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Sirians have been present in various colonies on Earth for millions of years.  These were fourth dimensional realities until the middle of Atlantis which gradually turned into 3D physicality and the 3D/4D cycle of death / birth and forgetting previous incarnations because the infinite soul essence came to believe it was it’s container.  Trapped in a biology and slowly lost its higher resonating skills, wisdom and awareness.  What you think and resonate with, you manifest!

Sirians from Sirius B, Reptilians from Draco and the Bellatricians all had the same state of consciousness and resonance which was destructive and antagonistic with each other for hundreds of years.  They lied, broke contracts and agreements with each other.  Recently, a small percentage of them have moved into 5D and beyond with some humans.

FIGHTING in lower 4D then and now, is only tactical, as in chess or video games with avatars or Dungeons and Dragons, because nothing is physical so it can’t die and wounds are only temporary setbacks.  We just ended the “Energy Wars” of Dark vs Light in Earth’s 4D and Light won. Gaia no longer has a lower 4D and those destructive and antagonistic gray souls without biology have already been taken off planet to another lower 4D reality to continue manifesting  their beliefs and perceptions of their reality.

When a physical biology dies the astral body of quantum particles or the soul is infinite, which is why you can always remain in contact with a soul that has a body or no biology.

To exit the 3D/4D cycle or feedback loop lacking compassion to move into a higher frequency, consciously own your self destructive logic, addictions and distractions.  Forgive you and have compassion for you, WITHOUT judgment, blame, shame, guilt, competition or punishment.

SIRIUS B Sirians, Dinosaurs and BELLATRICIAN Hybrids

Dinosaurs were the first to inhabit physical earth.  Bellatricians, a dinosaurian / reptilian hybrid migrated to Earth roughly 25 million years ago from the constellation Sagittarius that surrounds the constellation of Orion, which were reptilians.  The hot, gaseous environment on Earth at that time, suited their reptilian natures.   

Bellatricians have a luminous, scaly, multicolored skin similar in design to a crocodile’s scales, with green and yellow colors dominating.  A large bony crest surrounds the top of the head moving  down the spine ending in a short tail.  The large protruding eyes are red or dull yellow.  Thin arms and hands, have six long clawed fingers.  Feet with five toes and small sharp claws.  Males are 8-10 feet / 2.44 to 3 meters, females are 8.5 to 10.25 feet / 2.6 to 3.12 meters.  They sleep 5 to 8 hours.  The language is coarse and guttural with deep growling and hissing noises.  Scout crafts look like dew drops or beetles 100 to 400 feet 30.5 to 122 meters long.  Mother ships range from 1 to 400 miles (1.6 to 640 Kilometers) long shaped like a large tadpoles.


When the Andromedans visited Earth to set up research stations to study flora and fauna around and within the inner Earth the Sirians welcomed them.  Some of the Andromedan genetic experiments with plants were used to aid the Sirian’s in creating a more durable Sirian biology.  There was some genetic manipulation of the Earth human DNA also.

Some Sirians were once biological space ships, which looked like our whales. The crew members were two legged.  To enter Earth’s atmosphere they lowered their vibration to the lower fourth dimension / dark bandwidth and consequently LOST their inter-galactic powers, some wisdom and compassion.

Some survived in the earth’s ocean because it was similar to outer space and their watery world on Sirius. The Sirian biological ships quickly adapted to navigating earth’s oceans. It was not only the love of the sea that made them decide to stay in the ocean; they didn’t want to be a part of the bloodshed that happened on land.  The few crew members that survived living on land were Viper Warriors, conquerors feared by many. 

Sirians used their database of the few surviving crew members to create Sirian / human hybrid internal organs.  The hybrid was serpentine and / or dragon in form, which is how they looked in their home world of Sirius B’s thick atmosphere, like liquid air.  Movement through the atmosphere was like a snake swimming in water.  The males were 9-10 feet and the females were 6-8 feet.  The elders that moved into higher consciousness and the quantum field were androgynous, 11-12 feet tall in the shape of a dragon.  Sprouting arms and legs when they chose to.  The elders had the ability to travel in hyperspace.

On Sirius B there are humanoids with red, beige and black-skin, they are close to 4 foot tall and squat.  In the galaxy they are known as the philosophers and influenced Lao Tzu’s philosophy advocating naturalness, spontaneity and freedom from social conventions and desires.  Sirian’s had a strong influence in earth’s Ancient Egypt.

Some from Sirius B, not aligned with quantum laws, advocate “political thought control” which is the same belief system the Illuminati has on earth. Using the same trauma based programming methods on all children as they do in the Orion and Draco systems.

Sirius B Sirians are merchants to the universe selling and trading technology.  

To get the Montauk technology the United States government gave these Sirians permission to access and experiment on any citizen they wanted to.  The Israeli government made agreements with them to perform genetic experiments on their citizens to create Vegans, a Grey race that has two hearts, is gentle, friendly, unemotional, physically strong and intelligent.  They perform menial tasks and experiments for the Israeli government.  

Syrians and Antarians aren’t here tohelpus raise our consciousness.  They straddled the line of dark / light and altered our multidimensional DNA.


Some Lyran women, and children, called Katayy, that escaped the Orion Wars, settled on Sirius A.  They are builders, artists musicians and value nature.  Their government is based on spiritual technologies using sound, light and color.  Currently scientists from Sirius A are assisting earth in building ecological systems to promote bio-diversity for human evolution. and altering the bio-magnetic energy grid of earth. 

Sirius A has many humanoid races, some are red-skinned, 7 to 8 foot tall and slender. The animal races include Felines, mammals and aquatic animals.  Earth’s whales, dolphins and octopus originated in Sirius and are telepathic.  Octopuses are intelligent beings that easily multi-task, controlling four of their arms as easily as we control one.  They do not need their eyes but it gives something for others to focus on.  There is no visible mouth or nose they breathe in and out through their skin like many entities do. 


Is being terra formed or “earth-formed” or planetary engineered to support terrain organisms.  This is the process of deliberately modifying the atmosphere, temperature and ecology of a planet to support life.

Humans with Sirian DNA may be having memories or dreams coming up into their awareness to heal after they have healed their human lives on earth, then they heal extra-terrestrial lives and inter-planetary galactic life experiences.

SIRIANS are from SIRIUS A, B and C, the brightest star in the sky south of the celestial equator in the constellation Canis Major.  This is a binary star system, which is a system of two stars in which one star revolves around the other or both revolve around a common center.  Canis Major has a dim star companion that is called a white dwarf or dog star.