People join and entrain with other dark people and groups, religions, illuminists, governments or gangs to assist them in increasing and amplifying their power and intensity of anger and revenge toward those they decided have wounded them and need to be punished, made to suffer or be eliminated.

Only to eventually discover, that the top of the hierarchy, present in all dark groups, families or couples, has in reality captured or recruited them to be used, suppressed and abused in the name of the current illusional lie pleasing the leader.  Follower’s choices, freedom and power over their own existance is greatly reduced or extinguished.  Forced into obedience and alignment or you will be in a “world of pain, suffering or death.” 

One’s energy out, is always “LIKE energy returned to you.”

Frequently, the energy out and returned is the same dark energy “over and over again” hoping compassion might enter the equation sooner or later.  That the soul essence will notice consciously and OWN, no matter how long or how many lifetimes, or how many different planets it experiences the SAME lesson in linear quarantined time, that it will finally wake up!  “See the light.”  See and understand the VERY predictable cause and effect.

Anger and violence out, anger and violence returned frequently amplified.

Denial and confusion out, denial and confusion returned.

By joining a dark group or “a wolf in sheep’s clothing,” one violates the quantum law of THEIR own freewill and allowing, by allowing another to think for them!  One consciously gives their power of creation away to another Dark One, so they can deny responsibility for their nasty thoughts and deeds, even to the self.  They claim they’re the victim and confused innocent or “I was only following orders” that I “not so secretly” agreed with. 

Dark Ones never consider the possibility or own the responsibility for the cycles and feedback loops they have put into play and maintain with the company they keep and play with.

UNTIL they consciously “snap to” and own the facts that dark thinking, deeds and people: MEAN YOU NO GOOD! 

Darkness creates and sustains darkness, attracts and entrains MORE of the same vibration and resonance of darkness.  Dark Ones do not like their captives or slaves leaving them and will fight dirty to keep them.  Kill them and the soul will find another biology to maintain its consciousness in the same dark group.

The way to elevate your consciousness is to STAY conscious.  

Conscious choice is the only way to take your power back, people may call you PUSHY when all you are doing is deciding what is best for you. 

Know that a conscious creator NEEDS to be responsible, culpable for each and every creation, thought and intent.  It is not possible to do that when you remain entrained with Dark One(s) action, thoughts, intentions or the habit of allowing others to take what they want from you.  Darkness you engaged in historically needs your conscious owning, so you can understand and implement your wisdom of the causes and effects of your thoughts and intent.

Universal or quantum Principle of CAUSE and EFFECT or RECIPROCAL ACTION or ENTRAINMENT, says nothing happens by chance or outside of the quantum field’s laws and principles.  The fact that you cannot identify a cause or effect is irrelevant.  For every thought, intent or action there is a vibration, reaction and consequence you create for you consciously or unconsciously.

Reciprocal is felt or done in return binding two or more parties or energies to an agreement or obligation, feedback loop or cycle or entrainment.  Dark low slow vibration or “the effects” may happen repeatedly in one lifetime and/or take many, incarnations to experience.

Blame, judgment and punishment create an entrainment with both sides.

“I decide you wounded me, NOW I am justified in wounding you back.”

When you percieve you are wounded, you can KNOW the ORIGINAL wound in this cycle was made by you.  And you are currently entrained in feedback loops of reciprocal action or entrainment you started in any past, current, parallel or alternate reality and have continued to maintain.  The hope has always been that you can consciously gather the wisdom of cause and effect about how unpleasant and painful it felt to receive your negative energy’s intent you sent out.  Energy out is LIKE energy returned to you for you to OWN consciously, no matter how long in linear quarantined time that takes.

Earth WAS a school of cause and effect, you gather the wisdom or you don’t. 

The year 2013 and beyond marks the start of our fifth try at moving BACK into the quantum field of consciousness, which is give and receive only compassion.  Dark cycles we started are being completed currently IF YOU gather the wisdom of what you caused and feel the effect it has on the receiver.  Gather the wisdom and transmute YOUR frequency into compassion for you.