DENYING Your Own Bodily NEEDS and WANTS Training The trick to success in creating confusion, doubt and denial, is convincing someone that what they perceive as truth is WRONG. Convincing them they are stupid, and don’t understand anything along with being worthless, is also very helpful. Once you instal your agenda or program you can maintain it for as long as you can control their environment. This is the same principle used by the abusive spouse or parent or leader. They demand secrets be kept and ISOLATE their significant other or their child or children or their following.
The Illuminati are the MASTERS at creating CONFUSION, doubt and denial. They like employing opposites – black is white and up is down. They will even duplicate rituals to convince the slaves that they IMAGINED what they THINK they saw and experienced. EVEN when there is physical evidence of what truly happened. Ritual one will have blood sacrifice and all that cool stuff. Ritual two will be duplicated in the same spot and time of day, but will be more like a picnic with a bonfire. They will be told only ritual two happened.
The following is ONLY the first two steps in their:
STEPS of DISCIPLINE Programming, which happens to ALL generational Illuminati children after their Fetal Trauma Programs, Woodpecker Grid Cages for babies and Daytime Abandonment Programming for infants. Also programmed and included in the steps of discipline programs are all the infants they illegally obtain through their various covert activities and organizations.
Steps of Discipline are used to reinforce and strengthen the ability of the slave too rapidly dissociate, doubt and deny ALL of their perceptions of what their mind and body perceives to be true. Trained to deny the messages from their own body, and what it needs and wants: like food, water, safety, trust, comfort and support. The child consciously FORGETS being programmed this way, because it is traumatic, creates PTSD and dissociative identity disorder. The end result is UNCONSCIOUS loyalty to the bully and tyrant that RESCUED them. Their local and worldwide Illuminati Family network.
Generally, all these experiences are NOT consciously recalled.
1st step is NOT to NEED
The toddler is placed in a training room without any sensory stimulus with gray, white, or beige walls and left alone for hours or all day. If the child begs the adult to stay or screams, the child is beaten and told the periods of isolation will increase until they learn to stop being WEAK. The child is often found rocking itself or hugging itself in a corner occasionally CATATONIC from fear. Then at the end of the day the trainer RESCUES the child giving food, drink and bonding.
The predator becomes the SAVIOR and tells the child THE FAMILY told the trainer to rescue the child because the family loves them.
THE ADULT child of this training learned to shut down massages from their own biology and lost the ability to believe what the self thought was true. They are generally not aware of THEIR own hunger, stress or need for rest or comfort from others for their entire life. They do not trust their senses or other people. Free floating fear, anxiety and panic attacks are common for these individuals.
2nd step is NOT to WANT
Similar to the first step and gets reinforced the next few years. The adult trainer, enters the room with a large pitcher of ice water and food. If the child asks for either as the adult is eating and drinking in front of the child, he or she is SEVERELY punished for being WEAK and NEEDY. The child learns to shut down awareness of their bodily needs and wants. They move into doubt, confusion and denial about their own perceptions, needs and who or what they are.
THE ADULT child of this training has learned they are not worthy of being treated in a compassionate loving way. When someone tries to help them, their response is, “I don’t need any help.” “I am OK.” “I’d rather do it alone.”
The toddler has more control over their environment than the infant does so that increases the child’s options for ways to get what they want and need. They VENT their anger and frustration by stealing or telling lies or pretty stories, which is encouraged and supported by the family. BUT they are never allowed to BLAME anyone, except the SELF for the situations they are in and the feelings they have. Sexual stimulation, acting in and out sexually and self abuse is encouraged to release the slaves anger, hate anxiety, fear or stress.
Immediate gratification is all they trust and have faith in. When there is an opportunity to binge on something, they do. When they can destroy something someone else might enjoy they do. Guilt over sneaking, destroying and stealing can create purging or hoarding. They fear lack. In our leaders it is stealing and hoarding other people’s money, goods and services. They feel ENTITLED to verbally, physically, mentally or sexually abuse and torment anyone they can when they can get away with it.
3rd step is NOT to WISH – The child is placed in a room with their favorite toys or objects. A KIND adult trainer comes into the room plays with the child. They engage in fantasy play about the child’s secret wishes or dreams to develop TRUST in the lonely isolated child. Later the child is severely punished for any aspect of wishing or fantasy shared with the same adult trainer and the destruction of the child’s favorite toys or ANY illusion of trust and safety the child may have left. This step is repeated often with many variations.
THE ADULT child believes the illuminati family knows all its thoughts and their fear increases. They have learned the pain will stop when they please their trainers and handlers. Survival and avoiding excessive torture going forward, is the the adult’s goal in life. All hope of creating and enjoyment is gone. Feeling trapped and powerless, they strive to please or take revenge on the smaller and defenseless ones.
4th step is SURVIVAL of the FITTEST and starts at age 2 to create predator alternate personalities / alters in the child. ALL cult members are expected to be good predators. An adult trainer and two children the same age are together.
Child A, is severely beaten for long periods of time by the trainer. Then child A is told to hit child B, or they will be beaten further. If child A refuses to hit child B or cries or tries to hit the trainer instead, child A’s beating continues. Then both children then get punished. This is repeated until child A finally complies and beats child B.
THE ADULT child has learned this is NORMAL healthy behavior and what the family wants. This reinforces the victim predator confused innocent dark cycle or survival of the fittest that has dominated the earth the past 13 thousand years.
5th step is the CODE of SILENCE – As a child becomes more verbal and after a ritual or group gathering, the child is asked about what they saw or heard during the meeting. They tell what they saw and get severely beaten or TORTURED creating new ALTERS. The child is to guard the memories of what was seen on pain of death. Setups, role-playing and double binds go on endlessly to reinforce this lesson.
THE ADULT child has learned they are always being “set up.” The puzzling part for them is that they never REMEMBER for what, because they never remember all the “steps of discipline” they have experienced. There is no escape or anyway out. The dissociation and compulsive sexual acting out or in, to distract themself, comes naturally as it has been trained into them. Punish the self and or act out or in, sexually.
Because of the endless dissociating, events in their life do not have a “cause and effect”beginning, middle or end. There are only a lot of small pieces not connected to anything else in their awareness. There is no flow or pattern to “what they remember.” It is easier to move into dissociation, respond robotically and unconsciously and enjoy the perks.
6th step is BETRAYAL and TWINNING which starts in infancy with more betrayals than you can imagine and is formalized at ages 6-7 years continuing on into adulthood. This particular betrayal “set up” is placing a 6 year old child in a situations where a kindly adult trainer rescues the child several times to gain the child’s trust. Then when the child turns to the adult for help when needed. The same adult MOCKS the child and makes fun of them, betraying the child’s trust and sense of safety with another human, confusing the child’s concept of what is true and real.
“TWINNING set ups,” CREATE twin bonds in children that are NOT twins. The child is allowed to play with and become close to another child in the cult from earliest childhood. The child is told that the other child is actually their “twin” and they were separated at birth. It is a great SECRET and they are not allowed to tell anyone.
Cult children are exceedingly lonely and isolated and are overjoyed to have a friend to do everything or anything with. Later on, they will be FORCED to hurt each other. If one “twin” is considered expendable, its twin will need to kill him or her. When one twin refuses to kill, hit or hurt the other they will be brutalized by the adult trainer. The twin refusing to beat “its twin” will be told that the child was hurt because of their refusal to comply.
THE ADULT child in the Illuminati has learned NOT to trust or feel safe with their family or anyone else for that matter. Never trust other people, they will ALWAYS turn on you. Asking for help means getting “set up” once again. They are angry and feel powerless so when they get a chance to vent or torment another they do and do not realize why! The easiest mark will be their own children with the Illuminati’s family blessing. If they become a leader of a group, country, family, religion, or worlds they vent on them for no logical reason under the Illuminist family directions and blessings.
“REMEMBER, It’s NOT your fault.”
Older siblings “train” and become the handlers of their younger siblings and the nieces and nephews. They are encouraged to “train“ and “handle” each other. Especially the girls into sexual and physical abuse “training” continuously from childhood on. Females are not regarded as having much value and the parents do not protect their children, especially not the females.
If one remembers the abuses they experienced as children they also RUN the RISK of remembering the children they were NOT forced to abuse but chose to willingly abuse because they were trained to do that and feel entitled to vent on the smaller and weaker ones. To relieve and relive their anger, sexual tension, frustration, feelings of hopelessness or as a distraction from the many wounds they do not know how to address and generally do not remember and who would believe them if they did remember? Without being horrified and then call them liars, crazy or trouble makers? Then there is always “blaming the victim.”
Illuminati trainers always installs suicide programs and programs to report yourself to them, when you “tell THEIR secrets.” There are also various programs installed to make the slave punish the self, when you betray them.
Adults and children of these “child rearing practices” are generally a bit strange, dysfunction and suffer from Free Floating Anxiety, DID Dissociative Identity Disorder, PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Alternate Personalities, Alters or Multiple Personality Disorder, MPD, and they CANNOT figure out why.
Generally, these experiences are NOT consciously recalled.