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Withholding your acceptance, appreciation and value of YOU exactly as you are, because YOU have been sustaining a feedback loop of thoughts that blame, belittle, judge, shame and/or are punish you?  Currently an energy vortex on earth is strongly bringing into your awareness any SHAME you are holding for and/or about you to own and release, which will assist you in increasing your sense of self worth.

SHAME is you holding painful feelings of humiliation or distress about your judgement about a physical, mental or emotional aspect of you, which you want to hide.

Humans have been ashamed, embarrassed or guilty because of their actions, characteristics, or associations.  Consciously changing your perception of yourself and accepting you just as you are releases many incarnations of shame allowing you to move forward in new directions.

Quantum Principle of ENTHUSIASM says that new thoughts generate enjoyment and are ALWAYS showing up to challenge old beliefs and perceptions.  New thought come from within or most anyplace and are vibrational matches to your intent, thought and resonance.

It’s empowering to feel joy, curiosity and enthusiasm that open the heart chakra.  Yes, there are many others on the planet experiencing difficulty, trauma, war and death at this time, BUT you entraining with that low resonances feeds their hopelessness fear, depression and stagnation, which does not help or support THEM or you.  

Feeling SHAME, unworthy or incapable are feelings developed over multiple incarnations.  To avoid sensing those feelings and sensations humans move into denial, confusion, despair, keeping secrets and maintain powerlessness.  Quashing their enthusiasm.  And feeding inter-dimensional parasites that make us exhausted and entrained with dark thought patterns of self hate, abuse, shame and anger.

SHAME and guilt help you to deny your fears and anger about your perception of being trapped.  These low frequency thoughts and feelings nurture no one and alert Dark Ones that you are available to be to manipulated into their agendas of abuse and use.  For your mental health own what is true about you without any judgement or comparison to others. 

Everyone around you is exhausted and tired of PRETENDING things are true that are not.  Humanities pretenses, self deceptions, shame and denials are only a game people play to distract themself from what is true.  Exposing the real you and the truth means you have something solid to work and create with.

One example of pretend, is when you know full well, the “other one” does not like you or want to interact with you.  You try covertly or overtly to punish, torment, guilt, trick or force them a bit to maintain a connection with you.  Negative attention is still attention and drama, with YOUR illusion delusion that you can trick, control or force another to like you, and/or you are “willing to settle” for ACTIVELY disliking you.

Dark behaviors and neediness DOES amplify how the law of attraction works.  Lower consciousness begets, attracts and entrains with other lower consciousness.  Light Ones and compassionate ones walk away allowing lower consciousness and Dark Ones their path without interference even when it is a parent, sibling or significant other.

Another example is you want someone to have compassion for the person you WANT to be.  But you don’t have compassion for you.  How can you pull that deception off?  How do you convince another YOU are compassionate when you are NOT being compassionate with you or them?  Apparently you still do not understand what self care, strong boundaries and self acceptance is all about.  

If they fall for your deception, all that would prove is that you have attracted and entrained with a lower consciousness matching your’s. 

The quantum law of entrainment homogenizes and holds LIKE vibrations and intentions together, their consciousness, intent, customs, ideas and values.  We attract and entrain with what we ACTUALLY project out vibrationally.  No matter how pretty the frock you wear is or the size and strength of your muscles.

Self pity creates, attracts and entrains with more self pity.

WANTING something, ANYTHING from another makes you engaged and entrained with them in the same resonance.  A feedback loop of what you want AND their resistance to your neediness is a fun game of denial, avoidance and distraction!  “Your prey” sensing your desperate energy field or vibration and THEY just may enjoy the game of resisting it and/or PLAYING you.  

Quantum Principle of CORRESPONDENCE:  As above, so below, as within, so without.  The quantum field and its laws of physics are everywhere, BUT act differently as quanta spin slows, it collects matter, solidifying.

“Correspondences” are similar or equivalent BUT not exactly the same.  The instant a thing becomes physical all manner of “limits” exist on it.  3D/4D is very limited because thought patterns and intentions of lower consciousness LACK compassion and always carry an agenda to trick, deceive, judge, force, control and/or punish.