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Fighting, war or resistance is a lose-lose feedback loop or cycle.

What you resist persists.  “Tit for tat” can continue endlessly.  The opposition or your prey doubles down or runs away.  Trying to make something happen is you creating resistance, forceful energy not aligned with the cosmic flow.

Accept you and your environment exactly as it actually IS.  That is the starting point, you owning what is true.  When you choose to change something in you, an event or habit or interaction it is best to create a new thought or action or pattern that makes the existing version, pattern, way of reacting or interacting obsolete.  Create a new small or large template for yourself to operate with.  Experience what you decide to change by adding compassion and moving into a higher vibrator level or frequency.

TRANSMUTATION is changing your perceptions and thought patterns into a higher frequency level of giving and receiving compassion and unconditional love.  The “How To Do That Guide” is alignment with quantum, universal or cosmic principles and laws.  Following these truths of wisdom, raises your consciousness out of a quarantined frequency of toxicity and into the quantum field of receive and give only compassion.

SPIRITUALITY is an intrinsic awareness and activity.

When you are intrinsically motivated, you engage in thoughts, sensations ans/or activities because you get personal joy and satisfaction from doing them.  Operating from our intrinsic self, we use our resourcefulness, perceptiveness, intelligence and creativity which reflects our self worth, why and how we value ourself.  An intrinsic relationship is a relationship that is an end in itself – its main purpose is to enjoy.

The biology acts like a “tattletale” when your emotions are denying your truth.  When one uses force, manipulation or illusion to seduce the self or another into secrets, denials or pressure, which are not nice, helpful or constructive. 

An Example:  I told me and anyone else that would listen, that I was helping others when I forced my beliefs on them.  Eventually I came to realize I was actually “setting them up to be taken advantage of”  from the group I belonged to.

Thinking and acting with integrity, honesty and compassion feels good.

Agendas of pleasing, self sacrifice or allowing others to decide for you feels 

uncomfortable in the body.  Intrinsic motivation comes from within, while extrinsic motivation arises from external factors like what we “should do” or “ought to do” or “supposed to do” and “got to have” or get.  When you are extrinsically motivated, you do something in order to gain an external reward or perk.  Extrinsic is when we try to regulate another or the self, event or thing to satisfy an agenda.

The human’s job is to NOTICE, choose and use the information that is always present and available.  Information is neutral, the human’s intent and agendas are not neutral.

Quantum Law of AWARENESS or CONSCIOUSNESS says YOU must consciously make your choices because you ARE held personally responsible for them.  What you create or ALLOW, that lacks compassion, you must release or transmute to remain in the higher vibration of the quantum field.

Bliss is moving into a higher brainwave state and frequency for a SHORT period to view the potentials available to you and the wisdom you had at one time.

Bliss is NOT enlightenment, spirituality or alignment with quantum laws and has nothing to do with ascension and transmutation of your perceptions.

Bliss can be experienced when you feel close and intimate with another in an environment of trust and safety that opens your electromagnetic energy field to each other creating a synergy of exchanging energy, sensations and thoughts.  Examples are enjoying nature, an activity of creating, sharing with a child or pet, new thoughts, having an orgasm, ecstasy or a near death experience.

Near Death Experiences may bring your consciousness into a higher brainwave state for a short period to remember what you knew the LAST time you resided in a higher brainwave state and higher consciousness of compassion.  BUT your higher self or the invisible realm may present a rather disagreeable lower state of consciousness to you.  The hope’s to “wake you up” into being the compassionate creator you really are.  To let you know, you are regressing and allowing others to create illusions of reality for you that are NOT truth.

Quantum Principle of PERPETUAL TRANSMUTATION says all sentient beings can change their resonance or state of consciousness continuously.

Regardless of the origin of a thought, feeling, emotion, healing, dysfunction or knowledge.  You CAN take ownership of any entangled entrainment of quanta to move it in another direction, reinforce it, redirect it or stop feeding it your focus, consciousness or energy to dissipate it.

Transmutation is one’s conscious movement into higher frequencies.  You ALONE have the power to change your low resonating thought patterns of negativity, sadness, anger, blame, righteous indignation, force, competition, shame, depression  and judgment into higher resonating thought patterns of compassion, forgiveness, acceptance and enthusiasm for and about you.

Law of Conservation of Energy.  The first law of thermodynamics, also known as Law of Conservation of Energy, states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed; energy can only be transferred or changed from one form to another.