NOTHING is Chance 

Tree Prison

RECIPROCAL means given, felt, or done in return.  Creating a feedback loop or cycle.  Binding two parties/energies and intent equally to an agreement, mutual action, obligation or relationship.  Laws of attraction and entrainment lasting a few moments or lifetime after lifetime for your infinite soul’s choices.

Vibrations of low slow lacking compassion, “the effect” in cause and effect, done in return MAY take a great many incarnations to happen, be felt and experienced.  In higher compassionate vibrations the reciprocation is immediate.

“Cause and effect” or karmic rebalancing of energy happens immediately in the quantum field of give and receive ONLY compassion or your soul essence’s vibration and consciousness is dropped into a quarantined 4D reality UNTIL you choose kindness and compassion for you.

Universal or quantum Principle of CAUSE and EFFECT or RECIPROCAL ACTION, nothing happens by chance or outside of the quantum field’s laws and principles.  The fact that you cannot identify a cause or effect is IRRELEVANT.   For every thought, intent or action there is a RESONANCE, consequence reaction you created for you.

In anyone or in many of your soul’s incarnations on Gaia/Earth, YOU deeply humiliated, betrayed, abused, deceived emotionally, mentally, physically and/or sexually another(s) soul.  You put into play and reinforced feedback loops of unbalanced energy lacking compassion for you and them, into motion.

Feedback loops are to make you CONSCIOUS not punished!

It is ALLOWING YOU an opportunity to sense and feel your gift to another so you can gather the wisdom.  When you are a slow learner, you are offered the same lesson over and over again.  The hope is, you stop wounding others so YOU won’t “get what you gave,” a reciprocating wound.  Some choose to maintain this frequency, to get better at vengeance/anger/punishment/retribution/misery, UNTIL they run into someone even better at it than they are or the monotony of the game exhausts them.  

The year 2013 and beyond marks the start of our fifth try at moving BACK into the quantum field of consciousness, which is give and receive only compassion.  Dark CYCLES we STARTED are being completed currently IF YOU gather the wisdom of what you caused and feel the effect it has on the receiver.  Now that you are receiving, sensing and feeling that energy and intent, instead of feeling like the creator you WERE.  You feel VICTIMIZED or punished and persecuted unjustly.  Just as the ones you tormented felt so many realities ago. 

Until you own and understand cause and effect you probably will live with frustrating despair that anything will ever improve.  And it won’t until you become compassionate with you WITHOUT blame, judgement, punishment or vengeance. 

Your anger and feelings of powerlessness is about a past time and/or another reality and your predator(s) are no longer present but you keep mocking them up into new situations/predators, making a replica or imitation of your abuses/wounds and misery, which now identifies who and what you are.  A battle-scarred dark gray soul essence lacking compassion.

Without all that, what would you be?

“CONTEMPT” is an emotion and MORAL judgement.

Contemptuous people and dark soul’s are angry, judgmental, deeply wounded, emotionally fragile and insecurely attached to themself and others.  They are furious that no one rescued them, including themself.  Contempt is a defense mechanism against one’s terror and ANGER at never being rescued or saved from ongoing abuses and wounds suffered over many lifetimes.  Contempt is a protection or defense mechanism wrapped around the self, in order to continue functioning and keep from melting down into a pile of tears, pain, suffering, frustration and confusion.  Unable to figure out why.

“If nobody cares about me, it doesn’t matter what I do to them, they deserve it.” 

This is the reasoning used by all violent self absorbed and abusive ones.

  Contemptuous people are in denial about the reciprocal feedback cycle THEY put into play.  When you are being abused in this lifetime you can KNOW you did the same in this and previous realities.  It is healthy to own, gather the wisdom and release that cycle

An example of help from their higher self: 

The human just couldn’t totally let go of their contempt and rage.  The contempt defined, nurtured and identified the human feeding from it.  The human’s 5D/6D higher self entangled its quanta with the human’s entrained gray soul, speeding up the soul and human’s quanta enough to break up the density and release the remaining STUCK energy of contempt the human had chose to release.

This was around midnight, just 12 hours before the equinox of 9-22-2021 at 12:21pm.  The Equinox is a good time to go within and address anything that needs your attention to be addressed, honored and healed with the assistance of your higher selves.  With the release of contempt, one can carry more compassion and forgiveness of the self.  Move from blaming, anger and disgust to conscious creating and enjoying the many constructive things one can do in the now moment.

Currently the entire planet is bathed in higher frequencies, which increases our clarity to see and understand cause and effect about what you want.  

The grid system here on Earth is being upgraded causing electrical instability, disruptions and diversions from what you have always done, your personal patterns of thought and behaviors.  Making it easier for you to experiment with more awareness, creativity and compassion.