diverse that no two people have identical ones.  They’re incredibly dynamic, growing, shrinking and evolving so much throughout a person’s lifetime that a baby’s microbiome will look drastically different by the time they grow up. 

A handful of microbial species are found in more than 90% of people in westernized societies, but most species are found in 20% to 90% of people.  Studies suggest that non-westernized societies have an even greater diversity of microbes and more variable microbiomes.  In a human microbiome, between 2 million and 20 million unique microbial genes may be present, with the microbes constantly reshuffling their genes, mutating and evolving.

Deliberately sharing pieces of healthy microbiomes, through fecal transplants has proved astonishingly successful in treating certain diseases and infections like that of the bacteria Clostridium difficile.

Microbes live, mutate and evolving based on what you FEED and NURTURE them with physically and emotionally.  Their ability to digest and use what you put in all of your orifices, on your skin and your feelings and emotions will determine what you’ll all create together as one unit.  Our gut and what we feed it both operate in sync with each other.  When one is impaired or becomes abnormal so does the other one.  

Gut/brain issues lead to mood swings, food cravings, anxiety, anger, depression, elation, joy and dysfunctional thought processes, more junk food, drink or drugs, any of which will trigger the entire system.  Physical health and your mental health work as one unit.  Your emotional distress, immune regulation, cognitive function, mood, unresolved trauma and stress can and does affect your physical health and ability to digest what you put in your orifices and on your skin.  Many skin products are also hormone disrupters.

GARDENING increases your gut health and microbiome diversity planting, pruning, and potting in the fresh air is good for your mental health and wellbeing.  Being creative increases your frequency and your connection to your higher self.  Research shows that the gut microbiome of gardeners is more diverse than non-gardeners.  Not only does the gardener benefit from contact with the soil, the whole family and those living and interacting with the gardener show increased gut microbiome diversity. 

When you’re growing your own fruits and veggies.  Research shows gardeners often have diets richer in vitamins and fiber than people who don’t garden, in part from eating the products of their garden.  Fiber literally FEEDS good gut bacteria to help your microbiome thrive.