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Zetas are a society like ours in that they use advanced technology without the wisdom to use it compassionately.  Zeta consciousness is ruled by fear, greed, lust and force as humanity’s consciousness on earth has been focused on.  Nuclear testing, use and the other advanced weapons that America used after World War II and the Lemurians and Atlantians used to end their civilizations often came from the Zeta Reticuli society and the Grey’s we owned and employed.  Zetas had offered “the winners of WWII,” the same technology that they had used to destroy their world.  The Zetas were forced to live underground to avoid the radiation from the weapons they offered America in trade for the use of any humans and their DNA without the human’s consent. 

America appeared to WIN WWII.  Like so many other lies and illusions we are fed, we think it is true, BUT the war secretly continued, while the people of America celebrated their “great victory.”  Zetas spoke to and made agreements with Eisenhower and Rockefeller offering them new technology in exchange to use human DNA to experiment with. The Zetas also worked with the Nazis to assist them in creating their “superior race.”  Zetas gave the Nazis advanced rocket technology in the 1950s through and on into the early 1990s. 

Illuminists have and do “abduct” humans pretending to be “aliens.”  The children and adults taken over and over again, have suffered great traumas and fear at the hands of the Illuminati and the Zetas.  The government’s official position and disinformation has been that these people were lying or crazy.  These people were taken into the fourth dimension for the “procedures” that were done on them.  Since humans generally believe there is only 3D nothing could have happened!  The “procedures” were not done on the biology in 3D they were done on the soul essence’s inter-dimensional DNA grid system. 

When Zetas were told that it was frightening for a human to be tied down, they untied them immediately.  In Zeta reality, being “tied down” is a means of comfort and security.  Like swaddling a baby to comfort them.

Humans taken on a regular basis over the years, by the Zeta’s took small amounts of human blood.  The Pleiadians and Arcturians stepped in and taught the Zetas how to solve their genetic problems they hadn’t solved yet.  After that the human may or may not remember being abducted and when they did, they were not too frightened.

Galactics and all high resonating entities NEVER abduct anyone you are NEVER taken on a Starship without your conscious permission.  There are many “fictional” movies, TV shows and the old “X Files” series that have many truths hidden within their storylines.  As in the bible there are many truths you need to “ferret out” which means to search for the truth and bring it into the light. This expression dates back to the 1500s, when ferrets were commonly used to hunt rabbits.

The United States and most humans are NO longer in communication with the Zetas. Some Zetas still remain close to Gaia, to protect Her now, not to harm her or her humans.  Their own planet had been greatly harmed, and they don’t want that to happen again to us. 

Zeta Reticuli I – has a gray race, which is 3 to 5 foot tall, with 4 fingers on each hand and cloven feet. The Grey’s basic emotions are anger, fear, confusion and surprise, like SO many humans, and they were insensitive to the fear they inflicted on their human subjects, just as all predators and those in denial are.  They wear gray spacesuits with large black sunglasses to protect their eyes and body. 

Draconian Reptilians created the Grey’s, they are soulless workers for whatever group has purchased or owns them as Zeta Reticuli I and II, and Sirius A, have done to monitor humans.  This is why petroglyphs found in America, Egypt, Mexico, Peru, Bolivia and Columbia have drawings of Grey Aliens. 

Draconian Reptilians are a society that has always used psychological warfare and had advanced technology.  They have psychologically controlled humanity in the same manner as they have life on Venus, Saturn, Jupiter and Mars with their many fears, trauma based programming, chemtrails with mites, molds, viruses and man made plastics.  Our water, air and food supply are polluted and toxic with GMO food, nanoparticles and Glyphosate that enter and change human DNA structure.  These toxicities in our intestines destroy our Microbiome which creates leaky gut and when large particles from the intestines get into the body, that triggers the immune response, which causes inflammation and all the various autoimmune diseases.

Zeta Reticuli II has 3 foot tall Zetas with 3 fingers on each hand and no toes on their feet; they are very thin and delicate. They are hooked up to a computer, and are (AI) artificial intelligence.