FEEDBACK LOOPS or CYCLES are Entrainment


You are YOUR creator with all the OPTIONS available to you, that you can match your thought, intent and resonance too.  Every thought and intent YOU carry has a particular frequency or resonance and reality that you percieve and exist in that you create consciously or unconsciously by allowing OTHERS to create for you.

Thoughts and beliefs your INFINITE soul essence carries in its multidimensional DNA remain and are projected out in all your incarnations for you to experience and notice in your personal reality.  Change in your thinking and beliefs happen when you consciously own them and change them.

Your internal thought is projected out of you into 3D reality and 4D feelings.

Quantum or universal law of attraction electromagnetically pulls together similar energies, thoughts, people, events and places. 

Quantum or universal law of entrainment holds similar things together and homogenizes their vibrations, intentions, customs, ideas, values and consciousness, dark or light together, supporting and amplifying their perceptions of their reality. 


Are quarantined because they lack compassion for the self which is toxic. 

Thoughts and intents of judgement, blame and vengeance.  Thoughts of doubt, confusion, being controlled and victimized or helpless means you chose consciously at one point in your many incarnations the option to be UNconscious and ALLOW other Dark Ones to manipulate you and wound you, so in turn YOU felt entitled to manipulate them and wound them back.  Firmly setting up a toxic feedback loop for you to operate in and reside in, over and over again.  There is exceedingly little compassion for anyone in that cycle.  Those within that cycle or feedback loop:

Deny responsibility for their choices and nasty actions.  

They judge , blame and punish each other.

They do NOT treated each other as equals. 

A hierarchy of abuse, blame and punishment gets formed.

QUANTUM FIELD of Compassion

Those that stay consciously compassionate with themself, own responsibility for their thought and actions, reside in the quantum field resonance of give and receive only compassionate consciousness.  “Cause and effect” or karmic rebalancing of energy happens immediately in the quantum field of give and receive ONLY compassion or your consciousness is dropped into quarantined 4D reality with resonances matching your current vibration.  

By judging, blaming and punishing the self, and making ourselves wrong or beating ourselves up, we falsely think we will feel badly enough to change for the better.  We use the same faulty logic and energy while judging, punishing and blaming others.  Consider the results, NOTICE that positive change did not happen for you or anyone else.  Most frequently fear and self deception increases.

Quantum principle of GRACE would indicate there was blame, judgment and punishment by quanta and there IS NOT!  Quanta ARE creators of thought.   YOU CREATOR, create your own grace with your compassionate point of perception, intent and thought patterns about you and for you.

Quantum particles are not and NEVER have been “your keeper, judge, god or parent” they only manifest your thought and intent dark or light, mean spirited or kind and compassionate.  Lies and misdirections you have followed, mistakes you have made, hardships and disappointments you have endured and created for you, are FOR YOU to own and take charge of, to own and transmute into higher frequencies of compassion.

Universal or quantum Principle of CAUSE and EFFECT or RECIPROCAL ACTION or ENTRAINMENT, says nothing happens by chance or outside of the quantum field’s laws and principles.  The fact that you cannot identify a cause or effect is irrelevant.   For every thought, intent or action there is a vibration, reaction and consequence you create for you consciously or unconsciously.

Reciprocal is felt or done in return binding two or more parties or energies to an agreement or obligation, feedback loop or cycle or entrainment.  Dark low slow vibration or “the effects” may happen repeatedly in one lifetime and/or take many incarnations to experience.

Blame, judgment and punishment create an entrainment.

“I decide you wounded me, NOW I am justified in wounding you.”

When you percieve you are wounded, you can KNOW the ORIGINAL wound in this cycle was made by you.  And you are currently entrained in a feed back loop of cause and effect or reciprocal action or entrainment you started in any past, current, parallel or alternate reality.  The hope has always been that you can consciously gather the wisdom of cause and effect about how unpleasant and painful it felt to receive your negative energy’s intent you sent out.  Energy out is returned to you for you to OWN consciously, no matter how long in linear quarantined time that takes.

Will you continue to feed off of and react to another’s wounds? 

OR have you left that cycle to consciously create compassionate for you?

YOU are the conscious or unconscious and reactive creator of your vibrational intentions, thoughts and actions.  You choose what you focus on and feed your energy to and stay entrained with. 

What generally is created is hopelessness and failure when you judge, blame and punish the self and others.  This allows you to continue throwing a tantrum about your wounds and suffering, instead of noticing the wounds and suffering you delivered to another(s), those around you.  This is a distraction used to avoid responsibility, awareness and need for change.

Try treating yourself with compassion, acceptance and support.  Then pick one issue you want to address at a time with compassion for you.  That would be acting on your behalf and not giving you an excuse to punish and abuse you further, stay stuck and change nothing.

We would love to BELIEVE and demand that we can FORCE well being, love and acceptance out of ourself and others.  To force others to feel our pain, stress, anger, withdrawal or punishment AND that would make YOU feel all better! 

That is “The misery loves company” chant, that Dark Ones sing.

The TRUTH IS you can’t and should NOT force and control anyone.

The wounds, suffering or joy YOU emanated, created your reality for you and those entrained with you.  Is always a feedback loop or cycle and what many are experiencing currently, are the end results of the cycle their intentions put in motion, individually and/or as a group, to force and control or have compassion for others.  

Judgement, punishment, blame, competition, vengeance, shame and retribution are only found in the quarantined holographic illusion lesson plan or module of 3D/4D.  In higher brainwave states and resonances injuries and wounds you have sustained or caused ARE healed, released and transmuted from within you, AFTER you consciously own them and transmute them.  Consider that cycle completed, understood and you consciously gathered the wisdom.