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   mass consciousness is no longer bound to a particular planet or solar system. Their reality resides in the outer rings of the quantum field or on their Mother ship that is as big as a planet.  Arcturian consciousness is always available to assist anyone who desires it, as they are in service to others.  Their consciousness takes on any form that makes those they serve most comfortable.  

Their areas of expertise is teaching the process of ascension or transmutation of thought patterns into compassion for the self and others.  Their consciousness generally resonates from the seventh to the twelfth dimensional vibration.  Many humans commune with Arcturian energy and information just as Edgar Cayce did and Suzanne Lie does. 

The Arcturian Corridor is a huge frequency net encircling Gaia to keep new Dark Ones from entering the planet’s consciousness.  We only have the Dark One’s that are already here to deal with.  In 2022 the lower resonating ones are being moved.  Arcturians are an integral part of earth’s history sharing their multidimensional DNA to enter the forms or biology that evolved and existed on earth.  Just as the Pleiadians, Sirians, Dracos, Bellatrician Octurians, Orions numbering up around 22 different multidimensional DNA donors. 

Arcturian timekeepers installed the original galactic calendar or cycle for earth so it would be in sync with the galaxy or quantum energy flows and cycles, which facilities and supports peace, calm, compassion and enjoyment.  BUT during the time of LEMURIA the reptilians from Draco installed their timekeepers supporting fear hard work and slavery.  Dark Pleiadians modified the galactic calendar again during Atlantis.

Draco’s and Dark Pleiadian’s multidimensional DNA continuously modified human biology genetically, NOT THE SOUL.  The soul modified itself as it tried to force, control and abuse each other for personal gain and greed.  The illuminist successful agenda was to disconnect the biology from the soul’s wisdom support and compassion by making the human think the soul was “the devil” something to be feared and not trusted.  Fear in the human lowers the biology and the souls resonance out of the range of the light bandwidth and into the dark bandwidth run on a hierarchy of misusing power and fear.  Making it very difficult or impossible to sense guidance compassion and support from higher resonating energies.


An Arcturian spacecraft crashed on earth by accident and another Arcturian group came looking for the first group.  Both groups stayed to help build the original ROMAN EMPIRE.  Arcturus was worshiped in Nile temples, and the “Temple of Venus” at Ancona in Italy.  In the 13th century India, Arcturus was named “Svati” meaning “the Good Goer” and an early Arabic name for Arcturus was, “Al Haris Al Sama,” the “Keeper of Heaven.” 

Arcturians were accepted into the Galactic Federation approximately 3.75 million years ago as The Arcturian Confederation. The Arcturian group mind or mass consciousness provides strategic advice in transforming planetary systems and coordinating relationships with the many different extraterrestrials and aliens that help. They assist in diplomatically integrating global finance, governments and cultural systems using compassionate conflict resolution.  Throughout this galaxy they are well know as healers.

Arcturus has many different planets and many different realities.  It was formed about ten  billion years ago, in the halo of the Milky Way, prior to when Earth’s Sun was formed.  Making Arcturus about twice as old as Earth’s solar system and the oldest object easily visible to the naked eye.  From the northern hemisphere, Arcturus is visible in the evening from about March to early summer. Arcturus is a giant with a diameter about 18 times greater than Earth’s Sun, with four times the Sun’s mass and a surface temperature that is about 1500 degrees lower, but its much greater surface area results in an outpouring of energy at a rate that makes it 105 times as luminous as Earth’s Sun.

The handle of the big dipper points to the bright star of Arcturus.  A red orange supergiant star located 36.7 light years from Earth in the Bootes constellation.  The fourth brightest star in our sky outshone only by Sirius, Canopus and Centauri.  Arcturus is in the last stages of its life, a precursor to a super-nova, neutron star, and then a black hole. 

ARCTURIAN Mass Consciousness had taken a horse-like mammalian form, 7 to 8 feet tall with slender neck and a stylized horse’s head with a mane on the neck and head.  Skin ranged in color from tan to dark brown.  The hand had 4 long extremely thin flexible fingers, eyes pale blue or dark brown and ears smaller and more rounded than a horse ear. 

Another group of Arcturians were 3 to 4 feet tall, generally slim with a greenish hue to their skin with pronounced, almond shaped eyes, speaking a tonal language that sounds similar to Chinese or Vietnamese.  They ate small quantities of vegetables, fruits and grasses unique to their planet and drank an effervescent liquid that nourished them and sustained life.  They slept a few hours a day and glided instead of physically walking.  They took sonic sound wave, showers and moved objects mentally. 

They were telepathic with their hearing transcending their telepathy.  They lived approximately 1,000 years.  Reproduction consisted of a mind link of female and male energy perfectly balanced to create an energy clone.  Only the wisest were allowed to give birth and care for children, violet was the predominant color in their auras.  The new life form is taken to a special room emanating the proper vibration until the being was ready for integration into a family unit. 

ARCTURIAN STARSHIPS are collective sentient entities.  Individual members form its group mind by joining into one thought form.  The entire “ship” is a large organic sentient computer and some of the most advanced in the galaxy.  We have not been attacked on earth by extraterrestrial because most civilizations fear Arcturian starships which have been protecting the Earth of late.

The Ship reads visitors thoughts and feelings.  Arcturian ships exist in the upper 4th to the 8th dimension or resonance so they can commune with humanity.  No starships are needed above the sixth dimension because you travel “psychically” when you focus your thought or consciousness on who you want to interact with.  You need to be in higher brainwave states to enter the ship.  The first stop is the Restoration Chamber to heal YOUR physical, mental and emotional imbalances.  Crew members use the Restoration Chamber also to rebalance themselves.