Remaining in ABUSE

Trauma bonding is characterized by a mixture of dependency, loyalty, fear and a distorted concept of what love is.  Addiction and trauma expert, Dr Patrick Carnes, coined the term to explain why some people stay in abusive relationships.  Like they do in the Stockholm syndrome, cults and Illuminist training/programming.  A psychological attachment and dependency develops to their captor as they sympathize with them and adopt their goals, rules and regulations.  

Law of attraction to “like frequencies” and entrainment.

This is a psychological bond and/or entrainment or pattern of behavior where the victim is emotionally attracted to and attached to their abuser or predator or the one they chose to THINK for them so “the victim thinks” that they do not need to be culpable for what they do.  

In order to BE a victim, you do need someone to mistreat you.  Which could be a criminal, politician, parent or child, tyrant, bully or the leader of your country.

The inconsistent illogical and irrational behavior of the predator carries the LIKE vibration of its victim(s).  

The one(s) the “victim chose” for their predator to force and control them has a LIKE vibration so the victim could be, pitied, vent, complain, act out or act in and it wouldn’t be their fault!

These are games of distraction to avoid being culpable and responsible for the self lifetime after lifetime for aeons.  

Current trauma attachments and dependency, with soul essences most probably started during any and many past incarnations, this is a significant piece of information because human soul essence’s generally come into each incarnation with the same group of souls multiple times.  Entrained with each other vibrationally sharing the same intents, goals and beliefs.  They enjoy each other and/or have unresolved issues, attachments and trauma bonds that need conscious owning to heal, transmute and release in order for them to move their trauma bonded soul essence into the higher frequencies of giving and receiving compassion.

Trauma bonds are a rollercoaster of intense intoxicating emotions of adoration alternated with neglect, disapproval, abuse and abandonment.  Dark soul essences percieve these strong cruel emotions as TRUE LOVE and caring, because Dark Ones, “not having compassion for the self” believe love can only be GIVEN to you by an outside source.  And the deeper and more dangerous the drama, the more you are “loved and needed.” 

Trauma bonding starts with “love bombing” pretend affection, compliments, excessive attention, gushy social media posts, and a push to commit too soon.  Trauma bond is an attachment and dependency that develops during a cycle of psychological, physical and/or emotional trauma interspersed or scattered along with caring or positive reinforcement.  The rush of strong emotion creates the illusion of safety (protection) and trust (dependency).  But then criticism and manipulation seep in, but you depend on their presence to feel loved and valued.

Then they move into making you doubt yourself by accusing you of any problems in the relationship and they deny their abusive behaviors.  You being rational and logical makes them double down on their deceptions, manipulations, distortions and irrational, illogical arguments.

An example of ancient trauma bonding stared during Atlantis, 20,000 to 25,000 years ago, when scientists technologically created personal slaves to serve and service them.  

SLAVE BANDS were used during Atlantis to force 50% of the population into slavery.  The slave band was nailed into their skull.  The human slave was told it was their CROWN and that they were “very special” but certainly NOT equal.  Similar to the lies the world population is currently being told. 

The slave bands acted like the “cattle prod” does, disrupting the cattle or human thought with an electromagnetic energy field.  Interfering with their ability to make a conscious choice, being forced and needing to surrender to the biggest bully.  This changes the DNA reducing one to fear, powerlessness, anger, frustration, compliance and obedience in the “slave” or cattle or cult member.

Fear, anger and frustration lower one’s intelligence and ability to think clearly, if at all.  The ability to go within and commune with the higher self is lost.  The slave bands, are still in effect today, but no longer physically present.  The scientists and the elite that have incarnated now, many are still suffering from their guilt and shame.

Trauma bonds are most commonly develop in romantic relationships, abusive romantic relationships of force, to create fear and surrender.  Creating an endless  competition of who is currently in a position of power.  Any competition is not a relationship of equals and is a DISTRACTION from being compassionate with yourself first.  When you haven’t figured out HOW to be kind and compassionate with you.  You won’t be kind and compassionate with others.  You can’t give what you don’t have, feel or understand.

When the individual or organization you are interacting with, knows the self deceptions and lies you want to hear and believe.  They feed them to you when they need or want something from you.  You choose to comply because you have low self esteem and do not value yourself enough to have compassion for you.  These relationships ARE a contractual agreement that you accepted.  You chose, consciously to accept self deception, dependency and lies.  

IN LIEW of YOU being compassionate and Responsible for YOU.

When what you experience is emotional, psychological or physical abusive and trauma, it is hard to process what is happening and what is true.  It is hard to believe you accepted CONSCIOUSLY, this contractual agreement. 

Universal or quantum Principle of CAUSE and EFFECT or RECIPROCAL ACTION.  Nothing happens by chance or outside of the quantum field’s laws and principles.  The fact that you cannot identify a cause or effect is IRRELEVANT.   For every thought, intent or action there is a RESONANCE, reaction and consequence you create for you, consciously or unconsciously.

RECIPROCAL means given, felt, or done in return.  Binding two parties or frequencies equally to an agreement or obligation, mutual action or relationship.  BUT in the dark of low vibrations “the effect” may take a great many incarnations to happen.  “Cause and effect” or karmic rebalancing of energy happens immediately in the quantum field of give and receive ONLY compassion or you are dropped into a quarantined 4D reality with the low resonance matching yours.

Especially when you have been in the same cycle many lifetimes in a row with the same souls.  It all feels so familiar and especially confusing when you ALSO share acts of what you consider to be kindness that are in reality the INTENT to manipulate and “set you up” again.

Both sides in this cycle believe they really care about each other and rationalize why they tolerate the abuses and call them “real love.”  Both sides of the trauma bond believe abuse is caring and if you care you force, enable and control each other.  Creating trauma solidifies the “special attachment” both sides have with each other.  An addict and enabler attachment is to distract both parties from dealing with their own personal issues of low self worth and accepted powerlessness.

Trauma bonds and addiction bonds, are deep concern about the other person instead of dealing with your own issues that need addressing healing and releasing.  You reman in a cycle of avoiding your personal cycle of creation, that YOU put into play by complying with lies and self deceptions because you refuse to value you and have compassion for you.

Forgiving YOUR current predator or abuser does NOT heal or release the cycles YOU put into motion when you were the predator and abuser of yourself.

Both sides of trauma bonds and addiction bonds have agreed contractually to deny and avoid RESPONSIBILITY for themself.  They will stop taking drugs and then replace it with alcohol.  Then being impressed with their self control and lack of denial  ONLY to double down on the distraction from what is true, by “OVER eating” toxic food and drink making the brain and biology challenged and dysfunctional leading to depression, apathy and a desire for another stronger distraction.

Denial, avoidance and distraction from the self continues when you decide it is easier to do things as the abuser/predator wants instead of you creating compassion and responsibility for you.  Over time, you become more dependent and reliant on each other trying to please each other to avoid conflict, you become financially dependent, depressed, anxious and trapped.  All to avoid being kind, responsible, compassionate and putting you FIRST.

Quantum principle of: GRACE would indicate there was judgment and punishment in the light bandwidth and there IS NOT!  Quanta just ARE.  You create your own grace with your compassionate point of perception, intent and thought patterns for you.

You are your creator and the giver of grace TOO you!  

Quantum particles are not “your keeper, judge, god or parent” they only manifest your thought and intent dark or light, mean or kind.  Lies and misdirections you have created, followed, mistakes you have made, hardships you have endured or created and disappointments and sadness you have had about you, are FOR YOU to own, heal, transmute and release.  Dark and light thoughts do boomerang back to their sender and creator eventually from any of your realities.  

Trauma bonds can affect the brain by altering its chemistry levels of dopamine and oxytocin.  When neurotransmitters the chemical messengers that your body can’t function without get dysregulated, it can cause emotional or physical addiction, where a person experiences “cravings” for certain feelings, foods, drugs etc.  Causing confusing and conflicting thoughts to the point where a person begins to justify and rationalize the abuses.  They may suffer PTSD, chronic illnesses, dissociation, sleep issues and/or mental fatigue.

Instead of hoping that a person will change so you can change.  Acknowledge what is currently happening and is true.  Practice self care and positive self-talk.  By building yourself up and taking care of yourself, you are taking steps to disengage from a self destructive cycle.  Where your focus goes and the meaning you give it creates the quality of your reality.  

You get more of what you ARE, not of what you want.